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“I'm sus.”

~ Captain Obvious on "red looks kinda sus," the phrase that defines Among Us.
Cyan looks kinda sus. Why is he accusing poor Yellow? He's just been using some kind of red paint, that's all!

“I'm sus.”

~ Captain Obvious on "red looks kinda sus," the phrase that defines Among Us.
Cyan looks kinda sus. Why is he accusing poor Yellow? He's just been using some kind of red paint, that's all!

Among Us is an obscure video game made by an unknown game studio in 2018 for mobile, PC, toasters, and Atari cartridges for poor people less fortunate than us. The game basically consists of you and between three or fourteen other idiots in space suits trying to discover who the Impostor is. This would be easy, except for the fact that everyone who plays the game is an idiot. Due to the fact that the game takes place in space, Neil Armstrong was included as a secret character.

Content[edit | edit source]

As already mentioned, you and nine other astronauts, whose appearance is practically the same save for colors, need to unravel a mystery that even Sherlock Holmes could not solve: who is the Impostor? Well... it could be Red, Purple, Cyan, Yellow, Oscar Wilde... you and the other crewmates must figure out who it is and yeet them to their doom before they kill you in electrical... unless, of course, you are the Impostor. Then you should kill everybody without being noticed before they yeet you to your doom.

Characters[edit | edit source]

A detailed list of all the possible characters, more on that to the left.

Here, the characters are just colors, and that's a very creative choice to make. Now here's a guide about them, a guide that will help you for your entire life (or not):

  • Green - "The guy who always wears the plant clothes for no reason."
  • Black - Why you guys always accusing the black guy? Racists.
  • Purple - The smart, sneaky one. You better hope he doesn't get impostor.
  • Dark Blue - Usually an impostor, sucks at hiding it.
  • Lime - The jerk. Screw this guy.
  • White - When they are a crewmate, they end up being a detective better than Sherlock Holmes or Uncyclopedia Brown.
  • Pink - Did you just assume her gender?!?
  • Cyan - Usually acts sus no matter what, so that when he gets impostor nobody will be able to tell the difference.
  • Yellow - Saw someone kill brown in electrical and vent to medbay, but doesn't remember who it was.
  • Red - "According to the laws of the universe red is always sus."
  • Brown - The color that nobody wants to use.
  • Orange - The weird one. C A R R O T
  • Tan - Once scrapped, now BACK in the game.
  • Banana - the nu color, i play as banana.
  • Rose - a rip-off of pink, and another new color.
  • Coral - Slightly nicer than rose
  • Gray - Grey, duh!
  • Maroon - i call it dark red, for a reason
  • Fortegreen - ???
  • Olive - R.I.P, you will never be forgotten

Tasks[edit | edit source]

This happens far more frequently among astronauts than you would expect. Astronauts aboard the International Space Station reported at least 17 instances in the past 3 years.

There are many tasks in the games across the many different maps. Tasks range in length and difficulty, but that hardly matters anyway because no one does their tasks anyway. Some tasks are as simple as pushing a button to record the weather conditions or pulling a lever to release trash into the dark void of space. Others are far more difficult, such as memorizing a short pattern to start the reactor, or remembering how to count to ten to unlock the manifolds. Only the most experienced players can master the dreaded Card Swipe! If you are a crewmate, be sure to memorize every tasks, as it is common practice to name every task in order to prove innocence.

The following is a comprehensive list of every task, as well as relevant information.

