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My... um... "guest book" for you to sign?
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243 times.
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Error: [[:File:Cajek.jpg]] does not exist.

“That Cajek fellow removed my custom quote from his page. Bastard.”

"Me too."

~ Shibe

User:Strechable Scrotum‎; 12:08 . . (+25) . . Strechable Scrotum (Talk | contribs | block) (I am Joe SheA; changed to new name so people can't figure out who I am. ) By Joe SheA/Strechable Scrotum

(try another)

Unnews taxes.jpg
“Intestinal parasites CAN'T be claimed as dependents on your federal income tax return.” {{DYKdb}}

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  • 20:30, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!" ‎ (Oh God, first the nigger vandal returns, and then you're ugly ass shows up again to "torment" us with your worthless crap. You need to kill yourself as well.)
  • 20:31, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "Talk:UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!" ‎ (No, really. Tie a noose, put it around your head, hang yourself. Simple.)
  • 20:32, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) protected "UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!" [create=sysop] (indefinite) ‎ (Yeah, yeah, we know already, you little crybaby. What did we ever do to you? Oh, wait, all you can do is cry and moan and make pages with periods and then blank them. Speech is beyond you, I guess.)
  • 20:33, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) protected "Talk:UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!" [create=sysop] (indefinite) ‎ (And I've never been more serious about this whole suicide thing. I've been reluctant to tell you people to do so in the past, but I really don't care anymore. It's not like you're really going to do it. I'm sure you're having a blast doing this every day.)
  • 20:37, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "Talk:UNNEWS SUCKS!" ‎ (I'm sure you're not as much of a lower life form as I think you are. You just love doing this, knowing how much it irritates us. Me especially, as I'm the only one willing to type out messages this long in response.)
  • 20:40, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!!" ‎ (I wonder what else you'll come up with. Are you just going to keep adding exclamation points? You must be one of the angriest people on the planet or something. You're worse than Idi Amin and God combined.)
  • 20:40, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "Talk:UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!!" ‎ (And I'm sure shit like this has been done before. Originality certainly is dead. I mean, can you get any lamer?)
  • 20:42, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!" ‎ (But really now, what if nobody deleted this shit? What if we let you and the nigger vandal just do what you always do? Would you assimilate the website so it's all the same shit? OH! What if you two got into a conflict?! That would be comedy bronze!)
  • 20:43, 16 May 2009 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) huffed "Talk:UNCYCLOPEDIA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!" ‎ (God, just imagine you two going at it, two little twats who think they're the rebellious type going at it, with.....with......oh man....)

~ Special:log





What? No, I don't think I've got anything on my head. Why would you question that oh god get it off GET IT AAAAAA

User:Cajek/Unsignpost Ballcradle.jpg

Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
17 years, 8 months and 27 days.


The UnSignpost: Best before Friday![edit | edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:00, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost: December 1st, 2011[edit | edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 05:01, December 1, 2011 (UTC)