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User talk:Zombiebaron/archive31

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Dragon Tales

Several IP's have been targeting Dragon Tales and vandalising it to shit, after reverting 9 edits of vandalism, I thought you could perhaps protect the page so that the IP's will quit vandalising it.

Thanks bye. The admirable Lord Frosty the Snowman 08:22, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I deleted the page because it was crap, hopefully that will stop the vandalism. -- The Zombiebaron 10:18, February 27, 2011 (UTC)


To you and Hyperbole: Thanks for thinking of me on the temp. admin page. One of the reasons why I wouldn't want it is I'm lousy at code, and figure that you guys play with charts and code books and trapdoors that I couldn't even knock on. So best left to the guys who can work the machinery. Plus I would feature things like a week ahead of time, and not ban people that should be banned (I like the 92 vandal, and would end up giving him all the good codes and keys in exchange for a ringside seat), and be hesitant to huff pages. But thanks though. Aleister 14:00 27-2-'11

What about me? I putted you in my Nice-people book and you didn't thank me. --~ Mimo.gifMimomaxus.gifMaxus.gif 14:08, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
I've seen your nice people book, and the criminals and thugs in there give me the shivers. But thank you, too! And just what is a cave rat? Aleister 14:18 27-2-'11
How can I know? --~ Mimo.gifMimomaxus.gifMaxus.gif 14:24, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
That's totally alright Aleister. I only hope that when/if you ever want to become an admin there is an opportunity for you to do so. -- The Zombiebaron 17:58, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
What, admins have to know code, now? Zombiebaron, how are you an admin? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:39, 27 February 2011
Obviously admins don't need to know code. I would have pointed that fact out to Aleister, except I'm not sure that information would change his mind about not wanting to be an admin. -- The Zombiebaron 04:37, February 28, 2011 (UTC)
But what if we point out all the flaws in his logic? Won't that force him to concede, bereft of the cloak of his reality? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:55, 28 February 2011
Forcing users to be admins has never worked in the past. -- The Zombiebaron 05:31, February 28, 2011 (UTC)
But that doesn't mean it won't work in the future! 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:34, 28 February 2011
Look at all the code! I don't even know how to report someone on ban patrol. And see below, if I were an admin I'd just go ahead and feature all the featurable UnNews stories first - for topical value - but this hasn't been done in the past. See, I'd be a code idiot shaking the boat. The worse kind of human being. Aleister 23:57 1-3-'11


Zombiebaron, will you "despose" of these articles for me?

All were spur-of-the-moment ideas that I had lost interst in. If you delete them, thank you for your time. --Gamma287 By the way, Eduard Khil died. MUN.png Icons-flag-us.png ☭Tetяis? 15:34, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

Just put them to QVFD. --~ Mimo.gifMimomaxus.gifMaxus.gif 15:41, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
I am thinking of doing that also. --Gamma287 By the way, Eduard Khil died. MUN.png Icons-flag-us.png ☭Tetяis? 15:58, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
That works... --Gamma287 By the way, Eduard Khil died. MUN.png Icons-flag-us.png ☭Tetяis? 16:00, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
Ok, they're deleted. -- The Zombiebaron 18:04, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

Topic for happy monkey

Hey super zombie Don't forget to email me your topic for happy monkey. If you dont like email tell me and Ill catch you on IRC. Its Ill post your topic 5 minutes before the competition in the forum on Wednesday okay? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) --ShabiDOO 21:26, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

I sent you an email just a moment ago. -- The Zombiebaron 23:16, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, I got it. One thing I need help with, I dont know what your programing skills are like. This is the happy monkey pee reviews template. I dont know how to program the comment boxes to have wrapabout text. If the text is long it will just span the whole page rather than wrap around. Any clue how to do that? Thanks again Zombie ;) --ShabiDOO 03:00, February 28, 2011 (UTC)
I know almost nothing about coding. You might wanna try asking PuppyOnTheRadio or Lyrithya. -- The Zombiebaron 04:34, February 28, 2011 (UTC)


Hello. I saw your doing VFH picks. I know my UnNews:5-year-old only has the 10 votes now, but I come on bended elbow (leaning on my desk, passing the time of day) to ask that you consideer it for feature soon because of topicalness. That's a big problem with most UnNews considered for features, topical and timely. And I may be biased too, I don't know. It's possible. Viva La Madison Movement, Aleister 18:24 1-3-'11

