Forum:It's My (Uncyclopedia) Birthday!

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > It's My (Uncyclopedia) Birthday!
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5766 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

It totally is! I made me first edit 1 year ago today. So jab, jab! Make with your presence! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 14:19, 10 June 2009 (UTC)

congratulations, wood person. on your one year anniversary, you receive complimentary uncyclopedia hand towels and scented soaps. the soaps are scented of AAA!, but the dish towels are actually rather nice. SirGerrycheeversGunTalk 14:22, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Meh. Get back to me when it's the year anniversary of you breaking your nose. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 14:50, Jun 10
....*witty comeback....come on... think of a witty comeback..... Where's Modus? He could think of something witty for me... ahhh fuck it.*....... Ok. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 15:22, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
A whole year! If it had been your real birthday, you probably wouldn't even be able to talk, let alone write stuff. So, I hope I brightened your day! Not as witty as modus, but it IS free.   Le Cejak <15:26 Jun 10, 2009>
I'll take free over those payments I have to give Modus ANY day. However, I think you may be underestimating my One-year oldishness. Those were the days.... Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 15:44, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Happy Birfday! I got you a bucket of tinkle. It's still warm. Hurrah! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:03, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Hold up. Actually Modus and I went halfers on that bucket of warm tinkle. Ahhhh... --T. (talk) 18:08, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Big bucket.... So which one of you ate asparagus yesterday? Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 19:11, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
Happy (Uncyclopedia) Birthday! —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 05:24, 11 June 2009 (UTC)

That a point actualy

Nobody really celebrates UnBirthdays anymore. I've seen peoples archives (because I actually read those) where there were templates. "Happy UnBirthday" they said. It looked magical. Although nobody even noticed my unbirthday, or my real one for that matter. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 06:26 11 June 2009

We would bring Uncyclopedia back into its glory days, when it was in the news constantly. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Man on Fire CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 07:35, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
I doubt that's a good idea nobody wants to hear bad news. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 07:54 11 June 2009
No such thing as bad news, just publicity. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 15:42, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
So does that mean I can cyberbully you? You big, silly-nosed, cunt. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 16:01 11 June 2009
My nose is not silly. You Siegfried & Roy loving, sissy pants! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 16:05, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
I do not wear ladies underwear and I have no idea who Siegfried & Roy even are. You Ginger biscuit bumhole. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 16:14 11 June 2009
Siegfried & Roy do beautiful, beautiful things with animals. Get some culture, you sickly-looking fatty fat fat fat! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 16:19, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
Just go play with your girly tits faggot. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 16:34 11 June 2009
If I played with tits I wouldn't be a foggot, now would I? What now, you anal-retentive, sweater-vest loving, Port-o-john using, ugly face? Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 16:39, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
Are you saying you don't? poof. ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 16:43 11 June 2009
Who is to say who does, and who does not play with breasts around here? Except, of course, those guys who work at the Purdue Chicken Company. (sup guys?) Regardless, you still smell of dried turkey dung, and you still eat rotten potatoes. So go to Hell, or 'ell, as they say in your country. Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 16:59, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
Oh tae fuck way yee. Dinnie you go makin' fun o ma country, you fackin' American. Isnae that insult enough? ~Orian57~ Icons-flag-gb.png ~Talk~ Gay sign.png 17:18 11 June 2009
See?! See?! You Got Damned Forener! Woody On Fire! Wood burning.gifTalking Woody Stalking Woody 18:13, 11 June 2009 (UTC)
Oh so its like that poor old me didn't get involved enough in this-- Communist. Com.jpg (talk) 18:44, 11 June 2009 (UTC)