User talk:Regret Tenenbaum/Archive3
Is this where I say rape?[edit source]
Boy, I hope so... RAPE! --MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 00:31, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- That was fucking FAST' ... how do you do it? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 00:34, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Ha! Dex shoots too fast! Me and Methy have been Raping RT for days! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 06:01 25 September 2008
- Sad, but true. T_T -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:12, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- /Continues tormenting RT's anus. You're so tight babe you know that? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:18 25 September 2008
- I know... loosen it up for me, will ya? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:20, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- If you get any looser you end up shitting out you're internal organs. But your tight enough for me, seen as how I have nothing to compare you to. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:22 25 September 2008
- I wish you could have seen my face when I read that. You can really shit out your internal organs? Srsly? SRSLY? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:28, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Yes. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:29 25 September 2008
- Oh, gawd. In that case, can you slow down? I sorta need my organs and shit. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:33, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- You don't need your shit actually. Unless you're really, really possesive. And no, I'll push them back with my thrusting. *thrustthrustthust!!!* SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:35 25 September 2008
- No! That's not what I meant! Not like organs also shit, more like organs and stuff So, like, yeah.......... nevermind -_- -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:40, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- *thrustthrustthust!!!* What was that, babe? *thrustthrustthust!!!* You're just a piece of ass I wasn't listening. *Smacks RT's ass* Yeah bitch! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:43 25 September 2008
- Oh, great, now there's gore and feces all over my new carpet! (I'm gonna get T3 to pay for that moohahahaha!) -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:47, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Oh christ man! You could have at least gone before I came! Now there's gore and faeces all over my penis. I think I'll get you to clean this up. With your tongue. Wait I'm getting disgusting now. I'm going to bed, ride out this flu delerium. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:50 25 September 2008
- Alrighty. I gotta do my homework anyways. Get well soon! ... no... Get well now! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:53, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Why don't you clean out my blood stream? With your tongue. And thanks, Nighty night now. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:58 25 September 2008
- Hope you die of flu! - [15:38 26 September] Sir FSt Don
- You ever read Stephen King's The Stand? Now that is a good book, esspecciallly the first two thirds. I only bring this up because in it 99.4% of the population dies of a geneticallly modified flu virus. *sniffle* SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 07:36 27 September 2008
- Gasp! I'm a Stephen King fanatic! But, alas, I haven't read the Stand... Did you know that Stephen King is, like, psychic or something? He predcted 9/11 in "The Running Man" and the Virigina Tech thing in "Rage" ... weird how he only predicts bad things... -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 19:54, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
- I've only read The Stand and Cell but both are sure favourites. Not to put a damper on things but it's unlikly he predicted those events, just dreamed up events like the ones that happened. Not too hard to think of a shooting in a school to be honest, and planes destroying buildings is something I gave a thought or two before 9/11, but meh, whatever: he's a fantastic author. I'm part way through one of his novellas The Langoliers, it's fantastic! Richard Laymon is an author you should look into if you havent already, he's one of my favourites, I have everything he ever wrote! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 00:55 28 September 2008
- I've only read The Stand and Cell but both are sure favourites. Not to put a damper on things but it's unlikly he predicted those events, just dreamed up events like the ones that happened. Not too hard to think of a shooting in a school to be honest, and planes destroying buildings is something I gave a thought or two before 9/11, but meh, whatever: he's a fantastic author. I'm part way through one of his novellas The Langoliers, it's fantastic! Richard Laymon is an author you should look into if you havent already, he's one of my favourites, I have everything he ever wrote! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Gasp! I'm a Stephen King fanatic! But, alas, I haven't read the Stand... Did you know that Stephen King is, like, psychic or something? He predcted 9/11 in "The Running Man" and the Virigina Tech thing in "Rage" ... weird how he only predicts bad things... -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 19:54, 27 September 2008 (UTC)
- You ever read Stephen King's The Stand? Now that is a good book, esspecciallly the first two thirds. I only bring this up because in it 99.4% of the population dies of a geneticallly modified flu virus. *sniffle* SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Hope you die of flu! - [15:38 26 September] Sir FSt Don
