User talk:Romartus/Archive18
- Archive1, *Archive2,
- Archive3,*Archive4
- Archive5,*Archive6
- Archive7,*Archive8
- Archive9,*Archive10
- Archive11,*Archive12
- Archive13, *Archive14
- Archive15, *Archive16
- Archive17

Hello[edit source]
I'm not exactly sure why you think it's necessary to appear hear and drop condescending and patronising remarks but I feel it's because you know the wikia is a deadzone in comparison to here and you need to point out any misdoings to make yourself feel better about the wikias situation. In response to your irritating pictures, while there is a very small amount of drama on the IRC at present, most users feel they want no part of the drama and the IRC is at most times a pleasant and fun place which I don't believe I've ever seen you in, yet you feel you can comment on it. Along that vein, I think your mother is an ugly whore. There is of course little drama on the wikia as all new users or users who step slightly out of line are insta-banned instead of allowed room to argue.
In regards to your second picture, I sincerely hope it means you won't be popping back for another snide remark because I find it exquisitely annoying every time you do. I have sometimes felt the urge to point out ridiculous events on the other site (yes, usually SPIKE being himself) but I don't because there is no need. Please go back to the wikia, don't edit here again, and sit around as SPIKE and wikia destroy themselves as you applaud him for doing so.
09:19, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
That reminded me of this. Don't be too hard on Rom-Rom. He came here for a while, but his heart was already with Wikia (who rewarded him with a flight to Frisco and an iPad. Thomas Moore said it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world but I think that was a decent deal, definitely better than Wales). Anyway, the fact that he, like Puppy, comes back here should be something we welcome. It's like when Magneto teams up with the X-men: it's not necessarily a reunion, and there are inevitably sassy comments about toupees, but it is a sign of hope of more established users becoming bisexual flittering between both sites. Be Christ-like onto him, turn the other cheek - you have four of them to furnish him with - and overwhelm him with love. Leverage (talk) 09:38, 4 August 2014 (UTC) (doing an Aleister impression)
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ All of this ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Leverage I mean) ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!)
09:44, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- I am entirely happy for Romartus, or anyone, to come to this site whenever they want. It just seems whenever Romartus appears it is to make a snide comment and stir drama further. If Romartus wants to come and edit articles, or contribute to forums and discussions constructively, I will be the first to welcome him with open arms.
- Wikia got me with an iPad. What am I now bid? --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 10:10, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- Banzai, don't you see the problem in making a thread like this to reduce drama? Also Uncyclopedia lives and breathes off snide remarks. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!)
10:20, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- Snide remarks and drama bring out the inner chimp in all Uncyclopedians - regardless of sex or site. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 10:31, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- I used to comment on the Guardian. Much worse. And Rom, you spelt Gimp wrong. --Leverage (talk) 10:34, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- You should try the Daily Telegraph comment section! The inner Gimp - oh has it come to zips and latex?? --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 11:27, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- When you were in San Francisco did you try a one dollar taco on Mission Street? --ShabiDOO 23:22, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- Next time I am invited by Wikia to Frisco, I will ask them for the location. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 07:40, 5 August 2014 (UTC)
- Next time I am invited by Wikia to Frisco, I will ask them for the location. --
- When you were in San Francisco did you try a one dollar taco on Mission Street? --ShabiDOO 23:22, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- You should try the Daily Telegraph comment section! The inner Gimp - oh has it come to zips and latex?? --
- I used to comment on the Guardian. Much worse. And Rom, you spelt Gimp wrong. --Leverage (talk) 10:34, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- Snide remarks and drama bring out the inner chimp in all Uncyclopedians - regardless of sex or site. --
- Banzai, don't you see the problem in making a thread like this to reduce drama? Also Uncyclopedia lives and breathes off snide remarks. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!)
09:59, 4 August 2014 (UTC)
- Wikia got me with an iPad. What am I now bid? --
- I am entirely happy for Romartus, or anyone, to come to this site whenever they want. It just seems whenever Romartus appears it is to make a snide comment and stir drama further. If Romartus wants to come and edit articles, or contribute to forums and discussions constructively, I will be the first to welcome him with open arms.
Re-feature queue[edit source]
If you want, you can go to Uncyclopedia:Re-feature queue/Nominate and pick one featured article that you wrote to be re-featured. You can also pick three features written by someone else to re-feature. -- 20:08, 17 November 2014 (UTC)
- Done (at least for me). --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 21:05, 18 November 2014 (UTC)
Rom Rom[edit source]
Is it too much to ask for your dulcet tones? UnTunes:Do Islamic State Know It's Christmas? All proceeds do not go to Africa. Leverage (talk) 11:29, 6 December 2014 (UTC)
- Hahahahaha. I sing in falsetto. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 23:40, 8 December 2014 (UTC)