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Do you think this is even a city?
Skyline of Olonkinbyen
"How the fuck do you pronounce this city?"
We have people... maybe.
Anthem: "Yes."
CountryJan Mayen
Semis (State)Greater Olonkinbyen
Founded~500 AD
 • TotalLike 4


~ You, in Olonkinbyen


~ An unknown polar bear in Olonkinbyen

Olonkinbyen is the largest city of the State of Jan Mayen, and the largest city on the island of Jan Mayen, with approximately four humans currently living on the island. Olonkinbyen was founded on the half of Sør-Jan, which would later split into Sør-Jan and Greater Olonkinbyen. Olonkinbyen is mostly known for being the only place on Jan Mayen. Try to leave the town, and you will return to Olonkinbyen. You can't escape. You can't escape.

Olonkinbyen is home to several unique parasites, like Norwegians, furries, Wikipedians, Norwegians, and very unfunny clowns.[1]

Greater Olonkinbyen was made in 1964 to seperate the sparsely populated Sør-Jan and the human-inhabited Olonkinbyen, which expands from Båtvika to Flyrestauranten.

Etymology[edit | edit source]

I think Olonkinbyen is here.

Before the name Olonkinbyen came into place, the Romans called it "Puella Septentrionalis!", which would stay into place until 1336, in which after the Yahwehtunge revolution and the Yahwehification of Jan Mayen, the town was renamed to Olonkinbyen.

History[edit | edit source]

You can read the section "Historical Affiliations" below, can't you? Anyway, in the year of approximately 125 AD, the Romans would set sail from the Benelux region to the North Sea, possibly for more land to explore. In short, they set a colony in the Shetland Islands, failed to conquer Iceland, and settled in Jan Mayen. The Romans would have control on the island long after the fall of the Roman Empire until 1336, in which a revolution began to destroy the Roman regime.

The island would remain under Mayen rule until 1920, in which the Norwegians would invade the island in a 4-5 month long siege, losing in August 29th, 1920, in which it would stay under Mayen control in the years after 1920.

An example of polar bears having "fun" on Jan Mayen.

Historical affiliations[edit | edit source]

Spqr.jpg Roman Empire 125–1336
Polarbearflaghihih.jpg Yahwehia 1336-1373
Polarbearflaghihih.jpgJanwai 1373-1402
Polarbearflaghihih.jpgJan Mayen 1403-1920
Black.jpgNorway (temporarily) 1920
Polarbearflaghihih.jpgJan Mayen 1920-Present

Famous Attractions[edit | edit source]

Probably a lot of drunk polar bears and a big nice airport.

Politics[edit | edit source]

The current political elections in Jan Mayen ever since 1971 have been a total Polar Bear National Party victory, due to the effects of the 1971 Mayen coup. The PBNP would began massive reworkings of the island, investing into public transportation and several other services. All other political parties that are formed go "missing" when elections begin.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Unfunny clowns are clowns that have their first name as "Unfunny".