- Why don't you clean out my blood stream? With your tongue. And thanks, Nighty night now. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Alrighty. I gotta do my homework anyways. Get well soon! ... no... Get well now! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:53, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Oh christ man! You could have at least gone before I came! Now there's gore and faeces all over my penis. I think I'll get you to clean this up. With your tongue. Wait I'm getting disgusting now. I'm going to bed, ride out this flu delerium. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Oh, great, now there's gore and feces all over my new carpet! (I'm gonna get T3 to pay for that moohahahaha!) -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:47, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- *thrustthrustthust!!!* What was that, babe? *thrustthrustthust!!!* You're just a piece of ass I wasn't listening. *Smacks RT's ass* Yeah bitch! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- No! That's not what I meant! Not like organs also shit, more like organs and stuff So, like, yeah.......... nevermind -_- -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:40, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- You don't need your shit actually. Unless you're really, really possesive. And no, I'll push them back with my thrusting. *thrustthrustthust!!!* SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Oh, gawd. In that case, can you slow down? I sorta need my organs and shit. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:33, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Yes. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- I wish you could have seen my face when I read that. You can really shit out your internal organs? Srsly? SRSLY? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:28, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- If you get any looser you end up shitting out you're internal organs. But your tight enough for me, seen as how I have nothing to compare you to. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- I know... loosen it up for me, will ya? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:20, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- /Continues tormenting RT's anus. You're so tight babe you know that? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Sad, but true. T_T -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:12, 25 September 2008 (UTC)
- Ha! Dex shoots too fast! Me and Methy have been Raping RT for days! SK Sir Orian57Talk
You broke it!!![edit source]
My talk page! I can't edit it because you made teh text too big. Rectify this at once. And tehn get on your knees and suck me off. Actualy suck me now, I'm all stressed. Then fix it! You jack ass! SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 06:54 29 September 2008
For my shiny new sig...[edit source]
Also giving me one less thing to do after school. Colin ALL YOUR BASE
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 22:57, 30 September 2008 (UTC)
Shit! I Forgot About Your Birthday![edit source]
Happy Birthday! I was like really busy yesterday, sorry. Oh well I was going to make you template and write a little lymeric or haiku about you being older and therefore slightly less illegal and about how you will hopefully be my sex slave for another 16 years but then I didn't. Happy birthday, mate! SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 15:18 1 October 2008
- In that case, I gotta say happy birthday too...
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 15:22, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
- What the fuck you trying to do? Out-shine me? Well how do you like these lemons? /Pulls top up to reveal very full man breasts Eh!? You wanna milk these puppies!? Oh my god! I just had one of those revealation things! God wants me to be a strip-o-gram! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 15:25 1 October 2008
- I'm trying to say happy birthday louder than you!
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 15:27, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
- /Puts a boom-box in the center of the room and plays Beat It (by michael jackson) then proceedes to gove everyone in the room a lap dance. And I'm trying to say Happy Birthday sexier than you! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 15:30 1 October 2008
- Shit...You won. This time.
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 15:32, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
- Shit...You won. This time.
- /Puts a boom-box in the center of the room and plays Beat It (by michael jackson) then proceedes to gove everyone in the room a lap dance. And I'm trying to say Happy Birthday sexier than you! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- I'm trying to say happy birthday louder than you!
- What the fuck you trying to do? Out-shine me? Well how do you like these lemons? /Pulls top up to reveal very full man breasts Eh!? You wanna milk these puppies!? Oh my god! I just had one of those revealation things! God wants me to be a strip-o-gram! SK Sir Orian57Talk
Thanks guys :D I appreciate it! In real life, I had TWO cakes! And a pizza! Yay! I'll get you guys a big cake-shaped template for your birthdays! (if I can figure out when they are :P) -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:11, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
Whimpers off in corner for not knowing when RT's birthday is... (fucking edit conflict) Colin ALL YOUR BASE
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 23:30, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
- When are your birthdays? (if you feel like answering...) Hehehe Colin, I find your sig so entertaining... XD -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:43, 1 October 2008 (UTC)
- (My birthday is on my userpage...) Hmmm...that's good, considering you made it! Colin
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 02:13, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
- 10th of April. You owe me a cake damn it! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 05:36 2 October 2008
- Hah! My birthday is 8 days before yours! :p Colin
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 15:50, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
- Yeah but I'm younger and more attractive than you so it ballances out. Probably. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:03 2 October 2008
- (That would make you a little young, sonny boy.) Sticks tongue out at Orian Well, I've been here longer than you. Seniority wins. Back in my day, I had to walk 15 miles uphill both ways in the snow at 50 degrees below 0 in my underpants. Colin
Heaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio 16:16, 2 October 2008 (UTC)
- Fuck colin, your birthday is 1 day after mine. I was born on April fools day!!
