UnReviews:