Task Maps Length Visual Location Action
Align Engine Output Skeld/Dleks Long N Upper Engine → Lower Engine Just match the angle of the engine's thrust the the dominant velocity angle. If you get it off by a fraction of a degree we'll all go plummeting into the nearest black hole, but not to worry.
Align Telescope Polus Short N Laboratory Find a planet with the telescope. Once you find it, you get to name it. Just don't be weird about it like Jerry.
Assemble Artifact Mira HQ Short N Laboratory Assemble the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe.
Buy Beverage Mira HQ Short N Cafeteria Waste your money on some cheap, unhealthy, yet delicious, food item packed with sugars and preservatives. Such is the American way.
Calibrate Distributor Skeld/Dleks Short N Electical Stop three spinning rings with specific timing in a specific order. This does nothing to help run the ship, but at least it kept Jerry distracted for upwards of an hour.
Chart Course Skeld/Dleks
Mira HQ
Short N Navigation
I am the captain now.
Clean O2 Filter Skled/Dleks
Mira HQ
Short N O2, Greenhouse Why are there so many leaves in space?
Clear Asteroids Skeld/Dleks
Mira HQ
Long, Long, Short Y, N, Y Weapons
Divert Power/Accept Diverted Power Skeld/Dleks
Mira HQ
Short, Long N Electrical → one of: (Communications, Lower Engine, Navigation, O2, Security, Shields, Upper Engine, Weapons, Reactor)
Electrical → one of: (Admin, Cafeteria, Communications, Greenhouse, Laboratory, Launchpad, MedBay, Office)
Divert power in one room, then run to another room to accept the diverted power.
Download Data/Upload Data Skeld/Dleks
Short, Long N One of: (Cafeteria, Communications, Electrical, Navigation, Weapons) → Admin
One of: ( Electrical, O2, Office, Specimen Room, Weapons) → Communications
Download data in one room, then run to another room to upload it.
Empty Chute Skeld/Dleks Long Y O2 → Storage Why are there so many leaves in space?
Empty Trash Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Long, Short, Short Y, N, N Cafeteria → Storage, Cafeteria, O2 Stop polluting, Jerry. No, just because we're in space doesn't make it ok.
Enter ID Code Mira HQ Short/Common N Admin Because the Swipe Card task was too difficult for you babies to handle. I'm looking at you, Jerry.
Fill Canisters Polus Short N O2 Learn to create pipe-bombs
Fix Weather Node Polus Long N Outside → Laboratory Why do we need weather nodes on a planet where it's literally always snowing?
Fix Wiring Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Common N 3 amongst: (Electrical, Storage, Admin, Navigation, Cafeteria, Security)
3 amongst: (Storage, Hallway, Locker Room, Greenhouse, Laboratory)
3 amongst: (Electrical, O2, Office, Decontamination, Laboratory)
It can't be me. I was in electrical fixing wires.
Fuel Engines Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Long, Short, Long N Storage → Upper Engine → Storage → Lower Engine
Storage → Outside → Storage → Outside
Stop drinking the fuel, Jerry.
Insert Keys Polus Common N Dropship Yeah, just leave your keys in the dropship. Perfectly safe.
Inspect Sample Skeld/Dleks, Polus Long N Medbay, Laboratory You see that bad sample? The red one? That's Jerry's sample. Don't be like Jerry.
Measure Weather Mira HQ Short N Balcony Just press the button like a good boy.
Monitor Tree Polus Short N O2 You would think taking care of a tree would be an easy task. No sir, trees are complicated individuals. You'll have to take them on a walk at least twice a day, and make sure their water bowl is always filled. And don't forget to clean the litter box.
Open Waterways Polus Long N All of the following: Boiler Room, Boiler Room, Outside Imagine being a liquid that can only be placed in 2 dimensions. This post made by the lava bucket gang.
Prime Shields Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ Short Y, N Shields, Admin Metapod used harden!
Process Data Mira HQ Short N Office Just press the button like a good boy.
Reboot Wifi Polus Long N Communications Mom just caught Jerry watching something he wasn't supposed to online, so now we all have to suffer? Really, mom?
Record Temperature Polus Short N Laboratory or Outside Record the temperature. For science.
Repair Drill Polus Short N Laboratory Really, Jerry? I let you use the drill for 5 minutes, and you've already broken it?
Replace Water Jug Polus Long N Boiler Room → Office Somebody's really gonna have to pee soon.
Run Diagnostics Mira HQ Short N Launchpad The government always gives us the worst equipment that's always breaking down just because we're a reserve unit. Sheesh.
Scan Boarding Pass Polus Common N Office The Swipe Card Task, but easier.
Sort Samples Mira HQ Short N Laboratory Why are there so many leaves in space?
Stabilize Steering Skeld/Dleks Short N Navigation No, Jerry, I'm not letting you drive the ship again.
Start Reactor Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Long N Reactor, Reactor, Specimen Room How come the impostors can sabotage the reactor before it's even been turned on?
Store Artifacts Polus Short N Specimen Room Jerry, those go in the storage case, not your mouth.
Submit Scan Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Long, Long, Short Y Medbay Guys don't vote me out, I have medbay scan.
Swipe Card Skeld/Dleks, Polus Common N Admin, Office The easiest task in the game. Just swipe the card. See, that wasn't that ha - WHAT DO YOU MEAN BAD READ?
Unlock Manifolds Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Short N Reactor, Reactor, Specimen Room Why do we keep this locked? I'll give you three guesses. And the first two don't count.
Water Plants Mira HQ Long N Storage → Greenhouse Just water the plants, Jerry. No need to be weird about it.

