Air accordion

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Trump performing "Me, myself and I" on air accordion

Air accordion is a musical instrument in the air family.

Air accordion has some similarities to air guitar, but in contrast to the air guitar, an air accordion usually makes no sound.

The best most famous most infamous air accordion player is Donald Trump. It has been suggested that his air accordion playing is a way of waving away air tomatoes that are being thrown against him. In reality it is a technique for changing between emphasising how yuge something is, like the big water, even ocean water, around Puerto Rico, and how small something is, like his mushroom.

His air accordion and his voice are usually connected to a yuge amplifier system that boosts the nothingness. This is highly popular among his audience, who don't like hard facts and tangible arguments.

His biggest air accordion hit is "Cry me a river" where he plays out the story of how fantastic he is and how stupid the rest of the world is since we don't understand his grandiose qualities and instead convict him for his crimes.

Number 5, at the very minimum!, on the US hit list was "Grab'em by the", a story from his love life, i.e. with no connection with his imported trophy wives.

"Covfefe". is inspired by Symphony number 9 from Franz Schubert, often called The Unfinished Symphony.

He also plays much russian folk music, in a much more continuous style.

The most common musical request to the more or less beloved air accordionist is "So long, farewell", but he stubbornly refuses to fulfil this frequent wish.

Trump will soon go for a long vacation, generously paid for by the Government, to an intimate place where air accordion is one of the few personal belongings that are allowed.

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