User:One-eyed Jack/Marijuana
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- Note: You may be looking for Spider-Man's girlfriend Mary Jane, but she'd rather spend more time here.

The addictive street drug Marijuana is a dangerous and popular gateway drug. It is known for its ready availability, its catastrophic effects, and its advocacy by a vocal minority of crazed junkies. The most common form of consumption involves taking a dried marijuana plant, rolling it in paper soaked in PCP and LSD, and smoking the resulting "doobie" or "joint". Marijuana possesses many negative properties and no positive ones. It is, to put it in a fair, balanced, and equitable manner, death wrapped in paper.
The first marijuana plants were grown in laboratories by Islamic terrorists to provide revenue needed for funding deadly acts like the World Trade Towers attack, the London train bombings, the Bhopal incident, the Rwandan genocide, and the Vietnam War.
Basic information[edit | edit source]
Marijuana is found in nature as a plant with palmately compound leaves, and can either be found in uncivilized lands or in the private gardens of some individuals. The unrocessed plant is highly toxic, and if ingested directly can cause a victim to fall into a comatose state, or become a Philosophical Zombie. Even passing within a few meters of the plant has been known to cause wild hallucinations. When harvested, the leaPOTROCKSBABYILOVEPOT<3ves are generally removed from the stems (although some exceptions are known) and ground up to enable easier transportation. When it reaches the recipient user, they roll it in specially treated paper to form a spindle shape. They then light the end with whatever means available, although most users prefer a flame discolored with other chemicals to enhance the effect. Marijuana is also known by the street terms "weed," "pot," "crack," "stump," "plant," "heroin," "rat poison," and "that skunky-ass shit that my man Foamie sells."
Health dangers[edit | edit source]
The main threat with marijuana is loss of moral control. Users quickly become addicts, and addicts become degenerates who hate work, hate authority, hate the Nation-State, and ignore their responsibilities. This cannot be allowed. If everyone behaved like this who would fight wars? Who would collect taxes and run large financial firms, political parties, churches, and similar enterprises of prostitution? Marijuana is terribly dangerous to the health of the Nation-State. Verdammen Sie es!
Physically, marijuana affects the lungs, brain, eyes, tongue, navel, and genitals. The drug contains twice the carcinogens of tobacco products and is more dangerous the liver than alcohol. That is why cigarettes and booze are legal but marijuana is not. It actively attacks the immune system, leading to a near-tripling of the likelihood for lung cancer, emphysema, pneumonia, and munchies. It induces severe hallucinations and slows down brain waves, leading to mental retardation and Asperger's Syndrome in virtually all users. It hampers the users ability to drive, read, and recognize an oncoming train. If the user is trying to drive and read whilst on the train tracks he or she will likely become yet another victim of marijuana-caused death. Lastly, marijuana is confirmed in all reported cases to result in complete infertility, a decreased sex drive, and shriveling of the sex organs.
This may be the only positive side effect of the drug.
Many of these effects can be passed onto nearby users through secondhand smoke. Just walking by a pot-house at 4:20 in the afternoon can cause major deterioration of the willpower. Within moments an innocent passerby becomes a red-eyed hallucination-crazed slave to the dreaded marijuana.
Other risks of smoking marijuana[edit | edit source]
- Likely to cause a sudden, comical fascination with one's own hands.
- May lead to an increase in cubism in individuals susceptable to such dimensional shifts.
- May cause pregnancy in women who have recently been sexually active.
- Commonly manifests a profound understanding of the elaborate workings underlying life and the cosmos, but an inability to express any of it in words.
- Research links the drug to increased frequency of midnight fried chicken, Taco Bell, and Carl's Jr./Hardee's/White Castle runs, a known cause of going broke and getting fat.
- Marijuana is sometimes used as an alternative to Rohypnol as a date rape drug.
The Gateway Drug[edit | edit source]
One of the major risks of marijuana is that it can function as a "gateway drug". Frequent and even casual users may become fascinated with gates, and as their dependency deepens, they may move on to more elaborate kinds of entries, including arches, turnstiles, and even portcullises. For this reason, it is prudent to remove the gate from your garden. Otherwise, you may find yourself suddenly beset upon by a reeking mob of spaced-out hippies, who will proceed to trample your flowers and engage in long, philosophical conversations with your garden gnomes.
