“I have no idea what I'm doing...”
~ Jeffers on his contributions to Uncyclopedia
“Pretentious, egotistical and slightly camp...He’s my kind of guy.”
“...the clever-dumb balance is restored.”
~ MINT ads on Jeffers
The jeffers |
Kingdom | United |
Phylum | WTF? |
Class | B223 |
Order | Lacking |
Family | Disfunctionalus |
Genus | Homo |
Species | Awesomeus |
God |
Primary armament | Xbox 360 controller |
Secondary armament | Rolled up newspaper |
Power supply | AA |
Health | 1 |
Mana | 1337 |
Strength | 0.3 |
Intelligence | Incalcuable |
Weight | Negligible |
Length | 6ft |
Special attack | Spaz |
One and only |
The Game |
This user just lost The Game, as did you. |
The Game |
This is a template userbox, to create userboxes from. Anyone with it on his/her page is clearly just looking for an excuse to have more Userboxes.
USB!!!!!11 |
USB!!!!!11 |
ubx– crapload |
ubx– crapload |
Eeek! |
This user steals userboxes from random people's user pages. |
Eeek! |
This user pwns at Halo 3. |
This user is right-handed. In Latin, they would be Dexter. |
This user likes to eat anything orange. |
. sdrawkcab si resu sihT !degnellahc-yllatnoziroh TON si resu sihT :etoN
This user is POOR, has never passed GO, and never collected $200. |
... |
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered. |
... |
official |
This user is official. They get all their user boxes from here. |
official |
Bad User This user is an asshole. Please avoid direct contact.
Tihs f****r spekas Typo ehavily laced wirh profanitt taht woudl amke a f*****g a*****e salior bluhs form all teh g******d balshpemy.
This user got Pokémon Diamond because they are a corporate whore. Their friend code is 210553353220. |
This user considers him/herself an expert gamer and so begs borrows or steals just enough money to pay for their electricity.
This user believes MMORPGs are a waste of time and/or money. Furthermore to this fact s/he demands the deletion of all MMORPGs and their players!
This user prefers the Nintendo DS over the PSP as they have far superior multitasking abilities.
This user prefers settles for the the original DS model as they have no money.
This user plays on an Xbox 360 as their pretentiousness knows no bounds. |
This user prefers the Wii as 'it's the game play that counts'.
This user plays games on the Nintendo GameCube as they broke their window with the Wii remote and can't afford another.
This user still enjoys the overrated Sega Dreamcast but doesn't talk about this to anyone but his/her therapist.
This user is against computer and video game censorship and regulation as they like porn and violence (though not always at the same time). |
This user believes in the Matrixes and needs to seriously get in touch with the real world (It's actually Matrices)
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover. |
This user will give you a seizure. |
This user is a skeptical agnostic and doesn't know if they don't know |
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy. |
This user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies.
This user is addicted to taramosalata, tarantulas and anything with lots of 't's and 'a's. |
nj |
This user is a Ninja, with dominion over everything totally sweet. |
nj |
This user seriously needs to calm down. |
This user is a complete, irredeemable cutlass. They are Bat Fuck Insane, and pwnify at a governor. |
This *bleep* user likes to *bleep* the use of *bleep* *bleep* profanity *bleep* |
This user has attained a plane of asshattery previously thought unreachable and needs to be cockpunched immediately. |
This user hates you and everyone you care about. |
This user believes participation in the consumption of cheese is an exquisite pastime.
This user can also be found elsewhere on the internet. |
This user likes goats. Baaaahaahaahaahhh! |
This user doesn't trust Wikipedia as far as they can throw it… but nonetheless use it on a daily basis. |
This user is fascinated by chaos theory. Probably, s/he doesn't really know but 'chaos' sounds faintly apocalyptic: bring on the carnage! |
This user monkey understands biological evolution and wishes to evangelise this fact. |
This user tried, really, really hard, to memorise the elements' names and symbols, but can only remember that H is for hydrogen. |
This user uses public transport and so has most likely been mugged, raped or murdered. |
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there. |
Jeffers is perhaps the biggest waste of human resourses to date, right after hippies, Jade Goody and Poland. In his entire existance he has never achieved, improved or asploded anything, making his total contributions to the world comparable with god. In fact, if the govenment did not insist on taxing EVERYONE, there would be no record of Jeffers' existance. Why are you even reading his userpage?
Notable activities include:
- Sleeping
- Eating
- Sleeping
- Complaining (Jeffers is 127% British, 97% raddish)
- Sleeping
- Plotting world domination
- Sleeping
- Playing Xbox
- Not sleeping...followed by sleeping
- Not attending college - get your ass in now.
Jeffers' diet is observed to consist almost entirely of Lucozade and Weetos. How he manages to survive on such little nourishment has been the subject of literally three studies. None providing useful results.
Playing Halo has been proved to be the most worthless thing a person can do, so naturally, Jeffers is almost always doing it.
He is considerably devoted to unlocking Recon armour, which is why he plasters his stupid template over anything REMOTELY Halo related...
Otherwise his gamertag is completely unremarkable, although his gamerscore is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!!!!