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sir i bring you a message from tristmaster, plz read it at the bottom.

אױ געװאַלט
Der usernik vill plotz zol zayn tuchas mit shpilkes, already!
אױ געװאַלט
This userbox is for people who know, if you wonder what they know, then you probably don't know.

typo-2 This usre si able to contriubte wuth a n inermideate level fo Tpyo
This ****ing ****er ****ing well speaks their ****ing mind all the g*******d time, ya j******.

Approved by the evil Oogle Company
Approved by Oogle.
This page has met the criteria of The Oogle Company.

Be careful, though. Oogle is evil...

Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Jason vorhees.jpg
This user is a serial killer, and they are standing right behind you!!
Jason vorhees.jpg
Ziminabearsuit.JPG Zim!

This user has a bear suit fetish.

This user has survived the wretched dark place we call The Abyss.
Tetris kick ass.png This user kicks butt at Tetяis: not that that's anything to be proud of.
610px-NGC Gamecube.jpg This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube as they broke their window with the Wii remote and can't afford another.
This user is against computer and video game censorship and regulation as they like porn and violence (though not always at the same time).
Guitar-22px.jpg This user plays guitar because it attracts more groupies, and gets more solos than the bass.
This is what happens to people who disagree with this user.
Nazi Swastika.svg
This user is a Ninjazi, with dominion over everything that goes "Sieg Heil".
Nazi Swastika.svg
You are dead.
<insert name here> has been killed by Snapple
this picture applys to all who disagree with me
This user is the sworn nemesis of [[User:{{{1}}}|{{{1}}}]].
Republic of Ireland
This user is Irish
…to be sure, to be sure.
(List of Irish Uncyclopedians)
Republic of Ireland
This user will give you a seizure.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user hates you and everyone you care about.
Nuvola apps important.svg
Hiding kitty.jpg
This user is a member of the Anti Kitten Huffing Movement.
Hiding kitty.jpg
This user had once seen Oscar Wilde in a crowd from a distance and knows all his works and quotes by heart.
This user is an ageless immortal, or so they like to think.
This user speaks 1337 at a near-native level.
LV-5 This user considers him/herself a professional gamer and so has the worlds highest scores but no job, money, friends or place to live.

Gefahrensymbol F.png
This user is a bit of a pyromaniac.
Gefahrensymbol F.png
Coffee sm.jpg
This user needs a steady supply of Caffeine. So hand it over . . . NOW.
(List of users who NEED caffeine)
Coffee sm.jpg
This user doesn't care.

This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over?

This user's IQ is over negative.
This user is right-handed.
In Latin, they would be Dexter.
You can help by paying for their Ritalin, or finding them a kitten to play with.
I am a metalhead; I wear offensive shirts, I headbang to really loud music. I have long hair, but am not a hippie.
No Wikipedia.png
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there.
No Wikipedia.png
Crazy clown.jpg
This user fears the clowns.
Crazy clown.jpg
Meow! Meow! Meow! Meow meow meow meow! MEOW!
Elmo pissed.jpg
This user was brought to you by the letters J, K and the number π.
Elmo pissed.jpg
Shyny ub.jpg
This user is easily distracted by anything shiny.
Shyny ub.jpg
This user is POOR,
has never passed GO,
and never collected $200.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
See? Look at them. They really like the llamas.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
No, seriously. That's them there, on the llama.
← See?
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Stop scrolling down, and admire the llama. It's much more interesting than the actual userpage, trust me.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
What, you don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself. Don't blame me when you die from lack of llama.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Whoa! You made it! Good job!
Have some llama love!!
Then go away.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user gots a shovel.
Yes they does.
This user believes Barney is evil, and therefore must die.
This user understands American sign language.
Oops no web copy.JPG
This user does not know how to shot web.
Oops no web copy.JPG
Do not underestimate the power of It. Underestimation of the power of It will kill you from the sheer power of It.
Head on.gif
HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn, apply directly to the forehead! HeadOn, available at Walgreens.
This user is one of His Noodleyness' very own chosen people.
Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
WARNING: this user knows Chuck Norris, and therefore must be either Mr. T, Chuck Norris, Oscar Wilde, or dead. Proceed with caution!!!
Neo Small.jpg
This user believes in the Matrixes and needs to seriously get in touch with the real world (It's actually Matrices)
This user is a drill sergeant and just loves to turn n00bs into real soldiers!
Pink Ninja Gang.jpg
This user is not a ninja because ninjas are gay.
Pink Ninja Gang.jpg

