National sport

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A national sport is an activity quite popular when:

  • A country's population can't afford beer due to inflation
  • A country's population can't afford beer due to... the Russians.

Selected countries nationals sports[edit | edit source]

Sport wrestling web.jpg
You are sports.jpg
Elephant taunting (India)
Cricket (New Zealand)
Country National sport
Afghanistan Bloodbath
Albania Revolution
Argentina Nazi hunting
Australia Taking things that don't belong to them. ie. Pavlova, Buzzy Bees, and Split Enz
Agraba Barbarism
Bahrain Rioting
Bolivia Llama spotting
Bosnia and Herzegovinotchiachoveunta Smoking, civil war, soccer
The burger kingdom Javelin
Canada Moose Shagging
Cyprus being both Greek and Turkish
Denmark being "the forgotten Sweden"
United Arab Emirates Not being arab, being pakistani, not drinking alcohol
Easter Island Tug of war
Egypt Kalaha
England Tiddlywinks
Estonia Gambling
Faroe Islands Something-involving-fish
Finland Schalke
Empire of the Four Squares Tar
France Smoking, Being arrogant, belle du jour
Gabon Talking
Netherlands Making Gouda and Prostitution
Germany Goose step, Schadenfreude
Greenland Singing Greensleeves, sledding, ice skating
Guatemala Midget wrestling
Japan Pokémon, Sharking, making cartoon pornography, Ninja Hattori
Haiti Ukulele
Happy-land Russian roulette
Hungary Pornography production extrodinaire
India Cow-hugging, sword swallowing, and helping to fix computer issues
Israel Occupying
Italy Sobbing after soccer matches
Kazakhstan Kokpar
Kentucky Fried chicken eating
Latvia Getting killed by Russians, getting Russians killed
Lebanon lesbianism
Lithuania Borrowing money, being bored
Nepal Slope bowling, Climbing Mount Everest
New Zealand Sodomising Sheep
Norway Milk the Bull While Wearing Suspenders and Skis
Pitcairn Islands Foot fucking
Poland Migrating to Scandinvia, talking funny
Russia EVOL!, Smuglianka, hunting, horseback riding, tank rolling, invading
Scotland Herding cattle, eating sheep liver, intestines, and brain
Slovenia Gypsy Prostitutes
Sweden Socialism, Being Frozen
Thailand Escorting
Turkey Claiming they're part of Europe, being the West's bitch in Asia
UK Drinking tea
USA Gun toting, Drone strikes
Wales UnNews:The_Beautiful_Game
North Korea Shuffling feet, Disco, Harlem Shake, Cha Cha Slide
South Korea Copying Japan's tech and fashion industry
Yorkshire Walking round b'at 'at, bathtub racing
Oceania Extreme political thought, censorship, and totalitarianism