Sabotages[edit | edit source]

During the course of the game, impostors have the ability to sabotage various components of the map to make life difficult for the crewmates. Some sabotages will even allow the impostors to instantly win the game if the crewmates do not fix it in time. The ability to sabotage makes the impostors extremely overpowered and gives them and immensely unfair advantage over the crewmates. It's honestly surprising the developers let such an overpowered ability even get in the game to begin with.

The following is a list of every sabotage and its effects, as well as relevant information.

Sabotage Name Effect Map Solution
Sabotage Lights.png Lights Reduces the range of vision for crewmates. Contrary to common belief, crewmates do not become completely blind, but can still see you killing if you do it when you are right next to them. Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Skeld/Dleks, Polus:

Go to electrical and flip all the switches. Don't worry, nothing bad ever happens in electrical. You will be fine. Hold on, WHO KEEPS FLIPPING THE SWITCHES BACK?

Mira HQ: Go to The Office and flip all the switches. Don't get pranked.

Sabotage Comms.png Communications Hides the list of tasks disables the task bar and makes any security systems unusable. This includes cameras, the admin table, the door log, and vitals. Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ, Polus Skeld/ Dleks, Polus:

Go to communications and turn the little knob until the red light goes out. This does nothing to help run the ship, but at least it kept Jerry distracted for upwards of an hour.

Mira HQ:

Input the security code in two locations. Within a time limit. While an impostor is breathing down your neck. Really simple, actually.

Sabotage Reactor.png Reactor Allows the impostors to win immediately if the crewmates fail to fix the reactors in time. Which they never do anyway. Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ Two players must go to the reactor and hold their disembodied hands against the scanners to stop the reactor from exploding. Because friendship is magic!
Sabotage Reactor.png Seismic Stabilizers Allows the impostors to win immediately if the crewmates fail to fix the reactor in - wait, you mean it's called "seismic stabilizer" on this map? Well SORRY! It doesn't matter, because they never do anyway. Polus Literally just the same thing as fixing the reactor, but the scanners are outside in the freezing cold at the end of two metal walkways over an endless abyss. Don't worry, nothing bad ever happens on metal walkways over an endless abyss.
Sabotage O2.png Oxygen Allows the impostors to win immediately if the crewmates fail to replete the oxygen in time. Wait, if the crewmates are wearing space suits, how does this even work... Skeld/Dleks, Mira HQ Skeld/Dleks:

Input the security code in Admin and O2.

Mira HQ:

Input the security code in Greenhouse and the Hallway.

Sabotage Doors.png Doors Closes a door, preventing crewmates from passing through the area until the door opens. Can be used for big brain plays, but more often than not is just used for annoying crewmates or other impostors after you have been voted off. Truly the best sabotage of them all. Skeld/Dleks, Polus Skeld/Dleks:

Just wait. The doors will open themselves, you know.


Just flip the switches. The doors won't open themselves, you know.

Vents can even be used to quickly travel across the ocean floor.

Vents[edit | edit source]

Vents can be used by impostors, crewmates, and Santa Claus to quickly travel from one area of the map to another. If you see a player go into a vent, but you are unable to do so yourself, never fear. The other crewmates should be able to tell you how to use the vents if you ask them. Just call an emergency meeting and explain the situation.

Hats[edit | edit source]

There are many hats in Among Us. Many people think the hats are only visual additions to the characters. However, every hat offers a unique ability or effect to the player, so choosing the proper hat for any game is can be an extremely important decision and involves a lot of strategy.

The following is a list of every hat and its ability or effect.

