User:Under user/Awards

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Awards and other thingies bestowed on Under User[edit | edit source]

Uncyclopedian of the Year Award Uncyclopedian of the Year 2009
Aristocrat en Regalia
This person is a winner of the Aristocrat's Ball, which they won for their article: Ich Bin Ein Celebrity Juden, Get Me Out Of Here!
Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month February 2008 & December 2009
Potatochopper of the Month Award Potatochopper of the Month November 2007

Lieutenant (or Huffer First Class)
Playwright of the Month badge.png

This user is the

April 2008

Playwright of the Month

Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month April 2008
Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month July 2008
Author of the Month Award UnBooks Author of the Month November 2010

For Pee Reviews[edit | edit source]

Thank you berry much!
It's a fruit pun. Get it? Get it? Thank you berry much!
Instead of some Golden Shower or lame ass Ninjastar, I feel the need to bestow upon you this berry! You rocked that Pee Review despite our impatience, and for that I created this entirely new template just for you.
Much love, Sir SysRq (talk)

Diamond Dumper.png
Diamond Dumper

Excellent! Your commitment to PEEING is nearly boundless, going beyond 75 in-depth pee reviews. You provide such vast quantities of piss that you need something special to contain it. So we gladly provide you with this beautiful bathroom bling - keep pissing!

175 × 171px I, Orian57, hereby award you with this fancy crab-hat (modeled by this lovely 16 year old) as I deem you in some way exceptional, although don't take this personally, I'm not well.
Platinum Pisser

Rejoice! Your colossal achievement of completing over 50 in-depth pee reviews has been recognised with the provision of this luxury micturitional accessory. You will be the envy of your friends. Or you would be, if you hadn't ignored them for ages while you were reviewing.

Under user Has Been Awarded Official Thankies By YesTimeToEdit!
This Is Not Just Thankies. This Is Unofficial YesTimeToEdit Official Thankies.
To show you my appreciation for your review, I present to you a symbol of my gratification:


A saxophone playing Chinchilla. He will play you such hits as "One", "Duality", and "Number of the Beast". Enjoy! - Jimmy the Hellhound 11:43, 13 March 2008 (UTC)

Mop Bucket.jpg BAD DOG!!
Who did that? Did you do that?
Did you PEE on my Matthew Good article!
Now I have to go clean it up!

Bomb shelter.gif As promised, you are presented with one (1) bomb shelter
for your Pee Review of HowTo:Survive a Terrorist Attack.
In the event of a terrorist attack, simply place your bomb
in this handy (and stylish!) container to protect it from harm.

For Other stuff[edit | edit source]

Celtic Ninja Star
This person has done good deeds in the eyes of Sycamore

Newcookie.gif Necropaxx has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Newcookie.gif Sycamore has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Newcookie.gif Modusoperandi has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Sycamore has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
1st in Blearchery, 2008 Unlympics.
With warm regards...
Javascap has decided that, somehow, you are a rightfully friendly fellow, and has decided to throw this colourful template onto your page.
REJOICE Under user!
Feather in Your Cap Award

This person has done something very helpful for Uncyclopedia, and thus is deserving of a Feather in their Cap. Respect this person.

Optimuschris has been informed that you have recently helped him in some way.
Therefore he has asked his assistant to create a thank you template for you.
He trusts an appropriate image has been included. An image
every bit as unique and personal as he's assured his recent interaction
with you has been.

Wikipedia Killer Award
For helping to make this wiki better than those bastards. Your actions have given them yet another reason to curse the name Uncyclopedia.

Gring.jpg Thankyou!
Please accept my delightful ring

From Rabbi Techno

Ottomanfurniture.jpg AE has awarded you a sofa!
Now go make yourself comfortable.
Newcookie.gif Manforman has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif User:Ljlego has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Gring.jpg The Ring of Devandalisers
For fighting the Good Fight

Rabbi Techno