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 00:06, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- Fuck colin, your birthday is 1 day after mine. I was born on April fools day!!
- (That would make you a little young, sonny boy.) Sticks tongue out at Orian Well, I've been here longer than you. Seniority wins. Back in my day, I had to walk 15 miles uphill both ways in the snow at 50 degrees below 0 in my underpants. Colin
- Yeah but I'm younger and more attractive than you so it ballances out. Probably. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Hah! My birthday is 8 days before yours! :p Colin
- 10th of April. You owe me a cake damn it! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- (My birthday is on my userpage...) Hmmm...that's good, considering you made it! Colin
HAPPEY BERTHDAEY! - [07:17 5 October] Sir FSt Don Yettie
- Oh you're only like a centuary late. god he's probably broken most of the new toys he got and the cakes are long since digested. You might as well have said Happy New Year. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 11:53 5 October 2008
- It's ok, Yettie. Although Orian's right, I already got chocolate all over the shirt my mom got me and other crap no one cares about. Nevertheless, thanks Yettie! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 20:11, 5 October 2008 (UTC)
Thank you[edit source]
![]() |
JZ has awarded you a cookie! Now go play in traffic. |
- For getting off your lazy backside for once and doing something :P Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 00:07, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- What you meant to do was thank me for getting off RT's lazy (yet overused) backside and allowing him to do something for a change. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 00:32 4 October 2008
- I do stuff! Remember that time I made that template? And that other time when I did that thing! Remember? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 01:26, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- Also, I wrote this thing that no one ever read. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 04:34, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- I'm sorry who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 09:47 4 October 2008
- Who am I? I am the great Spamdini, my boy! I was the first man to get laid on the summit of Mt. Everest! I built you with my bare hands! Ungrateful little cretin! i COMMAND YOU TO PRESS MY CAPS LOCK BUTTON! dEW IT! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 14:28, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- Can't I just go back to pressing your prostate? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:02 4 October 2008
- What part of "GO FUCK YOURSELF" don't you understand? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 18:37, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- I think his IQ is
OVER 9000!!too low to understand a simple command like that.Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 18:39, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- I think his IQ is
- What part of "GO FUCK YOURSELF" don't you understand? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 18:37, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- Can't I just go back to pressing your prostate? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Who am I? I am the great Spamdini, my boy! I was the first man to get laid on the summit of Mt. Everest! I built you with my bare hands! Ungrateful little cretin! i COMMAND YOU TO PRESS MY CAPS LOCK BUTTON! dEW IT! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 14:28, 4 October 2008 (UTC)
- I'm sorry who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
Do you do reviews?[edit source]
Well you do now! Please? I'll be your best friend for the rest of all time! SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 13:39 7 October 2008
- So... me or BlueYonder? If me, can I do so tomorrow? As in wednesday. my little bro's nagging me to play with him and I still have homework to do... so... yeah -_- -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 04:09, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
- Blue'll do it now. I just antled here first. What do you think to the article anyway? Also why?:Is There a Moose On This Plane? I started that, what think you??? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 09:31 8 October 2008
- Blue'll do it now. I just antled here first. What do you think to the article anyway? Also why?:Is There a Moose On This Plane? I started that, what think you??? SK Sir Orian57Talk
Impromptu Review for: Why?:Did I Decide to Audition for Big Brother?[edit source]
