The 10 Most Important articles to Edit on Uncyclopedia!
Yes, that's right! Right here, right now is listed THE 10 articles which have been arbitrarily chosen (by us, but soon by you> to be the most important articles to edit on Uncyclopedia right now. They are:
Articles You Must Edit | Chosen By | For Fixing |
Malcolm X | El Sid, the lazy one • parlez-vous franglais? 11:55, Mar 15 | Pants |
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart | 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Hockey |
Ludwig van Beethoven | ―― Sir Heerenveen, KUN [UotM RotM VFH FFS SK CM NS OME™] (talk), 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Trousers |
Frédéric Chopin | 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Cricket |
L. Ron Hubbard | • <-> 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Random |
Bing Crosby | Sir Under User (Hi, How Are You?) VFH KUN 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Tea |
Coldplay | • <-> 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Madness |
Uruguay | Mnbvcxz 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Cake |
The Beatles | OptyC Sucks! ![]() |
Pie |
Elvis Presley | ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUN • WotM • RotM • AotM • VFH • SK • PEEING • HP • BFF 11:55, March 15, 2012 (UTC) | Sausages |
Wait you say! You can't just say that! I want a different article listed here, and who are all those amazingly sexy looking people listed above, and how could I join this exclusive group of illustrious brilliance? Well... GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS AND EDIT. Here is is how it works:
- Very, very occasionally a rather Godly, Jesus like or at-least semi-messianic user will come along and actually make a quality significant improvement to one of the above articles listed on the left.
- This user will then be able to choose which article they want to add to the list (with the only limitation being that you can't add an article you wrote yourself). We hope you add something which Codeines mum knows a great deal about.
To further ensure that the (obviously highly sexually dynamic) user who made the quality significant improvement is able to bask in the shame of others he/she/whatever may replace their sig as above so that others we may all wallow beneath the greatness of their glory while they pity at their own inadequacy.