Uncyclopedia:Votes for deletion/templates/archive1

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Limited-use Templates


Barely used, unfunny, nonsensical. I suggest that we send this template 6 feet under. -- Xoid 01:16, 20 March 2006 (UTC)

Template:Made up numbers and Template:Science3

are both templates with 0 humor and limited use. While Template:Made up numbers has a fair amount of linkage, the articles it is in are pretty stubby, and candidates for VFD themselves. I'm currently (ok, permenantly) on an excessive quoting and template rampage. I'm using up my remaining quota of guilt for this month by VFDing these instead of deleting them on sight. Bone F clear.png  Sir Famine, Gun  Petition »  01:34, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Clean-- Anything to trim out the older/newer unused templates. Just be wary of anything starting with "Lang" ^_^ --Splaka 01:43, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Comment It should probably be worth mentioning there's more then a few (these two included) which aren't listed in Templates. While I'm not sure about the usage of these particular templates, it should probably be taken into account that some templates may be barely used simply because they're not listed. MadMax 21:38, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Ok, I finally found where it was that people decided to kill my entries. I think I have a right to be furious since a Vfd tage was never added to any of the articles and I was never informed, but I won't be.

Anyways, it was said that:

"While Template:Made up numbers has a fair amount of linkage, the articles it is in are pretty stubby, and candidates for VFD themselves."

Which I think is a ridiculus argument. (A) I was still working on the series of articles. (B) They weren't especially stubby. Plus, even if they were "stubs" take a look at some of the alphabet articles from Template:alphabet. Plenty are even more stubby.

So, I guess the only argument left is that the articles weren't funny. I can't say much to that, it's a matter of opinion, but I liked them.

Overall, I would at least like to at least be informed before my articles are deleted. I could at least have saved them an worked on them myself and maybe added the articles again later.

Go ahead and delete Brazillion too. --neoEva88 20:46, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)

I wasn't going to delete that right yet because it was under construction. But I sure can if you'd like me to. Just add it to QVFD. As for the Alphabet template, I randomly clicked on ~, 1, Q, and W and they were all a page to a page and a half long. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine, Gun Petition » 20:57, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)


Delete. We already have catstub, randomstub and countless other stub templates. --Carlb 03:42, 20 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Unused templates

I would submit that rather than just voting to keep an unused template, why not go out and use the template on an article or two. That would, by definition, keep that template off the unused templates section. I don't see the point of voting to keep a template you won't use. --FlyingFool 21:19, 12 Dec 2005 (UTC)


Huff--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)


Puff--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:05, 4 February 2006 (UTC)


Template:Artyku? na medal



Your--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:13, 4 February 2006 (UTC)


House--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:12, 4 February 2006 (UTC)


Down--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:11, 4 February 2006 (UTC)


Kill--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:14, 4 February 2006 (UTC)


Maybe Keep--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)


Delete--The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 00:09, 30 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • Kill --T. (talk) 03:17, 4 February 2006 (UTC)



Keep. --[[User:Nintendorulez|Nintendorulez | talk]] 15:44, 22 Nov 2005 (UTC)

WTF?!?! Whatever the hell that is, Keep, it looks like the inside of my head. Karma Llama 03:13, 25 Nov 2005 (UTC)



Template:Mainhardt Graf von Nayhauss






Template:Poprzednik Naste;pca



Template:Timeline US Presidents

Template:UnNews Main menu

Template:UnNews Top story

Template:UnNews US

Template:UnNews World

As I understand it, the above four are meant to parody RSS feeds are they not? As such, they are funny, and may get used possibly? --Nerd42 04:29, 25 Nov 2005 (UTC)

  • These were created primarily as the individual portions of the UnNews main page, which is linked from the Current events link in the navigation sidebar at the left-side of the screen. They've (presumably) been replaced with some other template? --Carlb 18:13, 26 Nov 2005 (UTC)





  • Note: Kept

Template:Things that may be out to get you

  • Seems to qualify also. --neoEva88 14:32, 12 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Keep This Template defines a set of articles that are in the Category "Things that may be out to get you". It was really made to add some variety to the boring "See Also" crap at the bottom of most articles. It adds variety, and if you delete it you will make this site even more boring than it already is. Also, It's not excessive, and eventually it should be modified to have the "best of", from Category "Things that may be out to get you".
I would also like to say that most of these templates suck. They are boring with thier little red dots, and hands. Even nominating a template with a good picture (and a reasonable purpose) for deletion while keeping 100 boring craptastic templates really highlights what's wrong around here. Now don't ever mention this again or I will flick a booger on you. Wiki Tiki God 15:41, 15 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Addendum Only the best of the best should make it on the template, and only really good runners' up should have the template on their page. A lot of the pages on there now suck, and need to be replaced with better pages, when I get around to it I WILL MOVE THE TEMPLATE from the sucky page to the new one on the list. For instance just removed Smurfs and added Grue (and moved template). Wiki Tiki God 16:54, 16 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Some more rarely-used templates

