Forum:Uncyclopedia makes me lose all respect for some men
the heading pretty much says it all. seriously people, just adding something about porn or sex or expletives doesn't make something funny.... (and I really hope that porn isn't the only thing that all men think about, although obviously that's all some of you think about.) I like the site overall, but I see no reason why it's necessary to use expletives, sexual references, references to porn, and other assorted things like that all over the place. would someone care to explain? Kamikazewatermelon09 11:14, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
- I don't really think we're trying to be funny, we're just lost little boys who have grown into men and are trying to find our way in this crazy world.--Sycamore (Talk) 11:23, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
- I've never had any respect for anyone anyway, so it's all irrelevant to me. Rabbi Techno
FOXES 11:31, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
- If it's part of the joke, then we include it in. Remember: we don't care who we offend. Saberwolf116 13:34, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
- I've never had any respect for anyone anyway, so it's all irrelevant to me. Rabbi Techno
- I do hope that you're not talking about me, my dear. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:05, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Get back in the kitchen!
This here Uncyclopedia is for the menfolk. -OptyC Sucks! CUN14:07, 10 Jun
- A certain potatochopper would beg to differ... Saberwolf116 14:19, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Get out of the kitchen! The kitchen is on fire!
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Woody On Fire! Talking Woody Stalking Woody 15:50, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Now I'm all for woman's liberation...
But, fucks sake, it's not the sixties; feminism is for fat dykes on the fringes of society. not for the real women who beutify themselved for all the gay men they crave and eventually settle for a banker or a architect. Honestly, have some respect for yourself. ~Orian57~ ~Talk~
16:35 10 June 2009
Now I'm not for women's liberation at all, actually...
In fact, I'm still confused as to why there's a girl here that isn't making me a sammich. I guess you could justify this with the no girls on the internet clause, but frankly there are so many twilight fan sites that there has to be at least a few girls (or maybe just one with a lot of free time on her hands). Anyways, you might be thinking right about now that this is a very sexist thing to say. You would be correct. However, blaming everything you dislike about uncyclopedia on, I quote, "some men," puts us both in the same sexism boat, now, doesn't it? And, as we both know, I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, everybody look at me 'cause I'm sailing on a boat. Furthermore, I'm on a boat, I'm on a boat, take a good long look at the motherfucking boat. - T.L.B. WotM, UotM, FPrize, AotM, ANotM, PLS, UN:HS, GUN 00:06, Jun 11
- God's sake man, don't encourage her, you know we can't have women on boats! It's unlucky, we'll all sink! And it's teh only time I ever get any... ~Orian57~
00:11 11 June 2009
Uncyclopedia makes me lose respect for some women!
Those bastards. Think they can come and go as they fuckin' please...
And they're always so much BETTER THAN US! WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????? It's Me Bitches! Don't worry, I won't kill you.
- Oh now you think they're better? Men are better: I have proof. Men make the best serial killers. You never get any women getting past 5. That's because tehy like poison and slow deaths rather than just charging in with a knife. Ok so there is Mira Hindley, famous for killing children, but personally I think that was just recklessness rather than actuall intent. ~Orian57~
05:49 11 June 2009
- Can anyone else see that WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????? forms an accidental optical illusion in which it looks as though the Ys grow taller about two thirds of the way along? Or do I need to adjust the settings on my eyes? Rabbi Techno
FOXES 17:48, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
- /me spends ages staring at the "WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????"... Oh yeah! That's cool. ~Orian57~
17:49 12 June 2009
- Damn, I was hoping only I could see it. Seems all that acid was a waste of money then. Rabbi Techno
FOXES 17:57, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
- Oh no, sorry, I was agreeing with you becuase I thought that would help with the social bonding. Your acid is working fine. ~Orian57~
18:08 12 June 2009
- You two have such a complicated relationship. It's Me Bitches! Don't worry, I won't kill you.
- Yeah I know and it doesn't help that my parents are Catholic. ~Orian57~
01:36 13 June 2009
- We'll scandalise the Vatican! Like that's a hard thing to do. Rabbi Techno
FOXES 07:46, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
- Yeah I know! Remember their reaction when they heard about that man that fucked that chicken? I mean sheeesh, did that really deserve the brutal excomunication they gave him? It wasn't even alive when he did it and he and his family ate it afterwards so there really was no harm done. ~Orian57~
15:52 13 June 2009
- Yeah I know! Remember their reaction when they heard about that man that fucked that chicken? I mean sheeesh, did that really deserve the brutal excomunication they gave him? It wasn't even alive when he did it and he and his family ate it afterwards so there really was no harm done. ~Orian57~
- We'll scandalise the Vatican! Like that's a hard thing to do. Rabbi Techno
- Yeah I know and it doesn't help that my parents are Catholic. ~Orian57~
- You two have such a complicated relationship. It's Me Bitches! Don't worry, I won't kill you.
- Oh no, sorry, I was agreeing with you becuase I thought that would help with the social bonding. Your acid is working fine. ~Orian57~
- Damn, I was hoping only I could see it. Seems all that acid was a waste of money then. Rabbi Techno
- I can see it, Rabbi! Then again, I'm always on drugs. In fact, this whole text looks like an optical illusion to me. 08:00, 13 June 2009 (UTC)
- /me spends ages staring at the "WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????"... Oh yeah! That's cool. ~Orian57~
- Can anyone else see that WHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????? forms an accidental optical illusion in which it looks as though the Ys grow taller about two thirds of the way along? Or do I need to adjust the settings on my eyes? Rabbi Techno
But seriously
About that sammich? -OptyC Sucks! CUN22:43, 11 Jun
- He's making it for me. It's Me Bitches! Don't worry, I won't kill you.

Some men make me lose all respect for Uncyclopedia
The header pretty much says it all, so I don't need to explain it, do I? -- Style Guide 15:39, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
<insert name here> makes me lose some respect for all Uncyclopedia
Because seriously, she's a twat. -OptyC Sucks! CUN16:57, 12 Jun
Uncyclopedia makes me lose all respect for all men and all women and everyone in between
discuss. • <17:10 Jun 12, 2009>
- Define "in between". -OptyC Sucks!
CUN17:13, 12 Jun
- I resent that. I'm all man me. Unlike you with your pussy loving attitude. ~Orian57~
17:29 12 June 2009
- "In between" means what is ordinarily known as the "leverage boy", someone who pushes the penis into the vagina when the male is too lazy and/or too far away to do it himself. Leverage boys are also disgusting to Cajek. Nothing could not be simpler, since nothing is simpler than anything else. -- Style
Guide 18:03, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
- "In between" means what is ordinarily known as the "leverage boy", someone who pushes the penis into the vagina when the male is too lazy and/or too far away to do it himself. Leverage boys are also disgusting to Cajek. Nothing could not be simpler, since nothing is simpler than anything else. -- Style
- I resent that. I'm all man me. Unlike you with your pussy loving attitude. ~Orian57~
I know this guy named Steve
Anyways, get back to the kitchen and bake a pie or vacuum or whatever it is you do. Love,
- And you get right in there with her, woman! Colin
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 17:13, 12 June 2009 (UTC)