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Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month January 2012
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Welcome to Olipro Creations Plc.,

the content-free user-page that I totally stole
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User's Random Babblings

Well, Hi, I'm your friendly Co-Anchor Oliver O'Reilly... I'm very much active in the UnNews section of the site; it is in fact un-officially now my own personal Monopoly, well, I'd like to think it was, but it's probably more just one of those passing obsessions fortunately.

Ok, it's war. If anybody writes a vanity article, or a few pieces of cruft then your ass is banned for 36 hours... no more kid gloves, if you actually care about writing for uncyclopedia then get your ass onto IRC and tell me so and a few ground rules will be explained followed by you getting unbanned and allowed to continue on your merry... if you and a bunch of school friends are messing around, then the IP will be indefinitely banned since clearly you're supposed to be getting on with schoolwork; but if you really care, then when you get home, create an account for yourself and login with it at school to be able to edit.

If I ban you for whatever reason and you have an issue, then come on IRC and we can resolve the issue amicably.

On this day...
March 26: National Kill Olipro Day
  • 1900 National Kill Olipro created, people try not to kill Olipro.
  • 1927 Chuck Norris accidentally kills Olipro, but brings him back to life.
  • 1932 World forgets Olipro was resurrected, forgets celebration
  • 1960 World realises Olipro is alive after seeing him featured on Crimewatch.
  • 1962 World declares every day to be National Kill Olipro Day.
  • 1980 Olipro Fucking Kills™ everyone, no celebrations for 1 week
  • 1999 World is resurrected by quantum mechanics, nobody notices.
  • 2006 World learns of the past, fails to care, learn from, or otherwise document it.
Word of the Lifetime
Try to use it on the proles.
Stuff I'm Guilty For Writing/Contributing To
Did you know...
  • This isn't random.
  • No matter how many times you refresh
  • That Chuck Norris had Your Mom?
  • That it's not legal to be on that site?
  • That WAR is PEACE?
  • That shit stinks?
  • That for every 2 good article I write, I write a shit one too, I'm short a lot of good articles.
  • That you can't edit Touch This?
Forever's featured picture(s)
The Sun is a well-known printer of bullshit

The Sun claimed to have revealed the true identity of one of the London Bombers, capturing it in this provocative newspaper headline, featuring a group of workers, designed to represent the Nation but actually being a load of utter crap.

Foo' that made this: Olipro
Recent (Mostly Self-Appointed) Awards
Knight Commander of the Order

Goldstein award.png E G A E D M

The Emmanuel
Goldstein Award

May 2006

Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner June 2006
Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month June 2007
Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month November 2007
This user is a Fellow in the Potatochoppers' Guild, and has earned a great deal of respect.
H8H8 This user hates users who hate Spang, and detests editing the same wiki as them.