This user is a Sniper and has their rifle pointing at your head.
This user hates telephones. Probably due to the fact that the U.S. government is monitoring them.
This user supports the Communist Party of China, but only because because it's our last chance for global communist domination.
Zombie man.jpg
This user is a zombie. BARHAH!
Zombie man.jpg
Bloink1 solid.png
Mwa ha ha ha ha!
This user wants to drink your blood!
Gefahrensymbol F.png
This User is Highly Flammable. Avoid Contact While Naked or Scantly Clad!
Gefahrensymbol F.png
ABYSS x?,???
This user IS The Abyss.
ABYSS x?,???

User:Bloroninblorchspit/Userboxs/Invader Zim Fan

DIFF H This user plays Video Games on the highest difficulty available because they like to get the most out of their games and thinks you should too! Git Gud everyone!

This Uncyclopedian is happy to be 100% straight.
Knife.pngMah knife cut yo skeeeen!
Cazal "Legends" 163 Sunglasses.jpg
This user's future is so bright, they've gotta wear shades.
Cazal "Legends" 163 Sunglasses.jpg
This user has eye beams.

INTRODUCTION[edit | edit source]

This article is all about me, not u, not WINDOWS ME, not the knights who say ni, not ur pc, not bruce lee, not the letter "E", not peas, not the wii, not your keys, not your G, not flees, not dvds, not muhamed ali, not 23, not 33, not 43, not 53, not 63, not etc, not cheese, not wiwi, not psp, not ps3, not xbox360, not tea, not jet li, not money, not monkey, not pee, not 3, not_________ (insert word ending with the "e" sound here), just me. Snapple is, however, offering the chance for this page to be about YOU!!!! Thats right on every second tuesday of next week this article is about YOU!!! But until then, u should really consider leaving. C'mon now hop to it. Did u leave? Damn ur stubborn. O well i hope u brought peanut butter. U did? Good now i dont have to kill u. Now... That is unless it isn't crunchy peanut butter. Anyways thank u for ur peanut butter and enjoi ur stay!!

LIKES[edit | edit source]

  • Death
  • Pain
  • your mum
  • hahahahahahahaha
  • im ur real dad
  • think about that
  • i dont even love u
  • my own little attack grue
  • mess with me bitch!
  • video-games
  • oscar wilde
  • all kinds of metal
  • ultimate jesus
  • ultimate pirate
  • master hand
  • mario
  • communism
  • Hitler
  • Stalin
  • V.I. Lenin

DISLIKES[edit | edit source]

  • You
  • no rly get out of here
  • im watching u
  • ..................................
  • BOOOO!!!!
  • r u scared?
  • u should be!!
  • soviet russia
  • eurgs
  • anti-grues
  • grues
  • pokemon
  • stalkers
  • sexual harassment
  • mongo pushers
  • n00bs
  • (mainly you u little n00blet)
  • piano
  • country music
  • George W. Bush
  • George Dubya Bush
  • Windows ME
  • Windows 95
  • Kitten Huffers

BIOGRAPHY[edit | edit source]

(3rd person talkin is teh bestest) snapple was born in a frozen waste land known as new york. He, like many others, has grown

to hate the winters (and most of life for that matter). snapple currently resides to the left of the end of the world.

QUOTES[edit | edit source]

“All ur base is belongs to ME

~ Snapple on communism


~ Snapple on Snapple

“I really don't understand the Washington Memorial, it's more like a tribute to Bill Clinton...”

~ Snapple on Washington Memorial


~ Bill Clinton on comment above

“Didn't i see this in The Titanic?”

~ Snapple on Open Water

“Just another reason why the mentaly insane should not have computer privalages.”

~ Oscar Wilde on Snapple

Come to the darkside.JPG Communist.jpg

hello snapple, im here to tell you that all your base belong to us. but in more important news, i have my nintendo 64 back. how, you may ask, well lets just say i "liberated" it. anyway i must ask you for an intruiging visit to my home of all homes, becouse then we can play glover and chat over tea and cookies.(remember the little round bad guys?) probably shouldan't have mentioned that last part, regardless i have decided for a visit, although when is in question. we will have to discuss that at a later time and place. but for now i'm staying home from school on an illness.

                            -Tristmaster, the great and powerful owner(no not THE owner)