Hat Name Effect
ACH AM.png
Knight AM.png
Army Combat Helmet

Knight Helmet
Players gain armor against attacks. If an player attacks the user, the user will lose their hat instead of dying. Only works once.
Antenna AM.png Antenna Players complete download, upload, and other data processing tasks twice as fast.
Astro AM.png Astronaut Helmet Players cannot be voted off of The Skeld or Dleks Eht maps. If a player would be voted off, they instead reappear in their normal spot after the meeting and lose their hat. Single use.
Balloon AM.png Balloon Players cannot be voted off of the Mira HQ map. If a player would be voted off, they instead reappear in their normal spot after the meeting and lose their hat. Only works once.
Banana AM.png Banana Players can place a banana peel, with a 20 second cooldown. If a player walks over this banana peel, they are stunned for 3 seconds.
Bandana AM.png

Beanie AM.png

Players gain a 10% movement speed increase as a crewmate.
Bear AM.png Bear Ears Players can summon the twin she-bears once per game. Once summoned, the twin she-bears will attack the first player to vote for the user. If the summoner votes for themselves, they will be attacked by the twin she-bears.
Birthday AM.pngParty AM.png Birthday Hat

Party Hat
Players win when they are voted out, because it is their birthday.
Bush AM.png Bush Hat
Not to be confused with George W. Bush's hat.
Players can disguise themselves as a bush. While disguised, any other player who has the water plants task may complete the task while standing near the user.
Captain AM.pngCrown AM.png Captain Hat

Players get two votes instead of one during emergency meetings and "dead body reported" meetings.
Chaos AM.png Chaos Containment Center Cap Players can drop an atomic bomb once per game. This ability is not usable until a meeting ends in a tie vote, with at least three players receiving votes. Once dropped, the atomic bomb kills all players in the game including the user, even if they have armor, except for any players standing on or in a vent when it is triggered.
Cheese AM.png Cheese No one suspects Mr., Ms., Mrs., or Dr. Cheese.
Chef AM.png Chef Hat Players gain the ability to kill any player wearing a food-based hat, even as a crewmate. The user can kill players wearing the following hats: Banana, Cheese, Cherry, Egg, Flower Hat, Leaves, and Nest.
Cherry AM.png Cherry Players can self-destruct once per game. This kills the user and any impostors (as a crewmate) or crewmates (as an impostor) within 10 feet of the user.
Default Hat.png Default Hat Players gain no additional effects or abilities. The user unlocks Stupid Walking, however.
Doctor AM.png Doctor's Hat Players can revive a dead body once per game. Does not work after a dead body is reported.
Double AM.png
Executive AM.png
Double Top Hat

Rapidly Promoted Executive Hat
Players cannot be voted off of the upcoming Airship map. If a player would be voted off, they instead reappear in their normal spot after the meeting and lose their hat. Only works once. If one player is wearing the Double Top Hat and the other is wearing the Rapidly Promoted Executive Hat on the Airship map, and one player is voted off, the player who is voted off does not reappear after the meeting, and the other player immediately dies after the meeting. Any player using the Rapidly Promoted Executive hat are able to be betrayed by any wearer of the normal Top Hat. If betrayed, they get cybernetic enhancements, and a JoJo Reference. Currently, as the Airship map has not been released, players gain no additional effects or abilities.
DUM.png DUM The player loses brain cells in real life, at a rate of one brain cell per 968 milliseconds.
Egg AM.png Egg Players automatically die if they get too close to any player wearing Cheese, unless that player is an Impostor (playing as Crewmate), in which case the Impostor gets killed instead. The Egg does not work if the player themselves are an Impostor.
Fudd AM.png Elmer Fudd Hat Players have a 50% chance to gain the ability to attack impostors and a 50% chance to gain the ability to attack crewmates, determined at the start of the game.
Eye AM.png Eyeball Players can see everywhere. This includes night vision, in the event that the lights are sabotaged.
Brows AM.png Eyebrow Players can seduce another player once per game. If the user is killed, the seduced player will die as soon as their body is reported.
Fedora AM.png
Fedora2 AM.png

Green Fedora
Players automatically open sabotaged doors, but only when another player is near the door.
Fez AM.png Fez Players can travel to the future, with a 30 second cooldown. A player who is time traveling cannot move, and cannot be see or be seen by other players, and can time travel for a maximum of 30 seconds at a time. If a meeting is called, the player will appear dead during the meeting, after which the player will reappear in the location they were before the meeting.
Fishing AM.png Fishing Hat Players can tether themselves to another player, with a 30 second cooldown. Once tethered, neither player can move away from the other player outside of a close proximity for 30 seconds.
Flamingo AM.png Flamingo Floatie When players are killed, the flamingo pops, causing a loud noise that can be heard across the entire map, when players are killed. Ability only works once per 120 seconds.
Flower2 AM.png
Leaf AM.png
Flower Hat