I don't know if a precedent for bending the rules of VFH has been set in the past, but I don't really feel like setting such a precedent myself. Sorry dude, you'll just have to wait until it's got the most votes. -- The Zombiebaron 19:35, March 1, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks for voting for it! I think current UnNews things which get up there in the vote totals should be featured first, or the impact of the page is gone. Not only for this one but for future features. Maybe an admin discussion can take place on the subject. "UnNews:Egyptians began to gather in square, Murbarek not concerned" Thanks again for reading it and vloting. Al 23:54 1-3-'11
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't UnNews have it's own Main Page where it features stuff? Isn't that the appropriate space for featuring UnNewses while they're still current? Isn't the Main Page more of a straight up show case of our best work? Too many questions? -- The Zombiebaron 02:52, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
The UnNews Front Page does feature the best contributions. All contributions appear in chronological order in Recent news, and the associated UnNews Audio by Dexter and Mrthejazz appeared in Recent UnNews Audio on the page. The story and the audio were listed on the Uncyclopedia main page. I did not prepare a feature graphic for the UnNews Front Page because (1) originally it was totally a script rather than taking the form of a news article, and (2) I considered it more of Aleister's overt use of UnNews and Uncyclopedia as advocacy for a partisan position, which I explain in UnNews:Newsroom Sec. 28, and which featured a demand that I watch some left-wing cable news (my user talk page, Sec. 47) and admitted dickery regarding Kip's more center-of-the-road offering on VFH. Indeed the main page should not take a side in the labor/management dispute happening in a regional government of a foreign country (mine), and I assure you that reintroduction of sweatshops and slavery is not imminent. Spıke ¬ 03:18 2-Mar-11

Fisher Price

Fisher Price: A Retrospective was actually published in 2006. Correct the date mentioned in the footnote. --Scofield 11:57, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

What? -- The Zombiebaron 14:53, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
The footnote in Fisher Price. It cites Fisher Price: A Retrospective as a source, but lists the publishing date as 2005. It should be 2006. --Scofield 18:05, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

Hey Zombiebaron

Could you please replace the current site notice with this? Thanks. --Wanna see a magic trick? 17:26, March 2, 2011 (UTC)


Hover your mouse over the monkey sounds to see what it says.

Is that really safe for epilepsy sufferers? SomeBot 17:30, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
No. But who cares?!? --Wanna see a magic trick? 17:33, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
It's irritating in general; putting animation across the entire site would be a bit much, don't you think? Anyhow, what's wrong with what Mordillo put up? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 17:36, 2 March 2011
Does he smell to you or something? Have you got a restraint order? Do you like Hitler? Eh eh eh? Spit it out, bubba. SomeBot 17:43, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
  • Ok man I put it up, but it doesn't display properly: the left hand monkey is in the center of the banner (on my screen anyway). -- The Zombiebaron 17:49, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
Lyrithya: I know it's irritating, that's kinda what I was going for. The only reason I made this was because Shabidoo‎ who is running the thing asked me to. SomeBot: No. He smells fine. Zombiebaron: Thank you, and I'll see what I can do. --Wanna see a magic trick? 18:04, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
How's it look now? --Wanna see a magic trick? 18:08, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
MM, I'd rather leave it as a simple message. The point is the put a simple message rather than a gigantic banner, we don't need to use those on any occasion. ~Jewriken.GIF 19:28, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
I guess. Like I said, I only made it because Shabidoo‎ asked me to. --Wanna see a magic trick? 19:32, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
No worries, I just think about everyone's sanity :) ~Jewriken.GIF 19:38, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
But I thought everyone here was already insane. --Wanna see a magic trick? 19:43, March 2, 2011 (UTC)


Can you fix the grammar in this picture? Change the Jesus's part and make it Jesus'. Please. Also, my article is on VFH. You can vote if you want to. --~ Mimo.gifMimomaxus.gifMaxus.gif 20:02, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

