National sport
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A national sport is an activity quite popular when:
- A country's population can't afford beer due to inflation
- A country's population can't afford beer due to... the Russians.
Selected countries nationals sports[edit | edit source]
Elephant taunting (India)

Cricket (New Zealand)
Country | National sport |
Afghanistan | Bloodbath |
Albania | Revolution |
Argentina | Nazi hunting |
Australia | Taking things that don't belong to them. ie. Pavlova, Buzzy Bees, and Split Enz |
Agraba | Barbarism |
Bahrain | Rioting |
Bolivia | Llama spotting |
Bosnia and Herzegovinotchiachoveunta | Smoking, civil war, soccer |
The burger kingdom | Javelin |
Canada | Moose Shagging |
Cyprus | being both Greek and Turkish |
Denmark | being "the forgotten Sweden" |
United Arab Emirates | Not being arab, being pakistani, not drinking alcohol |
Easter Island | Tug of war |
Egypt | Kalaha |
England | Tiddlywinks |
Estonia | Gambling |
Faroe Islands | Something-involving-fish |
Finland | Schalke |
Empire of the Four Squares | Tar |
France | Smoking, Being arrogant, belle du jour |
Gabon | Talking |
Netherlands | Making Gouda and Prostitution |
Germany | Goose step, Schadenfreude |
Greenland | Singing Greensleeves, sledding, ice skating |
Guatemala | Midget wrestling |
Japan | Pokémon, Sharking, making cartoon pornography, Ninja Hattori |
Haiti | Ukulele |
Happy-land | Russian roulette |
Hungary | Pornography production extrodinaire |
India | Cow-hugging, sword swallowing, and helping to fix computer issues |
Israel | Occupying |
Italy | Sobbing after soccer matches |
Kazakhstan | Kokpar |
Kentucky | Fried chicken eating |
Latvia | Getting killed by Russians, getting Russians killed |
Lebanon | lesbianism |
Lithuania | Borrowing money, being bored |
Nepal | Slope bowling, Climbing Mount Everest |
New Zealand | Sodomising Sheep |
Norway | Milk the Bull While Wearing Suspenders and Skis |
Pitcairn Islands | Foot fucking |
Poland | Migrating to Scandinvia, talking funny |
Russia | EVOL!, Smuglianka, hunting, horseback riding, tank rolling, invading |
Scotland | Herding cattle, eating sheep liver, intestines, and brain |
Slovenia | Gypsy Prostitutes |
Sweden | Socialism, Being Frozen |
Thailand | Escorting |
Turkey | Claiming they're part of Europe, being the West's bitch in Asia |
UK | Drinking tea |
USA | Gun toting, Drone strikes |
Wales | UnNews:The_Beautiful_Game |
North Korea | Shuffling feet, Disco, Harlem Shake, Cha Cha Slide |
South Korea | Copying Japan's tech and fashion industry |
Yorkshire | Walking round b'at 'at, bathtub racing |
Oceania | Extreme political thought, censorship, and totalitarianism |