Players can stand still to use photosynthesis. After standing still for a total of 30 seconds without opening any menus, including tasks, the map, and the sabotage menu, the user gains armor against attacks and a 25% movement speed increase for 30 seconds. During this time, If a player attacks the user, they will lose their hat instead of dying. Once this happens, the user can no longer use photosynthesis, though the speed increase will remain until the 30 seconds has run out.
Flower AM.png Flower Pot The water plants task will automatically be completed for the user, on maps where this is necessary. Any other player who has the water plants task may complete the task while standing near the user.
Military2 AM.png
Military AM.png
General's Hat

Military Hat
Players can delegate tasks to other players. The user can select a task while standing near another player to transfer the task to that player, even if that player is an impostor. The user may only delegate half of their tasks, rounded down. Impostors may delegate their fake tasks as well.
Goggles AM.png Goggles Players have normal vision at all times, even when lights are sabotaged, on all maps except Polus. Works similarly to the Eyeball hat.
Hard AM.png Hard Hat Players can use the vents, even when they are not an Impostor. If they already are an Impostor, they gain the ability to teleport to any other vent on the map.
Headband AM.png Headband Players gain a 10% movement speed increase as an Impostor.
Link AM.png Hero of Time Hat Players can use a spin attack, with a 30 second cooldown. When used, the user attacks any player within a close proximity of the player.
Horns AM.png Horns I just want to say, I'm a huge fan.
Crewmate AM.png Mini Crewmate hat As a crewmate, complete all tasks 10% faster. As an Impostor, sabotage cooldown times reduced by 10%.
Nest AM.png Nest When players are killed, there is a 50% chance that 2 random living players, regardless of crewmate or impostor status, will be immediately teleported to their location.
Flat AM.png News Reporter Cap Players can disguise themselves as another player, with a 20 second cooldown.
Paper AM.png Paper Hat Players who are within a close proximity of an impostor who is in a vent will be automatically dragged into the vent and killed, if the impostor's attack is not on . The user will not leave a dead body when this happens, but the Vitals interface will still mark that the player is dead.
Plunger AM.png Plunger Players who are within a close proximity of an impostor who is in a vent will cause the impostor to automatically leave the vent. An impostor who tries to enter a vent while in close proximity of the user will enter the vent but immediately be forced back out of the vent.
Police AM.png Police Cap Players gain the ability to attack any player using the black color, with a 30 second cooldown. If the user is using the black color, they gain the ability to kill any player using the white color, with a 30 second cooldown.
Hair AM.png Pompadour Hair Players are so cool that nobody wants to vote for them. If a player votes for the user, their vote is tallied as a skip vote instead. Only works if player is a Crewmate.
Goggles2 AM.png Ski Goggles Players have normal vision at all times, even when lights are sabotaged, on the Polus map only. Replaces normal Goggles on Polus.
Slug AM.png Space Slug When the user is killed, the space slug latches onto the head of the player that killed them, and attacks them 30 seconds later. If the user is voted out or is killed by something other than a player, this hat has no effect.
Snorkel AM.png Snorkel Players cannot be voted off of the Polus map. If a player would be voted off, they instead reappear in their normal spot after the meeting and lose their hat. Only works once.
Snowman AM.png Snowman Hat Players gain a 25% speed increase when walking on the snow in the Polus map.
Stickmin AM.png Stickmin Hat Players gain the ability to kill any player with a pet, regardless of Crewmate or Impostor status, with a 30 second cooldown. If no players have pets, this hat has no effect.
Summer AM.png Summer Hat Plays gain a 25% speed increase on all maps except Polus. Players gain a 25% speed decrease on the Polus map.
Mask AM.png Surgical Mask Players will always be crewmates, because they are impervious to the Impostor Disease.
Toilet AM.png Toilet Paper Everything the user types in the chat will be censored, even if the censor chat setting is turned off, because they are a potty-mouth.
Top AM.png Top Hat The player will be able to betray anybody with the Rapidly Promoted Executive hat. Only available on the upcoming Airship map.
Towel AM.png Towel Turban Throughout the game on any map with Decontamination, Locker Room, or Lounge areas, the user will randomly be teleported to these areas.
Ushanka AM.png
Guard AM.png

