Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/January 14
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January 14: Visit Your Imprisoned Relatives Day (North Korea)
- 1539 - Spain invents the Cubano, names Caribbean island Cuba in its honor.
- 1911 - Scottish Gaelic is smacked out of existence by a coalition of Scotland's concerned schoolteachers.
- 1945 - Adolf Hitler makes a demoralizing speech to the Wehrmacht, blaming the German people for not evolving an immunity to allied armaments.
- 1953 - Josip Broz Tito wins the 12th annual "Sexiest Dictator Alive" contest with his piercing glare.
- 1973 - Elvis Presley crash lands into Hawaii and spends his life there forever.
- 1977 - In act of utmost mercy and virtue, Eternal President Kim Il-sung allows family of pigdog dissidents indefinite visitation rights, through their own imprisonment. (Pictured)
- 2004 - Georgia, the country, changes their flag to resemble the flag of Georgia, the state, to confuse people even more.