Indonesia's Next Top Model
“A body of 16-18 random girls that wanna be on top like House of Lords.”
The Indonesia's Next Top Model (INTM) is a modeling competition in Indonesia created by Microsoft and written in .NET language. It is created to cater the so-called commoners that wanna improve their codes (read: poses), but the challenges are still not up to par to what public at Facebook is expecting, although it improves word by word (4 bytes).
According to Satya Nadella, INTM is a hybrid of House of Commons and GitHub code review.
Act 1[edit | edit source]
The Story of Audrey[edit | edit source]

The beginning of INTM was marked by a youngest girl named Audrey. She was born from a rich Tory MP.
She was beautiful, and so her codes. Once upon a round, Bill Gates and Luna Maya instructed her and other girls to dive in the pool
and find the crystal ball for UCL. As she swam, she had eye difficulties which forced her to invoke
syscall. Fortunately, the syscall was deferred until she went to Nasdaq when she was really cut so that she didn't
make through family photoshoot with a child version of Luna. That was not bad, though, since the true mom model was traded off
for more incompetent but low-accuracy and luckful Fish.
The Norwegian Girl[edit | edit source]
There was also a Norwegian import girl from Bali named Ilene. She practiced the art of punch and strike words like Winston Churchill. Yet in front of reviewers, she kept calm addressing requested changes. She had also developed eating disorder because she liked counting weight numbers too much, as much as counting beans.
Act 2[edit | edit source]
The Fairy Portuguese[edit | edit source]
Our netizens spotted that there was a senior fairy girl, hailed from Portugal, named Faradina. She looked like your average kernel eveloper, but some week she got on top when she was given a Barbie doll and making a teaser video. Soon after that, when she had to dance Ballet, she played stiff, wooden-style body; to the point that she jumped to the bottom along with a Greek. The division is deferred though, until when she had to play with Chicken McNuggets. There, she had low-energy and performance so that she was cut from casting for a trending music video. As a replacement, she was given a contemporary art shoot featuring Anonymous dancers. Imperfect though, but at least she got the artistic job done unless majority of MPs and public opinion wanted her to join the MV bandwagon.
When the third act was released (more on this later), some people (including Your mom still thought that this program is her show, although the contested girls were completely different.
Tragedy of the Models[edit | edit source]
“Order, order! Rate-limit these stupid comments!”
“From the comments there, I think the noes really have them. Unlock!”
The remaining 6 models have to make a date in a rain with a random handsome guy. Due to so-called Balance of Performance, Bill Gates, Luna Maya, and other panelists had a hard time to coin toss. Where Luna had to choose between pacific black or beautiful white, she chose the former; sparkling mock up from Audi and another exotic girl. Soon the latest Instagram post from these bullies are flooded with heated comments from opposition Nazis and pro-Charles DeGaulle parties, to the point that the Commons speaker John Bercow have to hire Stack Overflow moderators to help Instagram admins. As a result, this is now known as Tragedy of the Models.
A year later, everything was fine that Microsoft hired these keyfigures to a project called ILOOK.
Act 3[edit | edit source]
With the increasing popularity of INTM, Heidi Klum tried to confuse YouTube and TikTok by sending in Trixi Giese and Nathalie Volk (aka Miranda DiGrande) to convince Indonesians that they are from Germany's Next Top Model instead. Yet, Google and our netizens showed the counter by having two name twins as INTM candidates of this act.
To further spice up the confusion, some netizens compared the photoshoot results to the ones produced by people behind the same acronym but not the same GNTM. Yet in some cases, they instead took Heidi's bigger collection for it starts earlier than Pythagoras's era.
Actually in the purple chamber[edit | edit source]
On the beginning, instead of directly entering the chamber, 18 selected girls had to make a runway in a pool while not being able to swim. A Dutch-Italian named Lea Michele became an idiot for not following the order. Regardless, there was Coco Chanel who became private secretary for John Major.
Then, they had to do Rhythmic gymnastics while Olivia Rodrigo was struggling with her ribbons. The first shock was when Trixi (yes from GNTM) had to help Christina O'Connell but Bill Gates insisted that Christy had to lead instead. Then, in the second reading, Trixi looked like dumb terminal, which led to her cut.
On the next week, a girl had to withdrawn for Mr. Bill saw her teaser video that posed like a mosquito. Olivia had also withdrawn later due to unknown reasons.
There was a feud between a French city in Brittany and Olivia when she was brought into dumpster there. Since then, the city sometimes was in the bottom, yet survived until today.
Volvo, Mercedes, or Scania?[edit | edit source]
Just before and after INTM is aired, there is unknown man, announcing that the program is sponsored by a folded phone from Samsung, makeup brand, and Yamaha. Truckers who watch it, though, substitute them for Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, and Scania because of logo interpolation.
Recently the displayed sponsor logo for Yamaha is brand-new Italian-style scooter named Grand Filano. Yet, the commercial video for the product was released a week after its first sponsorship appearance. Again, truckers thought that it was actually built from Scania P.