Wall Guard Hat
The player will get distracted if another player has the Stickmin pet equipped. Movement speed increased by 5% in Polus.
Viking AM.png Viking Helmet You're not a beautiful Viking! You're a bad aim!
Wet AM.png Wet Floor Sign When the user is killed, the player that attacked them has a 50% chance to slip on the wet floor and immediately die, regardless of equipment. If the user is voted out or is killed by something other than a player, this hat has no effect.
Top2 Am.png White Top Hat Players cannot be killed by anyone wearing the Police Hat. If someone with a Police Hat tries to vote out someone with the White Top Hat, the vote is invalidated and tallied as a "Skip Vote" vote.
Purple AM.png Mysterious Vagabond Mask When the user wears this hat, you acquire the role of "Mongoose". Mongoose is a secret role deep within the games files that allows you to follow the rules of New Jersey, because everything is legal in New Jersey. Basically, you're a living god in Among Us and you can use any or all of the effects of the hats mentioned above in this list. An added perk is being able to walk through the walls of any map.

Pets[edit | edit source]

Congratulations, you spent money on a pet. Now you think you're cooler than everyone else, don't you? You do. You think you're better than the rest of us, you little stuck-up prick.

Skins[edit | edit source]

Your skin in the game determines what you are wearing in real life. Some players choose to have there characters wear clothes. Other players choose to be naked. The latter describe the people who are constantly horny, watch porn, and lust to be in an orgy.

Maps[edit | edit source]

The Skeld

Skeld[edit | edit source]

A space ship in space, more properly known as the Skeld. Everyone plays Skeld, all the time, no matter what. It is the only map that exists. If anyone tries to tell you that other maps, like Mira HQ or Polus, are real, they are lying. Don't listen to them. There is only Skeld.

Features:[edit | edit source]

  • Way too many visual tasks. If you are an impostor don't even think about faking medbay scan, or trash, or weapons, or...
  • A graveyard. Wait, I meant electrical.
  • A reactor which everyone is too lazy to fix even though they will literally die if that timer reaches zero. Guys? Why am I the only one fixing reactor? GUYS? We literally have FIVE SECONDS LEFT! WHY IS NO ONE COMING TO HELP ME FIX REACTO -
  • That one annoying guy who calls an emergency meeting and immediately disconnects.
  • Security cameras that impostors always seem to forget about. Always camp security as a crewmate. Nothing could possibly go wro - Wait who just closed the door and locked me in?
  • Doors that impostor ghosts close continually to make life hard for their fellow impostor who betrayed them to gain a crewmate's trust.
  • Vents. You might as well use them, because even if you don't someone will accuse you of using them.
  • .esrever ni dlekS tsuj s'tI
Mira HQ

Mira HQ[edit | edit source]

A sort of space station floating above a planet. It serves as the headquarter for you and up to nine other idiots. Generally agreed to be the worst map. Why? Because it DOESN'T HAVE SECURITY CAMERAS!

Features:[edit | edit source]

  • Literally no visual tasks. Why? Because screw you.
  • A graveyard. Wait, I meant reactor.
  • A reactor which everyone is also too lazy to fix. At this point I'm beginning to think crewmates just like blowing up.
  • That one annoying guy who calls an emergency meeting just to tell everyone he wanted to say hello.
  • A door log which records when people go past certain checkpoints. Only truly big-brained crewmates know how to use the door log to catch the impostor.
  • A decontamination hallway which forces players to wait for several long and drawn out minutes of decontamination even though they will literally die if they don't make it to the reactor in time.
  • Vents which are surprisingly difficult to navigate.