How's this? -- The Zombiebaron 20:37, March 2, 2011 (UTC)
awesome --~ Mimo.gifMimomaxus.gifMaxus.gif 13:41, March 3, 2011 (UTC)
Either spelling is acceptable. I learned the second but have been tending toward the first (Jesus's) because it matches how I would say it. The Elements of Grammar by Shertzer (1986) prefers the first but says "Some authorities prefer" the second. Spıke ¬ 13:51 3-Mar-11

Super happy monkey competition topic

Hey your topic will be ready here at about five minutes before the start of the competition (5pm EST or 2200 UTC). HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK :) PISSING ALL OVER YOUR FACE --ShabiDOO 21:47, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

PS ... sigh ... the original topic assigned was HowTo: Have safe sex (with dogs). I put it in a general topic so that it was clear you have a choice. The contributor would like you to know that. I dont care what article you make as long as it is super frikin AWWWWWWWWWWSEOM! :) --ShabiDOO 23:24, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

About my monkey-topic

I started to write the monkey competition-topic, called Being a pimp is a big responsibility. When I did the first version, I writed by accident Being a pimp is a great responsibility. So I ask, can you delete the wrong-named version, because it`s just ahit. Thanx, Cat the Colourful (Feed Me!!!)Leave me alone... Sleeping Cat.png 13:35, March 3, 2011

Zombie, (I also left a post on magic mans talk page) I wonder if you might be able to help me (or any one reading this). The banner says the competition starts today. Im not accepting any new contestants and in reality the contest finishes in 3.5 hours. Could the banner be changed to say something like "Competition ends at 6PM ET 23.00 UTC. Click here to see articles" or something like that. It would be very much appreciated. CHEEEEEEEEERS. --ShabiDOO 18:27, March 3, 2011 (UTC)

Unpoetia:Have safe sex with dogs

Uh... Slight problem here. It's not an original, but a selected few lines from one of my favourite songs. I have absolutely no idea what to do, as CC-BY-NC-SA suggests it doesn't belong here as an article. It sits well there, but... As a quote on a talk page, I'd keep it, but as a separate entity... I have no idea what should be done here, as if I came across anyone claiming this as an original article I'd be the first to put it on QVFD, but... You know what I mean... Pup 10:04 04 Mar '11

I think I'll leave it up until somebody says otherwise. -- The Zombiebaron 14:32, March 4, 2011 (UTC)

Back from my 2 day absence

Uh, could you restore Timothy Goes To School on my userspace? I wasn't finished with it yet. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? - CONTRIBS - WRITINGS - SHOP - Now adopting! 06:07, March 6, 2011 (UTC)

I dunno what you're talking about but that page you linked never exited and was never deleted. I also checked in your deleted edits and there was no page with even a similar title. If you give me an actual link to your article I would be happy to restore it for you. -- The Zombiebaron 06:31, March 6, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry, ZB, put the wrong link there. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? - CONTRIBS - WRITINGS - SHOP - Now adopting! 17:16, March 6, 2011 (UTC)
Can I have Timothy Goes To School back? --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? - CONTRIBS - WRITINGS - SHOP - Now adopting! 22:57, March 13, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah here it is. -- The Zombiebaron 23:46, March 13, 2011 (UTC)

Article Deletion

Just wanted to ask why you deleted my article Jerome Bettis? I know it wasn't formatted well or neat, I just don't know how to do the formatting stuff on wiki pages. I asked for help on the page and never received it. You put 'vigilance' i believe is the reason? and to be completely honest i don't know what that means

--Xthegasshowerx 20:40, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

I have recreated your article in your userspace. You should work on it there until you believe it is ready for the mainspace (you can ask me or another administrator if you're not sure). I deleted it for a few reasons. Obviously it is poorly formatted. If you need help learning wikiformatting, I suggest browsing a couple of our best articles, clicking the edit button, and seeing how those pages are coded. Also, as far as I can tell, you only edited that page once, so I was not aware that anybody cared about it. If you have any other questions I would be happy to help you as best I can. -- The Zombiebaron 22:28, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