{{Also}} (UnNews/Backup)
{{Campaignbox Jesuit Legal Campaign}} (series, used once.)
{{Crapuser}} (now unused)
{{CVG-stub}} (now unused)
{{Delete}} (NUKE IT! Category:Pl:Delete)
{{Featuredarticle2}} (unused/archiveonly)
{{MTUAuto}} (Elvis/test, archive (only))
{{NewsArchives}} (News Archive (only))
{{Newslinks}} (Uncyclopedia:UnNews/Development (only))
{{Pants name}} (Village dump/archive6 (only))
{{Restaurant-stub}} (now unused)
{{Terf}} (German, unused or randomschnuck???)
{{Timestamp}} (User:Elvis test (only))
{{UncyclopedianFromTheFuturePost}} (now unused)
{{wtf}} (WTF is this template? Look at Darth Vader)



  • Flush. --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)


  • Delete as we already have catstub, randomstub to add any arbitrary category name to a stub template. --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)


  • Delete. --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Deleted. Hardly even a template, it was just two words and a category. Someone used it on a page, and I thought they were vandalizing. -- Sir BobBobBob ! S ? [rox!|sux!] Prince%21.gif 21:23, 30 Dec 2005 (UTC)



  • Delete as presumably failed test? --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)



Template:Pants name


  • Delete as we already have catstub, randomstub to add any arbitrary category name to a stub template. --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)


  • Move into randomschnuck template. --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)


  • Delete as presumably failed test? --Carlb 16:59, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)




  • Baleet all. Undelete is easy. Technically all 'stub' templates strive to be temporary and unused, but the unused ones here don't seem to be needed. Most of the better of these have been supplanted, eg Template:President supplated USpresidents. --Splaka 23:43, 21 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Nuke them like potatoes --EvilZak 03:27, 25 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Bone Pile

The UnNews main page normally has two lead stories, not three or four... that's why these are deprecated. --Carlb 21:38, 22 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Quote Templates

Here is a list of most of the non-Wilde quote templates existing currently (10:23, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)). The variable ones may have more uses, but some are probably not needed. The canned ones have very limited use. You may indicate which ones you vote for deletion and keep individually. However, you may also vote to delete All Variable and/or All Canned as a group (and then go back and say "except this one" for any you don't want to include in your encompassing vote). If you would like to see all these templates on one page, see this list of them (with links to where they are placed and their talk pages). --Splaka 10:23, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Slightly-Variable Templates List


  • Weak keep has potential --Splaka 10:26, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Delete. I agree with Splaka that making up Churchill quotes has potential, but I really think we should start strongly encouraging people to use Template:Q now instead of making up non-canned templates for different figures. --neoEva88 23:17, 13 Nov 2005 (UTC)
    • Kill it. Nobody actually uses it which means, (a) it can be deleted safely, and (b) it doesn't really have so much promise. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


*Keep good one, much used --Splaka 10:26, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)

    • Actually I'll just unnominate this one now, overused. --Splaka 10:42, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
      • I'm a bit sad to see it go. It was my one of my first actual contributions to Uncyclopedia. For some reason people were actually starting to use it ! MadMax 05:26, 21 Nov 2005 (UTC)
        • Odd that it was deleted, since I'd unnominated it (as it was on a bunch of pages). But ahh well. --Splaka 05:33, 21 Nov 2005 (UTC)


Delete. Only one page linked to the Hillary templated, and I have since replaced it with Template:Q. The time has come for this template to meet its maker. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. It looks like no pages use this quote, so just burn it. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. It was only used on the Einstein page and I replaced it with Template:Q. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)

Template:Gerhard Janz

Delete. Only used once and has been rectified. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. Only used once, has been replaced with Template:Q. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. Only one page using it and it's been fixed. -- Lord neoEva88 MUN (talk)


Delete. No pages even use it, it's been permitted too long. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)

Delete all?