Humour: | 4 | Funny? Not really. There are some lapses in the flow of the story that sorta throw off the flow of funny, you know? More to the point, it just isn't so funny. I know you tried, though. The part with the "Like like like" wasn't very funny to me. And the part with the name... or the 1984 thing. Didn't get that... Basicly, it amuses me, but it's not very funny. |
Concept: | 9 | The concept could be expanded upon, maybe more bits about the Narrator's experiences (<-off topic), great concept, though! Not much about the audition itself, I noticed. |
Prose and formatting: | 4 | Like I said before, there are some lapses in the flow of the story that make it a bit jarring. Like when you're in a school bus in the back seat and the idiot driver is stopping and going, stopping and going, trying to parallel park the damned thing while your spine and cranium pay the painful price. Your article isn't as painful, but it's just as stop-py/go-ey. There are some gramatical errors, too, but I neglected to correct the because they were probably just extraneous british "U"s. I wanna say I got them "with my space blastar" but that would be off topic again. |
Images: | 3 | The first image cracked me up. The rest are poignant, but not as funny. Suggestions? Um... like the monkey flinging shit in the house (while the narrator chases him, perhaps?) |
Miscellaneous: | 4 | In retrospect, I thought the chimp was a retarded human for the first three paragraphs, and that made me giggle. Again it was amusing, but not very funny. |
Final Score: | 24 | Wassis do? |
Reviewer: | -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:06, 9 October 2008 (UTC) |
You know I actually didn't want to get into reviewing cos I thought there would be more math involved :P -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:06, 9 October 2008 (UTC)
- Ok... Point taken. I'll see what Blue says then if he says it's this bad then I'll probably let it die. Thanks! Now bend over I've had a hard day. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 09:16 9 October 2008
Impromptu Review for the moose one[edit source]
Humour: | 7 | First off, the third sentince baffles me. Maybe it's cos I don't know what "commiserating" means... Anywho! The Third paragraph made me chuckle "(Plane Disaster" hehehe). The barbie-doll attendant was a nice touch, too ('specially cos they're ALL like that!), and the "excuse me, sir" was great! |
Concept: | 9 | I love it! It's like that one Samuel Jackson movie, but silly! Or like that one episode of the Twilight Zone! (also sillier) |
Prose and formatting: | 7 | Very smooth! Although in that last sentence, the moose seems to appear from nowhere. |
Images: | 0 | I might be able to make one! :D A pic of a barbie-doll flight attendant would be nice, too! |
Miscellaneous: | 8 | I love the imagery! It's really easy to imagine the scene in my head. Um.... oh! that foreboding final header is hilarious! |
Final Score: | 31 | FINISH HIM! |
Reviewer: | -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:24, 9 October 2008 (UTC) |
You probably didn't expect a pee review, but the template just make it so easy :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:24, 9 October 2008 (UTC)
- Ok coolies! I thought this one was actually a bit dry boardering on arid. Commiserating is like "Aww you only came third. Better luck next year, son, eh?" so I guess maybe a better word would be "consoling"... It should be finished realtivly soon though. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 09:21 9 October 2008
- Lookie!
I could make another if you find this one unsatisfacory -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 17:33, 9 October 2008 (UTC)
- Lookie!
Intelligent Intellect[edit source]
Did you know that if you reverse the acronym of your Uncyclopedia name and then add the vowel which is the second letter in tulip and then add the letters ck you produce a most amusing word? - [21:24 7 October] Sir FSt Don Yettie
- RT... TR...TRu...
8D How'd you figure that out! Also, If you take your four-letter acronym, replace the Y with a 75 and the Ts with a nai and the E with a RO and flip the whole thing backwards you get... ! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:47, 8 October 2008 (UTC)
Yo, fatface![edit source]
Looksee what I got for you...
This user has graduated from the adoption program! Kudos! from YesTimeToEdit. |
...doesn't that make you feel special? Exactly two months after you were first put in the're ready to be consumed by my wealthy guests! Feel free to ask me questions any time, still, though! Have fun! Also helping some of your younger brothers out, if they need it, would really help your aged teen parent - [15:52 10 October] Sir FSt Don Yettie
Alternatively, if you feel like being a cuntymint for the day you can use this beautiful little template...
