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These are the Awards I've Getted.

If you want to add an award, add it to the bottom, and timestamp it in some way.

Also, if you vote against any pictures of mine that appear on Uncyclopedia:VFP, I will love you long time.

Newcookie.gif Insertwackynamehere has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Insertwackynamehere (18:56, 24 Aug 2005) for "creating this template"

From Sir Elvis (11:56, 25 Aug 2005) for "excelling in MTU and reverting, etc"

From Codeine (22:01, 25 Aug 2005) for "heroic work on Ban Patrol and QVFD"

From Flammable (08:42, 26 Aug 2005) for "keeping it sane when we're not all alive enough to do so"

Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment August 2005

From: Codeine, Nytrospawn, Famine, Sir Elvis, Marcos_Malo, Splaka (31 Aug - 1 Sep 2005) for spelling my name wrong.

Newcookie.gif Insertwackynamehere has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Insertwackynamehere (00:56, 14 Sep 2005) for giving Insertwackynamehere a cookie

Newcookie.gif Insertwackynamehere has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Insertwackynamehere (00:11, 16 Sep 2005) for "the discovery of how to create image links"

Newcookie.gif Insertwackynamehere has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Insertwackynamehere (20:12, 20 Sep 2005) for nominating him for admin (bribr)

Officer of the Order

Nominated/voted/threatened by Rcmurphy, Chronarion, PantsMacKenzie, Famine, Codeine, CarlB, Flammable. +Sysoped by PantsMacKenzie (10:09, 27 Sep 2005) for bitching too much about vandals. Bah!

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month September 2005

From: Insertwackynamehere, Splaka, PantsMacKenzie, Elvis, Famine, Codeine, Carlos the Mean (17:26, 30 Sep 2005) for trying to refuse adminship, and some other stuff.

From: Splaka, Pam Johnsenson, Toytoy, Martyz, Rory, Azdruid, Okochama, NoneTooSmart (06:40, 20 Oct 2005)

From Dawg (18:31, 22 Oct 2005) a critique?

From Paulgb (01:50, 3 Nov 2005)

From: Dawg, Paulgb, Splaka, Nytrospawn, Rei, Mosquitopsu, DrPoodle, RadicalX (05:56, 5 Nov 2005 )

From Codeine (22:30, 14 Nov 2005) for "Wielding the ban stick with great wrath and righteous fury"
Newcookie.gif Elvis has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From --The Right Honourable Maj Sir Elvis UmP KUN FIC MDA VFH Bur. CM and bars UGM F@H (Petition) 10:18, 22 Nov 2005 (UTC) for "Working out how to use the MA css on the front page!

From Gwax (22:04, 22 Nov 2005) for making Hitler edible?

From Ogopogo (03:11, 23 Nov 2005) for Template:Moodring.

Deletion Award.gif
Mega Deletion Award!

This Admin has successfully beaten the crap out of many,
many articles in rapid succession. Fear them greatly.

From -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 12:09, 27 Nov 2005 (UTC) for "Rounding up and liquidating rogue orphaned talk pages"

From Famine, 02:51, 29 Nov 2005 (UTC)

From gwax 19:51, 10 Dec 2005 (UTC)

From: TheLibrarian, Keitei, Silius, Kempokaraterul, RadicalX, Paulgb, Todd_Lyons, LeoFed,,, Freebasser, Miserable Failure, Joe857, Morlark, JBob, InsaneHunter, Dawg (Against: Mosquitopsu, Splaka, Rcmurphy, DrAwesome, Gwax) (5:41, 16 Dec 2005 UTC)

Newcookie.gif Carlos the Mean has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Carlos the Mean 09:17, 16 Dec 2005 (UTC) for "Chess - DELUXE EDITION", and, by way of the same, brightening up my user page.

777px-Gay flag.svg.png
Like Oh My God!
Super Gay Award

This user is gayer than Elton John in a sweater vest doing the hula with the Village People to YMCA.
Keep up the good work!

For being Super Gay. --KATIE!! 07:57, 25 Dec 2005 (UTC)

From Rcmurphy, for messing up the front page. 06:33, 24 January 2006 (UTC)

From Famine, for amazing rapid-fire edits to the Village Dump among other articles. 02:51, 31 January 2006 (UTC)

From Isra1337 08:15, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

Newcookie.gif Lugiatm has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From officer designate Club symbol.png Lugiatm Club symbol.png MUN NS CM ZM WH 14:02, 15 February 2006 (UTC), for doing something about NRV or something.

Newcookie.gif Prettiestpretty has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Dame PPsigPPlips.gifGUN PotY WotM 2xPotM 17xVFH VFP Poo PMS •YAP• 18:14, 19 February 2006 (UTC), for undeleting a template and also some bukkake references, ew.

Newcookie.gif Ratter has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

From Ratter, for fixing my User Page. 11:38, 3 April 2006 (UTC)

From: Keitei, Brad Fraiser, Nappy The Quarryman, Jtaylor1, Mahroww, OsirisX, Count of Monkey Crisco, Rataube, Anidnmeno, Dawg, Hinoa, Nintentorulez, Swordmaster, Prettiestpretty, LinkTGF, EamonnPKeane, Doug. (Against: Witty Guy, Zombiebaron, Whywhywhy, Sikon, Draconas, Rcmurphy, SirNuke, gwax) (09:13, 9 March 2006 UTC)

From: LinkTGF, gwax, Hinoa, Brad Frasier, Yellow Dalek, Doug, Roger The BUM, Nappy_The_Quarryman, Tompkins (Conditional: Kaizer_the_Bjorn, Anon32. Against: Mosquitopsu, Sikon) (04:21, 5 April 2006 UTC)

This user is not Polish.
Isn't that great?

For not being Polish. (This is useless.) From: Sparky2002b.