  • Delete Most as most are unused --Splaka 10:24, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Burn Luckily there wasn't one user who was responsible for all these templates, or I would have banned the hell out of them. The only minor criminal I could find was Ogopogo, and I felt a little guilty banning him for trivial offences. Especially since he's done some sterling work with most of the templates he made. Not that that stopped me. 'Nuff with the minor templates people. I swear, it's like the plague. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine, Gun Petition » 16:45, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Huff 'em all as superceded by {{Q}} --Carlb 20:07, 15 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Canned Templates List

Keep all - I think they're funny because they're so repetitive. It's like YTMND.com fads, in quote form. --[[User:Nintendorulez|Nintendorulez | talk]] 02:41, 16 Nov 2005 (UTC)


Delete. All cases of it have been Q'd. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)

Template:Alex Kohse

Delete. All the quotes have been taken care of. May I add that we should probably write an entry about whoever this Alex Koshe guy is, in case anybody (me) doesn't get the joke. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Keep. --[[User:Nintendorulez|Nintendorulez | talk]] 02:48, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Moved into Template:Killquote as one random option among many. --Carlb 15:55, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)



Delete. I've Q'd all instances of it, the only links left are killquotes. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Template:El fary

Delete. All instances have been fixed. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)

Template:Harald Kujat

Delete. Only one occurence, and I fixed it. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. No occurences except in random quote templates. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Keep, please? This one is mine; I use it on my pages when it is clever for the specific page. But if you delete it, just delete it. I vote against Killquote-ing, because in random contexts it would look stupid. --Isra1337 14:10, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Kill it. I recommend you do what I've learned to do, just write the quote in manually instead of making a template for it. Canned quote templates tend to encourage quote overkill. --neoEva88 01:27, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Oh, I did, just to get rid of the "this page ... temple.. deletion.." text from my pages. But it still strikes me as needless to kill a template unless it has been abused. Like, I can see why Ballmer had to go, but some of these are not abused at all. Killing all non-Wilde quotes will just discourage people from increasing the variety of quotes used. --Isra1337 02:12, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
The abuse is in their continual creation, they offend by existing! arrr. ^_^ --Splaka 02:19, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Is it because they take up room in the template namespace? Or am I completely missing the point? --Isra1337 07:02, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Completely missing the point. Once upon a time, we had a few templates. A couple of Wilde quotes. Then the Kanye quote template showed up. Then Ballmer, then Rove. Now we have more than the list on this page. We've deleted (and by we I mean myself) tens of others. And more keep pouring in. Pages keep getting more and more flooded with templates and quotes, and the quality pages we have sink lower and lower, weighed down by quotes which do nothing to further the humor of the article. It's sucking up a lot of admin time to weed through the piles of crap to recover decent articles that are buried in shitty template quotes. What you see here is the tip of the iceberg. We need to kill the culture of template quotes until it's dead. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine, Gun Petition » 16:55, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
Thank-you for explaining. I rescind my keep vote. --Isra1337 00:44, 12 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Delete. The only significant instance is on Uncyclopedia:Templates/In-universe. I'll take it upon myself to delete all the canned quote examples from the page. (We certainly don't want to encourage people to use these if we're in the process of deleting them.) -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Keep. I happen to find it funny. Sure, it may have been overused a bit, but deleting it is just crazy. --[[User:Nintendorulez|Nintendorulez | talk]] 02:39, 16 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Keep same --Willy on wheels! 21:17, 15 Nov 2005 (UTC)

George Bush doesint care about this template, so move all refrences to template:Q

Delete. All instances have been cleaned up. The removal of the Kanye template sure will be a triumph for the cause. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Template:Kai Diekmann


Actually this template hasn't been used very much as, if you'll notice the random third comment is unable to display a punctuation mark, I've been holding off on adding it to any pages. I've been working on it off and on for the past several weeks, although I suppose it could be merged to the killquotes template. MadMax 17:54, 14 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Delete There are some good ideas there, but since Kerry isn't running for President anymore, this kind of stuff has to be pretty funny to be worth reading. This template is not funny. And that's coming from a staunch Republicrat who's uploaded a picture of John Kerry as a Borg Drone. --Nerd42 05:08, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC)

Template:Kujana Tajuk

Template:Maria Graefin Doenhoff


Template:Oscar Wilde







Keep, please. Ditto what I said above for my Holmes template. --Isra1337 13:38, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)






Delete. All instances have been fixed. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)


Delete. It's been cleaned up. -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)

Delete all?

  • Delete All and merge with Killquote/Randomquote --Splaka 10:24, 10 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • What ^he^ said. It was funny when we had Oscar Wilde quotes. Saturation humour is not funny (to me). -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 01:39, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Delete All, ban users, kill their children, and cut off their hands. I guess we could merge some of these with Killquote/Randomquote as well. Bone F clear.png Sir Famine, Gun Petition » 19:55, 11 Nov 2005 (UTC)
  • Huff 'em when you see the whites of their eyes. --Carlb 20:11, 15 Nov 2005 (UTC)
    • Gahh, about 20 more quote templates for me to go through. Today has been my most productive so far though, I expect I'll be able to clear out the rest of the quotes before the weekend is over.  :) -- neoEva88 MUN F@H PS CM NS (talk.to-do)