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--notoc-- lolz heres my awads 4 every1 to c

User Awards[edit | edit source]

  1.   Le Cejak <Apr 30, 2008 [12:47]>
  2. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court)  01:28, October 20, 2009 (UTC)

Newcookie.gif Why do I need to provide this? has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Zheliel has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Kevillips has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Beerpint.jpg Under user has bought you a beer!
Remember though, you're getting the next round.

"Official" Awards[edit | edit source]

Useless Gobshite of the Month Award Useless Gobshite of the Month April 2009

Benson of the Month Award Benson of the Month October 2009

Featured[edit | edit source]



(Archery written with Why do I need to provide this?)

Voting Thanks[edit | edit source]

IM from dctrskull1990 to Syndrome
dctrskull1990 [01:38 PM]: hey
dctrskull1990 [01:38 PM]: so uh
dctrskull1990 [01:38 PM]: i saw you voted on that drug dealer article
dctrskull1990 [01:39 PM]: heh
dctrskull1990 [01:39 PM]: your probably wondering who i am
dctrskull1990 [01:39 PM]: i'm the guy that wrote it
dctrskull1990 [01:39 PM]: srsly i'm not shitting you
dctrskull1990 [01:39 PM]: anyway
dctrskull1990 [01:40 PM]: you're probably gonna end up bein one of those people i never take off my buddy list even tho we only speak once
dctrskull1990 [01:40 PM]: which sounds kinda creepy and all
dctrskull1990 [01:40 PM]: but its kind of like an honor you know
dctrskull1990 [01:40 PM]: being on my buddy list
dctrskull1990 [01:41 PM]: cuz i got a featured article on uncyclopedia
dctrskull1990 [01:41 PM]: partially thanks to you!
dctrskull1990 [01:41 PM]: so i guess all i'm tryin to say is
dctrskull1990 [01:41 PM]: thx
dctrskull1990 [01:43 PM]: and can we get one thing clarified right now
dctrskull1990 [01:43 PM]: sorry to bother you like this, i'm probably wasting your time
dctrskull1990 [01:43 PM]: considering you're NOT RESPONDING or anything
dctrskull1990 [01:44 PM]: but lets just get this settled
dctrskull1990 [01:44 PM]: like for peace of mind
dctrskull1990 [01:44 PM]: you dont sell drugs do you
Syndrome [01:49 PM]: Thanks for voting? More like thanks for nominating.
Syndrome [01:49 PM]: Get your facts straight.
Syndrome [01:50 PM]: Oh yeah, before I get too much into detail...
Syndrome [01:50 PM]: You're not an undercover cop, are you?
Syndrome [01:51 PM]: Haha.
Syndrome [01:54 PM]: Seriously though are you?
Talk Video Pictures Send files  

No one probably even noticed that I touched this up...

Peeing dog.jpg Thank you, Syndrome, for voting Orian57 your Reviewer of the Month. However the egotistical beast that you have now unleashed is not grateful and meagrely expected the vote but would like to give you a condescending pat on the head.
Good girl/boy
Thanks for voting!
Blue ranger.jpg Blue Power Ranger thanks you for voting!

So you liked my tale of displeasure, huh? That's nice. Hey, maybe I could write a book about it! Before long I'll be outselling Pelzer!

Do you realize that by supporting HowTo:Get Over Jenny, you are supporting insane, demented, homicidal stalkers everywhere? You should be ashamed.

Guard in park.jpg

Thank you ...

... for supporting my recently featured picture.
A baby potato shall be mercilessly sacrificed
in your honour. - Sonje
Howtosandcastle.jpg "Joshy, what do you say to all the nice boys and girls...?"

Uh… Oh yeah thanks! Mrs Peterson said that I had to thank you all for voting on my story, even if you do all have stupid names. Daddy read it too and then he told me that he lied about the sharks as well as his hands being tied up! Mummy gave him a row though so it’s ok now. But now I want to know what the men and women who fight the boy-eating sharks do! Dandelion thinks they’re bankers.

CrushYourHead.jpg Thanks for voting for my article, Dear Diary. And do rest assured that I am not a violent or vindictive person, and that voting no would have in no way resulted in me abusing my administrative powers to crush you like a grape.
~ Todd Lyons


User:Why do I need to provide this?/NotM thanks

User:Why do I need to provide this?/Sun Bee thanks

wtf[edit | edit source]

    dQQQQp            qQQQQb
  dQp                      qQb
 dp                          qb
dp                            qb
qb                            dp
 Qb                          dpQ
 qQQb                      dQQp
  Q qQQQQb            dQQQQp Q
  qb     qQQQQQQQQQQQQp     dp
   Q.                      .Q
   `Qb                    dQ'
     qQb                dQp
       qQQQQb      dQQQQp
(Victor Meldrew does not approve of this. At all)

Ninjaspinnermedal.gif The Hidden Page Barnstar
I award you the ultimate Hidden Page Barnstar for finding Zheliel's Amazing Hidden Page. Which you found. Amazing.

ZhelielCow.jpg » Zheliel Talk Contribs Cow »

You found my special page. Congrats. --Invincibleflamegruemaster 16:55, November 9, 2009 (UTC)
Irish Goat.jpg
Newcookie.gif Kevillips has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Season's greetings[edit | edit source]

A FESTIVUS FOR THE RESTOFUS![edit | edit source]

Festivus-card.gif Happy Festivus, from The Led Balloon and Jerry Stiller. Put up your Festivus Pole, air your grievances, and prepare for the feats of strength, for festivus cannot continue until I am pinned! Oh, and merry Christmas if you're into that sort of thing.
It's a Festivus miracle!

- P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 20:32, Dec 21

Happy Holidays from all of us at SysRq Waste Disposal and Grinder Co.[edit | edit source]

Happy Giftmas. ~Sissie

sirErr.gifsysrq @ 23:45 Dec 21

Here's Your Christmas Tree[edit | edit source]

----Pleb- Sawblade5 [block me!] ( yell | FAQ | I did this ) 08:55, 25 December 2008 (UTC)