![]() |
This user suffered the traumatic experience of being adopted by none other than the mighty Yettie. Kudos! |
Whatever floats your boat, cuntymint. :-D - [15:59 10 October] Sir FSt Don Yettie
- Can I have one of those? I never had parents... :( SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:03 10 October 2008
- Thanks, Yettie, I'm honored! :D (by the way you might be a granddad soon!) Hey, can I be your dad Orian!? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:40, 10 October 2008 (UTC)
- Sure! That's not weird! Though I must admit it'll be embarrasing on sports day when a dad as femminine as you shows up. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 23:41 10 October 2008
- Yay! Wait... feminine? Are you calling me a lesbian? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:47, 10 October 2008 (UTC)
- Sure! That's not weird! Though I must admit it'll be embarrasing on sports day when a dad as femminine as you shows up. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Thanks, Yettie, I'm honored! :D (by the way you might be a granddad soon!) Hey, can I be your dad Orian!? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:40, 10 October 2008 (UTC)
Spam![edit source]
SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 22:15 10 October 2008
So Yeah[edit source]
My moose article, I added another section and I doubt it's that funny but yeah, go have a look and make me a picture where there's a ring wraith with a incidental moose in teh background. If you would please, daddy? pouts SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 00:14 11 October 2008
- Oh and are you gonna continue with the guessing game on my talk page? I'm curious to see which one is you. You see that's the thing about being muslem I could have been raping someone fuck-ugly and not even known it. Also I'm going to bed now. -O- zzzz SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:22 11 October 2008
- That ring wraith thing is tough! T_T I accidentally ruined it a few seconds ago. You're muslim?! Also, nighty night! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:24, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Am I muslem. XD You do make me laugh RT. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:37 11 October 2008
- o_o? ... :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:43, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- ??? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:47 11 October 2008
- (confusion, followed by amusement) -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:55, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Oh and is the prose still funny/good? in the moose article? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:50 11 October 2008
- moose one is getting sorta random. and the prose is starting to worsen, yeah. I like the bit about how the kid can see the moose, though! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:55, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- I'd like to call that a digression, and actually the kid was pointing to the security man. but oh well I'll see if i can finish it tomorrow. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 03:04 11 October 2008
- Oh.... XD -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:07, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- are you watching recent changes at the moment? Cajek and Skull are at war, it's like me and yettie except skullds an admin... It's scary. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 03:33 11 October 2008
- ooh... why? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 15:59, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- I dunno, who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:02 11 October 2008
- Regret Tenenbaum. Most people call me RT, though. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:07, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Well duh. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:09 11 October 2008
- huh? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:11, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Your wierd. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:15 11 October 2008
- So is your mom!
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 16:22, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- yeah, RT, your mum! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:24 11 October 2008
- My "mum" is awesome! STFU! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:25, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Haha! RT's a mummies boy! You're gonna grow up to be a girl! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:27 11 October 2008
- How dare you talk to your father like that!? GO TO YOUR ROOM! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:30, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Haha! RT's a mummies boy! You're gonna grow up to be a girl! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- My "mum" is awesome! STFU! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:25, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- yeah, RT, your mum! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- So is your mom!
- Your wierd. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- huh? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:11, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Well duh. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Regret Tenenbaum. Most people call me RT, though. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:07, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- I dunno, who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- ooh... why? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 15:59, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- are you watching recent changes at the moment? Cajek and Skull are at war, it's like me and yettie except skullds an admin... It's scary. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Oh.... XD -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:07, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- I'd like to call that a digression, and actually the kid was pointing to the security man. but oh well I'll see if i can finish it tomorrow. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- moose one is getting sorta random. and the prose is starting to worsen, yeah. I like the bit about how the kid can see the moose, though! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:55, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- ??? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- o_o? ... :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:43, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Am I muslem. XD You do make me laugh RT. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- That ring wraith thing is tough! T_T I accidentally ruined it a few seconds ago. You're muslim?! Also, nighty night! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 02:24, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
This user has been adopted by Regret Tenenbaum. |
- This goes on your page :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:38, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- But daddy I don't know how to do that! SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 16:45 11 October 2008
- It's ok. Mommy and I both knew we were going to have a retarded kid. I'll do it for you, stupid :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 20:15, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Better tell Mordillo about this. Will have to rearange the family tree yettie made. I'm now your step-dad dad and your son... SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 20:19 11 October 2008
- XD (also, I just finished watching the ENTIRE onion-spinning anime thing on your page. Yes, I sniff markers.) -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 20:28, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Better tell Mordillo about this. Will have to rearange the family tree yettie made. I'm now your step-dad dad and your son... SK Sir Orian57Talk
- It's ok. Mommy and I both knew we were going to have a retarded kid. I'll do it for you, stupid :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 20:15, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- But daddy I don't know how to do that! SK Sir Orian57Talk
- This goes on your page :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 16:38, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
- Right, I'm finished-ish. You still like it? I still need some pics and seen as how you can do them I'll make a shopping list:
- I still want that wraith one, but I wouldn't mind if you simply just put the moose in the picture of the wraith, it just has to be there.
I want one with the smily man from the Captain section, with the moose in it somewhere.go see this for the request I want instead. SK Sir Orian57TalkRotM 04:12 12 October 2008
- and I want one where there's a moose and a riendeer side by side, possibly like a mugshot or at least a relativly plain (not plane) background.
