Rap Rat
Rap Rat, (Birthname Ratso) also known as Aparat is an American-Australian rodent, rocker, rapper, demon, and gangsta, born in 1975. Ratso was initially a character in the cheapquels to the Disney documentary The Brave Little Toaster, but he later left to follow his dreams of becoming a rapper. After a time travel accident left him trapped on the Titanic, he encountered a mice community and a rapping dog. After freeing the rodents from the rapping dog, Ratso helped the mice take over the humans, and then they travelled to Australia. In the mid-1980s, Ratso was convinced by Buu and Cell to fuse with the notorious face in Luna Park, Sydney, and transformed into Rap Rat. He then became very notorious around the world as a controversal Rap metal and Black metal gangsta known for his controversial gangsta anthems. He later tried to cash in on his success by making an interactive video board game with A Couple A' Cowboys, the same company known for Nightmare. The creators of the game were apalled by his personality, and sealed him in the tapes. To this day, Rap Rat and his board game became the subject of a creepypasta documenting an anonymous young boy's experience with him, as well as showing up in many internet videos. However, Rap Rat himself and his musical career didn't experience a resurge in popularity until he was accidentally unleashed by Toaster, Lampy, Kirby, Radio, and Blanky.
Early Life[edit | edit source]
Not much is known about Ratso's early life. What is known is that he helped Toaster and friends save a bunch of animals from PETA, and then they saved Rob's son Robbie from a bunch of anarchist appliances on Mars. Ratso first expressed his interest in rap music when he criticized Radio's choice of music, and said, "How 'bout some rap?"
Life on the Titanic[edit | edit source]
Eventually, Ratso ran away so that he could follow his dreams to become a rapper. Ratso met and befriended Snoop Dog, and they both decided to go to Los Angeles, only to end up in a time travel accident. They somehow ended up on the Titanic, where they met colonies of rodents. Two that Ratso befriended were Fievel Mousekewitz and Tony Toponi. Ratso also met a rapping dog. The dog ruled the mouse community with an iron fist. It took a good rap battle to defeat the dog. The mouse community congradulated him, and wanted him as their new leader, but Ratso instead insisted that they just take over the whole Titanic, and exile the humans. This effectively saved the Titanic, but some historians argue that the Titanic's death probably prevented the rise of the awful hip-hop genres that kicked rock n' roll out of the mainstream music scene in the 2010s. Ratso referred to this as a "Rap Rat revolution".
Around the mid to late 1980s, the Titanic arrived at Australia, where Ratso was encountered by Cell and Buu. They told him to go to the Luna Park in Sydney, Australia. When he got to Luna Park, he saw a giant, demented clown face that people walked into as the entrance. Ratso remarked on how Toaster once said he had a nightmare about a clown. He went up to touch the face, only to feel a strange electrical shock, which then felt good. A robotic, alien voice spoke to him, saying that he was recieving powers from God. In actuality, it was the Luna Park demon, Aparat, who was forcefully merging with Ratso and purging all good from his heart. Ratso then started morphing: he gained a crocodile-like snout, giant rat teeth used for feeding, and giant ears that could rival Mickey Mouse. Because of him fusing with the face, effectively removing the entrance, Luna Park was closed until 1995, when a new face was brought in.
Career, Controversy, and Board Game[edit | edit source]

After his transformation, Rap Rat made a name for himself by playing Satanic rap songs that glorified rape, torture, terrorism, and devil worship. His violent gangsta rap metal songs caused an outcry from parents, feminists, and even other Satanist groups, such as the LaVeyan Church, who were apalled at Rap Rat's evil lifestyle. Rap Rat also made a trend of killing unsuspecting Christians at his concerts.
Rap Rat, however, wasn't satisfied with his success, so he sought the creators of Nightmare, a Couple A' Cowboys, to make a game about him. The game had you go around the board, collecting cheese while he asks you to do various things such as lifting that peg. You would have to collect all of the eight cheese pieces before the cheese on the screen disappeared. Rap Rat insists that the cheese is being eaten, but there is no evidence to actually suggest this—the chomping sound is clearly fake. They made the game for him in two versions, British version and an American-Australian version. Rap Rat has come to hate British version because it hindered his rapping skills. A Couple A' Cowboys were so apalled at his personality that they sealed him in the VHS tapes. They lied and said that he followed in the footsteps of Jimmy Hoffa. Rap Rat's music soon declined in popularity as boy bands like Backstreet Boys took over. Rap Rat would be forgotten until the creepypasta about him came about 20 years later.
The Creepypasta and Resurgence in Popularity[edit | edit source]
Sealing Rap Rat in the tapes was a big mistake. An anonymous young boy's encounter with Rap Rat was documented in the creepypasta of the same name. The boy was forced to play Rap Rat's board game, and was terrified of the rat when he appeared on screen. When he begged him mom to turn off the game, Rap Rat immediately shouted at him to wait his turn, or else he would eat the boy's soul. Years later, the boy and his girlfriend rediscovered Rap Rat, and they threw out his tape. The creepypasta was wrong about Rap Rat's origins, but he can hardly be blamed—Rap Rat forcefully altered the history of the company A Couple A' Cowboys.
The tape the boy threw out was eventually found by Ratso's old friends, Toaster, Lampy, Kirby, Radio, and Blanky, who were unaware that Rap Rat was in fact Ratso. They accidentally released Rap Rat by breaking the tape, and he ate their souls, ending their existence for good. Rob's house was then put under investigation by the FBI. They couldn't find any evidence of Ratso being Rap Rat. Rap Rat later admitted that he was, in fact, Ratso, and that he used his occult powers to keep himself from being moved out of the timeline.
As soon as Rap Rat said this, the angry parents and feminists rerose to protest him, others stared in fear, and his loyal fans started living the Satanic gangsta life again. The B-52's, the dance-rock n' roll one hit wonder known for "Love Shack", and Sega sued Rap Rat, claiming that the Bs' song "Mesopotamia" and "Keep the Groovin'", a track from the Sega Genesis game, Streets of Rage, were both sampled in the board game's video background music without giving credit. Using his demon powers, Rap Rat not only won to lawsuit, but countersued them for all their money and won, leaving the B-52's to die of starvation in the streets, while Sega went bankrupt, ending Sonic the Hedgehog for good. Rap Rat eventually admitted he intentionally stole the songs, but just like what Vanilla Ice did to Queen and David Bowie, nobody but the fans cared.
Personality and Religious/Political Views[edit | edit source]
Rap Rat is a cruel, sadistic, sociopath Satanist, who loves causing people to suffer. He is also dedicated to anarcho-Nazism, also called Racially selective anarchy, which allows the supreme race to do what they wish with the lower races. Unlike many Nazis, Rap Rat believes in rodent supremacy, not white supremacy.
He is also an outspoken enemy of feminism, and has lobbied for the decriminalization of crimes against women. Even other sexist groups are disgusted by his views.
Other Facts[edit | edit source]
- If Rap Rat tells you to do something, you must do it, because he's Rap Rat, and he's the Boss!
- If you do as he says, he's the winner, and you lost.
- If you don't do as he says, he's also the winner, and you lost.
- The advertisement for his game says that he ain't no ghost, he's the most! While he is not undead, he is technically a ghost. He is, however, the most.
- Tom and Jerry Kids once featured Rap Rat as part of his cash grab on the episode, "Rap Rat is Where it's At". He hates this more than the British version of his game.