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Uncyclopedian of the Month Award Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2006
Knight Commander of the Order
Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.
Deletion Award.gif
Mega Deletion Award!

This Admin has successfully beaten the crap out of many,
many articles in rapid succession. Fear them greatly.

Feather in Your Cap Award

This person has done something very helpful for Uncyclopedia, and thus is deserving of a Feather in their Cap. Respect this person.

This user is proud to use a Mac
Uncake.gif Happy UnBirthday!
You have now officially been an Uncyclopedia member for one full year.
Must suck to be you!


Mewhenreadingstupidstuff.gif Zombiebaron thanks you for supporting him to become admin.
I was even more lazy, I stole this from Braydie.
BePrepared.jpg Braydie thanks you for voting for him to be Uncyclopedian of the Month January 2007.

Newcookie.gif Micoolio101 has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif User:The_Bard has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Newcookie.gif Witt E, has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
Soviet Mayonaise Jar.jpg NeedABrain has awarded you a mayonnaise jar!
For you got the brains. In case of unwanted death, just have your brain tucked in and fill it with serum, formol or mint liqueur. If you can't wait, go tease a lion.
Cherry.jpeg Super90 Has Awarded You A Cherry
Everybody Likes A Little Cherry
Ice-Cream.gif Braydie has awarded you some ice cream!
For huffing on demand
In the name of Allah! Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

has awarded you a Nuclear missile
Now go and destroy the The Zionist Entity

This Template Will Self Destruct in Countdown.gif seconds

Gujinsmall.jpg Xero Dagujin has awarded you an honorary gujinjastar, enjoy your newfound powers.

Play nice kids, it's pointy. - Xero Dagujin

Bagels.jpg Shalom!
Yum! You've received a basket of delicious fresh bagels from RabbiTechno!

מזל טוב