An unrelated side effect of marijuana is that after being introduced to marijuana, the user may graduate on to 'harder' drugs and high-risk behaviors. Casually smoking a joint almost inevitably leads to addition. But soon the marijuana user needs something more to get high, leading them to engage in cocaine snorting, heroin injection, or street mime. From there, it is only a matter of time before the addict seizes upon kitten huffing as a means of satisfying their cravings. Unfortunately, once someone has spiraled downward into the depths of feline dependency, there is almost no way back.
Marijuana and terrorism[edit | edit source]
Terrorists not only invented marijuana in underground laboratories scattered about the caves of Afghanistan; they use its North American sales as their primary means of funding. While estimates vary, it is generally agreed upon that 80% of marijuana's "street price" goes directly to al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. This is why marijuana's primary effect is to make the user go crazy and descend into a world of hallucinations; in effect, the victim's patriotism deteriorates, and by the end of the marijuana high, the victim feels readily inclined to him- or herself join a terrorist group.
Proponents of marijuana[edit | edit source]
The most common proponents of marijuana use are those who are actively using the drug and have much to gain from its legalization. Among these groups are the members of the hippie and environmentalist groups (who view the drug as more natural and less commercialized than tobacco), religious groups which include the use of marijuana in their practice (such religions are usually concocted by users purely to promote the drug), and those in favor of free speech (who are either secret users of the drug, or simply wish for all drugs to be legal so as to ensure easier access for themselves). Frequent arguments from these people (as well as counter-arguments) are listed below.
- Myth: Marijuana is not a gateway drug, as the term "gateway drug" is nonsensical.
- Fact: The term "gateway drug" is a legitimate term, used by medical advisors to spread more info about the drug to those unaware of its dangers. Additionally, the environment and users of marijuana are actively attempting to spread misinformation about the drug to soften its impact on unsuspecting teenagers, making it even more of a gateway drug than during its use in the 60's.
- Myth: Marijuana is not only safer than other illegal drugs, but safer and healthier than alcohol and tobacco.
- Fact: Not only is it a deadly gateway drug (killing over 95% of its users), but it has permanent negative effects on decision-making, perception, and stamina, making it much more of a threat than tobacco and alcohol combined. To believe otherwise, you would have to believe that it was possible for people who make the laws to be wrong or dishonest.
- Myth: Marijuana is an integral part of many religions, and is only illegal to suppress these religions.
- Fact: Marijuana, while it is a part of a few minor cults, is condemned as immoral by all legitimate religious authorities. Adherents to religions advocating marijuana use are advised to find healthier alternatives to the drug, or to convert on to a religion that does not advocate such dangerous activities.
- Myth: Marijuana is completely non-addictive.
- Fact: Marijuana is not only 1000 times more physically addictive than heroin, but the side effects of the drug often lead to a state of poor decision-making, where a second "joint" seems like a good idea to improve the high from the drug. Due to the long-lasting effects of this mental impairment, it can be said that marijuana gets you hooked from the first use.
Safe, FDA Approved Alternatives to Marijuana[edit | edit source]
- Cigarettes: Marijuana is, in fact, based on the everyday cigarette, but with many harmful additives thrown in to increase the "high" that has been clinically proven to lead to infanticide. Cigarettes are 100% less lethal than marijuana for all parties involved.
- Alcohol: There are few better methods of passing time blissfully than alcohol. To counteract claims by protesters in favor of marijuana, alcohol is made entirely from fermented plants, and is therefore both all-natural and vastly safer than marijuana.
- Tylenol: Although overdoses of Tylenol can be fatal, the pain removal it offers is nearly as effective as marijuana, and it offers no addiction, making this an effective choice for people who claim marijuana has medicinal uses, against all evidence that marijuana will kill you and everyone you know.
- Machete in the groin: Although this has multiple negative effects and no positive ones, it is still much safer and healthier than marijuana. Scientific studies show that the edges of the machete can stimulate the groin, resulting in a 50/50 chance of either increased sexual prowess or total sterility. The strangest part is that it is always the effect that would be most detrimental to the recipient, furthering evidence of Murphy's Law.