Uncyclopedia:Newpedia layout and Newstyle

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Uncyclopedia:Newpedia layout and Newstyle
  This page is a Newpedia layout and Newstyle test page.
Do you think this page looks good? Vote here. If you have any advice, send them to my talk page.

The Newpedia layout, or Newstyle, was a project started by the user Jabberwock in 2021 to make a more modern look for the Uncyclopedia. Sadly, this user hasn't edited for several years now, and nobody else was in charge of this project, so it's pretty much abandoned at this point. Perhaps some day we will wave more news of this "Jabberwock" guy, but until then, you can consider Newpedia to be pretty much dead.

History[edit source]

An ancient screenshot taken in 2006.

In ancient times, Uncyclopedia didn't look like what it looks like now. Its layout differed considerably from the modern Uncyclopedia's. Many people thought it was ugly. One day, a sysadmin came up with a brilliant idea: altering the layout of Uncyclopedia pages. He did it successfully without causing any trouble. But it didn't make the page look much better. Some people held the opinion that the change was valueless.

The same page in 2020.

In 2021, Jabberwock wanted to give Uncyclopedia a radically different appearance. So he started working. After a few days of stealing HTML codes from Google search results, the new Uncyclopedia layout was finished. Jabberwock named it Newpedia layout. Then he made a few Newstyle templates. To see whether the mass prefers Newpedia layout and Newstyle, Jabberwock put a poll here.

Do you like Newpedia layout and Newstyle, the layout and the style used on this page?
You voted for "No, I like the old style better." on 1 March 2025 at 15:54. You can change your vote by clicking a different answer below.
There were 71 votes since the poll was created on 00:42, 25 January 2021.
poll-id 91972EECAE22DA8A46011E9D8EE56E45

In early February 2021, Jabberwock further developed the Newpedia layout so that it fits on small screens. The buttons for search, userpage, edit, talk and history were enlarged to facilitate navigation and editing. This change is considered to be crucial, since many important people browse Uncyclopedia on iPhones.

Since 2022, Jabberwock has stopped editing Uncyclopedia, and no other user kept the Newpedia project.

Codes[edit source]

User:Jabberwock, the creator of Newpedia layout and Newstyle, has nicely made us a template. Just put  {{newpedialayout}}  at the beginning of your article's code to apply the Newpedia layout.

Basic formatting[edit source]

The sections and subsections have differents codes in Newstyle. Normally, you would use  ==Section name==  and  ===Subsection name=== . On Newstyle pages, however, you may use  {{section|Section name}}  and  {{subsec|Subsection name}}  instead. Using  ==Section name==  and  ===Subsection name===  on Newstyle pages make them inconsistent.

Update: After January 22, 2021, you may use  ==Section name==  and  ===Subsection name===  as well.

The codes for links, templates, bold and italics don't change at all. They are  [[link]] ,  {{template}} ,  '''bold text'''  and  ''italic text'' , respectively. On Newpedia pages, the so-called red links are black and perfectly blend into the text, so you won't notice them.

Templates[edit source]

It is strongly recommended to use Newstyle templates on pages with the Newpedia layout for the consistent appearance of the page. These templates include:
 {{UnNews editorial}} 
These templates are colored.  Blue  ones carry information on what kind of article the page is. News articles are labeled with the blue  {{UnNews}}  at the beginning. The pages where Jabberwock tests the Newpedia layout have  {{newstyle}}  which is also blue.  Orange  ones are warning templates. An example is  {{spelling}} . It warns readers and editors about the misspelings or tpyos they might want to fix.  Red  templates are also warning, but they tell you that the errors are intentional for some reason, the most common being PTLLTTTA. By the way, there is a PTLLTTTA template. Its color is  Potato gold . The  {{feature}}  template uses the same color.

Tags[edit source]

Scroll to the top of this page, look at the left side of the light grey bar, and you'll see a tag:  PTLLTTTA . You might ask, how did I put it onto there? The secret is on the first line of this page's source code.
The Newpedia layout template can have a parameter,  tag1 . In fact, it can have up to five. For example, you can put
at the beginning of your page's code, assuming that your page is indeed featured, FA (stands for Featured Article), UnNews, a page that looks like the thing it's about, and intentionally bad. The Newpedia layout does not, and will probably never, support more than five tags, because that would be unnecessary, needless, and redundant. Note that Newstyle templates such as  {{UnNews}}  do not automatically add the corresponding tag.

Examples[edit source]

This article, the very article you are reading now, is an example of Newstyle. And that's good. Newpedia layout and Newstyle are currently being tested on some other pages marked with  {{newstyle}} . Pages with that template are automatically added to the Newstyle testing pages category.