- Got that? Daddy? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:27 12 October 2008
- something like this'll be good for teh ring wraith one, just put teh moose head in the space. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 03:58 12 October 2008
- DADDY! Do as I say! At once! (Seriosuly, do you still like the article? If you do I was hoping to get it out there quickly so It can be nommed, I need my monthly feature) SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 00:49 14 October 2008
- Sorry, son, daddy's had a lot of homework to do lately (I have to design a freaking DOGHOUSE... for a DOG.) I like the ironic ending! As for the wraith thing you could just put a picture of a wraith with "They really shouldn't let these guys on airplanes" as the caption or something. I think you should move it into the mainspace, although it probably won't get nommed immediately. Unless I do it. Which I'm too busy to do. Maybe it can get some constructive work in the mainspace? Maybe a proper pee-review? I dunno, but I really like it. Gotta go! /hugs, grabs breifcase and runs off, back to the office -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 01:55, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
- Why do you always have to work? :( I'm telling mommy (who is also my husband) SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 02:06 14 October 2008
- SO YOU CAN EAT YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT! /spanks Orian's bottom in a totally fatherly way, but only because he loves you. But not that weird kinda love, more like fatherly love. I think I said that already. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 05:24, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
- Why do you always have to work? :( I'm telling mommy (who is also my husband) SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Sorry, son, daddy's had a lot of homework to do lately (I have to design a freaking DOGHOUSE... for a DOG.) I like the ironic ending! As for the wraith thing you could just put a picture of a wraith with "They really shouldn't let these guys on airplanes" as the caption or something. I think you should move it into the mainspace, although it probably won't get nommed immediately. Unless I do it. Which I'm too busy to do. Maybe it can get some constructive work in the mainspace? Maybe a proper pee-review? I dunno, but I really like it. Gotta go! /hugs, grabs breifcase and runs off, back to the office -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 01:55, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
- DADDY! Do as I say! At once! (Seriosuly, do you still like the article? If you do I was hoping to get it out there quickly so It can be nommed, I need my monthly feature) SK Sir Orian57Talk
- something like this'll be good for teh ring wraith one, just put teh moose head in the space. SK Sir Orian57Talk
Teh ban[edit source]
I am gone, unless you can get me unbanned and find some way to email me or something. Which is unlikely, as I quote myself on IRC: "I don't care" - Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 18:46, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
- You don't care? *sigh* I guess this is it, then -_-... /extends masculine, professional goodbye-handshake -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 23:43, 29 October 2008 (UTC)
- No, this isn't it. What I meant is, if you can get me unbanned, I might come back. -
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 13:12, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
- /me strolls into RT's talkpage JZ, what did you do to get teh banned? And how long for? COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 16:44, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
- I said "I don't care" to Mayfair on IRC, and I got banned for good. So yeah, you can try and get my unbanned, but I don't think it'll work... -
Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi
Talk! 17:48, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
- I said "I don't care" to Mayfair on IRC, and I got banned for good. So yeah, you can try and get my unbanned, but I don't think it'll work... -
- /me strolls into RT's talkpage JZ, what did you do to get teh banned? And how long for? COLIN
- No, this isn't it. What I meant is, if you can get me unbanned, I might come back. -
Whut?[edit source]
Who was it you were trying to convince that you care? And weren't we gonna be fisting? It'll really turn her on... SK Sir Orian57Talk RotM 06:13 4 November 2008
- <chants> RT has a girlfriend! RT has a girlfrind! And he's gonna get the clap.</chants> Seriously you know you can get cooties off girls right? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 06:44 4 November 2008
- If only. She barely even knows I exist. She's too busy gawking over my "popular friends". Also, I already have clap, so it's ok. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 07:12, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
- Oh so me and her have something in common then... ...Who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 08:23 4 November 2008
- RT's life could be an american teen film! /me backs away quietly - [17:33 4 November] Sir FSt Don
- Yeah I watched Cherry Falls last night too. Also RT go vote for my moose article. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 17:36 4 November 2008
- /me points and laughs at RT because of his girl problem COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 17:38, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
