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Crappy gallery mostly consisting of poorly drawn crap that I drew poorly or retouched pics that turned out suprisingly good considering I have no idea what I'm doing.

Featured pics are in bold.

Note that some of the following pics won't make any sense, as they were made for a specific page, rather than as standalone pics.

Pics for pages that I started[edit | edit source]

TERNIMATOR SALVATION (BluesRayDVD Disk, 2009, 2DisK Set, WS, VHS)[edit | edit source]

2001: A Space Odys...[edit | edit source]

The O'Reilly Factor, Tuesday May 13, 1865 (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Karl Lagerfeld (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Meet the Candidates '08[edit | edit source]

Why?:Get a tattoo of a tarantula on your face (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Segue: a monologue[edit | edit source]

The Baker's Dozen[edit | edit source]

Jerry Falwell (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Magic Pantheism[edit | edit source]

UnNews:New thing called wheel make move mud less hard‎ (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Illegal aliens from outer space! (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

UnTunes:Supremes Commander[edit | edit source]

UnNews:DEAR LEADER is great[edit | edit source]

Future ☭f tomorrow, today! (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

HowTo:Deliver a Baby, A Concise and Easy-to-follow Guide Developed, Tested, and Approved by the AMA (No, Not that AMA. The Other One) and Reprinted with the Permission of the JAMA (Also a Different One) (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

UnBooks:Pulp Novel, the case of the dashing dame (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

UnNews:Papal proclamation to procure profit for prophet[edit | edit source]

Sunni days and Arabian Nights (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

UnBooks:Diary of a Caveman (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

The Bureaucracy Channel (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Where's Her Majesty's Secret Service?[edit | edit source]

The Andy Griffith Show[edit | edit source]

HMS Potatore[edit | edit source]

Das Love Boot[edit | edit source]

Suburban Homeboy (PLS Honorable Mention and Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Midlife crisis line (An entry in PLS)[edit | edit source]

American Fundie Magazine (Featured Article)[edit | edit source]

Freedom of Speech[edit | edit source]

I ate spicey food and fell asleep on the toilet[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous (or Pics without a home)[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous, also. But in a different way[edit | edit source]

Pics I've made for other people[edit | edit source]

The Putz Who Stole Hanukkah

Other[edit | edit source]

Pointless Templates[edit | edit source]

When the end comes, remember, it's all your fault

This user is a member of the
Society for Misspelling Philantropy
Because the silent "H" is the loneliest letter…