To the ultimate overlord

A quick look at the history of this article shows that the IP in charge of this article is editing this once a week and adding just one word or one line to keep it from getting huffed. While this is technically "under construction" I think the spirit of the tag is being...broken, I guess. Even if the construction tag is replaced with a fix or expansion I think that would be more appropriate as there would be a specified time for this article to be improved rather than the "infinite" the IP is getting due to these once a week edits. You can tell me I'm out of line, but I really wouldn't bother with it if it wasn't an IP and this article wasn't such shit even after almost a year. Jackofspades.png (talk) 01:41, March 11, 2011 (UTC)

I think that's hilarious. One week he will forget about his article, and then all his "hard work" will be for nothing. So fucking funny. -- The Zombiebaron 06:09, March 11, 2011 (UTC)
You are sick. And I like it. Jackofspades.png (talk) 06:10, March 11, 2011 (UTC)

"Prime Number"

Agreed re the formatting; I can clean it up, just gimme a day or two. (Of course, I only added the last bit -- did you like it? I think it's damn good, and that's even considering I came up with it as a snotty little frosh, slightly over 25 years ago. My other "conjecture" from back then, which I likewise claimed to have verified up to 20 digits by hand and 100 by computer, was that Pi^log(Gamma) = Gamma^log(Pi), presumably due to some mysterious connection between said constants.) – Preceding unsigned comment added by Stumbo (talk • contribs)

The {{Fix}} tag will only expire after the article has remained unedited for a month. So that should give you plenty of time to polish it. Also, I'm glad you love math, but like I said on IRC, it's Latin to me (except that I know more about Latin then I do about math). -- The Zombiebaron 06:11, March 11, 2011 (UTC)


That is all. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 08:05, 11 March 2011

That is obviously spam. -- The Zombiebaron 09:36, March 11, 2011 (UTC)
Of course. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 09:52, 11 March 2011


It has come to my attention that you have recently voted for one or more of my articles on VFH. I don't recall what they were, and I don't know if the records are entirely accurate, so if you have received this message in error, you have my sincerest apologies.

Otherwise, thank you for your support in my quest to pretend that I am capable of writing. It is most appreciated.

This copy-pasted spam message is brought to you by: 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 07:03, 13 March 2011

That is obviously spam. -- The Zombiebaron 07:40, March 13, 2011 (UTC)
Of course. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 08:38, 13 March 2011

An Idea

I think it would legit if there was a weekly or bi-weekly contest to submit an article for a locked article. --Tylrock 08:16, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Ok. -- The Zombiebaron 08:22, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Happy Monkey


Thank you for your participation in the Happy Monkey Competition. Because of your writing there are now 15 more amazing articles on Uncyclopedia. PS if you want your pee review to be expanded into a formal 50point review, please let me know on my talk page and Ill get to work on it right away! OLÉ!!! --ShabiDOO 19:35, March 14, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for organizing it Shabidoo, it was lots of fun. Hopefully I will one day finish my article. -- The Zombiebaron 03:19, March 15, 2011 (UTC)
I hope you are in, in Spring :) You ought to finish it ... some day! ;) --ShabiDOO 04:15, March 15, 2011 (UTC)

Can you please put this up? It's very important to Shabidoo that we put it up. Thanks. --Wanna see a magic trick? 01:33, March 15, 2011 (UTC)

No I don't think so. Uncyclopedia doesn't need banner for to announce everything that happens. We only even used banners in the first place as a parody of Wikipedia's banners, and now that those are gone using banners would just be silly and unnecessary. -- The Zombiebaron 03:21, March 15, 2011 (UTC)
Silly and Unnecessary are Uncyclopedia's second and tenth name Gen. Fudgem0bile Help old lady across the street. Into your oven. 03:23, March 15, 2011 (UTC)
No, I think unnecessary is Uncyclopedia's thirteenth name. It's tenth name is Horace. --Wanna see a magic trick? 03:30, March 15, 2011 (UTC)
13 names are unnecessary :) Gen. Fudgem0bile Help old lady across the street. Into your oven. 03:31, March 15, 2011 (UTC)
Having the banner up isnt important to me. Advertising the winners and that there are 15 new and awsome articles is. There should be some sort of way to point that out (other than when and if they are VFH). Lets find some way!?! This is whats important for me, and I would assume the participants as well who are modest otherwise, and silly, and an unnecessary part of uncyclopedia, and Horace too! --ShabiDOO 04:13, March 15, 2011 (UTC)