- What's Cherry Falls? How does Yettie know so much about American teen movies? Why doesn't Karen love me? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE!?! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 00:46, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- She doesn't love you because she feels u r so teh gheyz. I dunno why she would think that, though... COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 01:17, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- I doubt it. Remember when I was voted the most hetero-sexual heterosexual on Uncyc? I can't be gay. That's silly. YOU'RE ALL SILLY!!! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:03, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- You're the one being silly. Those were all lies. Mere capitalist propaganda. Remember this: there ain't nothin wrong...with a li'l bump-n-grind... COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 03:52, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- Are you suggesting what I think you are...? cos i won't do it! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!!! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:57, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- Make you? But my dear RT, that's the point of rape! You don't get a choice in the matter! COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 04:01, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- I must have put him off being raped. It a shame... SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 05:04 5 November 2008
- Hold up.... why do I get raped, Colin? I thought you people wanted me to be the one doing the raping! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 05:08, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- Because he's a man, not a girly fag boy like you. (Oh... you're so tight!) SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 05:12 5 November 2008
- I am a man! just watch! /smashes beer can on forehead -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 05:23, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- A real man would have drank the beer out of that can first. And I should probably switch back to my old sig, because the election's over... COLIN
HEANEY! AMERICA JOE THE PLUMBER IN '08!!! 21:55, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- A real man would have drank the beer out of that can first. And I should probably switch back to my old sig, because the election's over... COLIN
- I am a man! just watch! /smashes beer can on forehead -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 05:23, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- Because he's a man, not a girly fag boy like you. (Oh... you're so tight!) SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Hold up.... why do I get raped, Colin? I thought you people wanted me to be the one doing the raping! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 05:08, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- I must have put him off being raped. It a shame... SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Make you? But my dear RT, that's the point of rape! You don't get a choice in the matter! COLIN
- Are you suggesting what I think you are...? cos i won't do it! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!!!!! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:57, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- You're the one being silly. Those were all lies. Mere capitalist propaganda. Remember this: there ain't nothin wrong...with a li'l bump-n-grind... COLIN
- She doesn't love you because she feels u r so teh gheyz. I dunno why she would think that, though... COLIN
- What's Cherry Falls? How does Yettie know so much about American teen movies? Why doesn't Karen love me? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE!?! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 00:46, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
- /me points and laughs at RT because of his girl problem COLIN
- Yeah I watched Cherry Falls last night too. Also RT go vote for my moose article. SK Sir Orian57Talk
- RT's life could be an american teen film! /me backs away quietly - [17:33 4 November] Sir FSt Don
- Oh so me and her have something in common then... ...Who are you? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- If only. She barely even knows I exist. She's too busy gawking over my "popular friends". Also, I already have clap, so it's ok. -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 07:12, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
- <chants> RT has a girlfriend! RT has a girlfrind! And he's gonna get the clap.</chants> Seriously you know you can get cooties off girls right? SK Sir Orian57Talk
- Beer? Rape? - [18:34 5 November] Sir FSt Don
- Very yes, Yettie, very yes. Also, woo! Obama! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 01:34, 6 November 2008 (UTC)
I will covet the cookie forever![edit source]
O crap, I just ate it... ty anyways PieSoup-Drink Me! 03:30, 8 November 2008 (UTC)
- Welcome! You know, if you want a pwoper sig, i know some guys who could help you... :D -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:36, 8 November 2008 (UTC)
- Sigh... First creat a sub user page, something like User:PieSoup/sig steal some code from other sigs that you like and experiment with it to make it yours. Then go to my preferences (at the top of the page) and insert {{subst:nosubst|User:PieSoup/sig}} into the "Signature box" then click the raw signature box below. Congratulations you're one of the heard. SK Sir Orian57Talk
RotM 03:42 8 November 2008
- Dammit, Orian!! can you really blame me for trying to make the mafia's help thingy not so useless? -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 03:58, 8 November 2008 (UTC)
- Sigh... First creat a sub user page, something like User:PieSoup/sig steal some code from other sigs that you like and experiment with it to make it yours. Then go to my preferences (at the top of the page) and insert {{subst:nosubst|User:PieSoup/sig}} into the "Signature box" then click the raw signature box below. Congratulations you're one of the heard. SK Sir Orian57Talk
Rawr[edit source]
![]() |
PieSoup Likes you, and he hopes you like him back... |
take the award or i eat the bunny.
- I'll take it! It's already on my userpage! JUST LEAVE THE BUNNY ALONE!!!' -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 04:05, 8 November 2008 (UTC)