Polus[edit | edit source]

A planet with a freezing cold surface but also lava everywhere. Basic Freezeflame Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy. It's crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

Features:[edit | edit source]

  • A few visual tasks, but located in obscure corners of the map. You are basically guaranteed to get stabbed in the back if you try one of these.
  • A graveyard. Wait, I meant Specimen Room.
  • A reactor which - wait, you mean it's called "seismic stabilizer" on this map? Well SORRY! It doesn't matter anyway, cause everyone is too lazy to fix it.
  • That one annoying guy who calls an emergency meeting to report that Black just vented and immediately gets voted out.
  • Security cameras that impostors seem to forget about. Always camp security as a crewmate. Nothing could possibly go wro - OH NO OH CRAP BLACK JUST CAME OUT OF A VEN -
  • Doors that impostors close continually and end up making life harder for themselves.
  • Vents in conveniently inconvenient locations.
dlekS ehT

dlekS[edit | edit source]

.dlekS ylno si erehT .meht ot netsil t'noD .gniyl era yeht ,laer era ,suloP ro QH ariM ekil ,spam rehto that uoy llet ot seirt enoyna fI .stsixe that pam ylno eht si tI .tahw rettam on ,emit eht lla ,dlekS syalp enoyrevE .dlekS eht sa nwonk ylreporp erom ,ecaps ni pihs ecaps A

:serutaeF[edit | edit source]

  • ,snopaew ro ,hsart ro ,nacs yabdem gnikaf tuoba kniht neve t'nod rotsopmi na era uoy fI .sksat lausiv ynam oot yaW
  • .lacirtcele tnaem I ,tiaW .drayevarg A
  • - OTCAER XIF EM PLEH OT GNIMOC ENO ON SI YHW !TFEL SDNOCES EVIF evah yllaretil eW ?SYUG ?rotcaer gnixif eno ylno eht I ma yhW ?syuG .orez sehcaer remit taht fi eid yllaretil lliw yeht hguoht neve xif ot yzal ot oot si enoyreve hcihw rotcaer A
  • .stcennocsid yletaidemmi dna gniteem ycnegreme na sllac ohw yug gniyonna eno tahT
  • ?ni em dekcol dna rood eht desolc tsuj ohw tiaW - orw og ylbissop dluoc gnihtoN .etamwerc a sa ytiruces pmac syawlA .tuoba tegrof ot mees syawla srotsopmi taht saremac ytiruceS
  • .tsurt s'etamwerc a niag ot meht deyarteb ohw rotsopmi wollef rieht rof drah efil ekam ot yllaunitnoc esolc stsohg rotsopmi taht srooD
  • .meht gnisu fo uoy esucca lliw enoemos t'nod uoy fi neve esuaceb ,meht esu llew sa thgim uoY .stneV
  • It's just Skeld in reverse.

The Airship[edit | edit source]

The New map, that's all you need to know.

Features[edit | edit source]

  • A new emergency meeting sound
  • Cameras EVERYWHERE, even in the security room
  • A floating platform, why?
  • Based off of Henry Stickmin
  • It's the biggest map in the game

Gameplay[edit | edit source]


“I saw purple vent”

~ Among us-1-3.png

“purple sus”

~ Among us-1-4.png

“yea purple sus-”

~ Among us-1-1.png

.  。    •   ゚  。

  .   .      .     。   。 .
 .   。  。  . •
•   <insert name here> was an Impostor.  。 .
0 impostors remain
    。      ゚   .     .

,    .  .   . 。


Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Due to the fact that the game takes place in space, Neil Armstrong was included as a secret character.
  • Unfortunately, nobody has figured out how to unlock Neil Armstrong yet.
  • As confirmed by Joe Biden (and possibly AOC), if you vote for Black you are a racist.
  • The Bush Hat, while not to be confused with George W. Bush's hat, is a direct reference to the hat George W. Bush wore in his cameo appearance on the box art of Paper Mario: Thousands of Doors.
  • It is possible get stuck in the vents if you are dummy thicc.
  • It is not possible to open the sabotage menu or use a sabotage while moving. This can be used to clear players who are moving when a sabotage happens.
  • If you input the Konami Code during a sabotage, you will probably lose the game because you made your character do a funky little dance instead of actually fixing the sabotage.
  • It is actually possible to fix sabotages as a ghost. You just aren't trying hard enough.
  • In the Skeld map, if you remain more than 30 minutes playing, the ship will land in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport.

Fandom[edit | edit source]

Among us has a fandom of over 100 million people, which do great things.

Art[edit | edit source]

Made by an unknown user.

See also[edit | edit source]

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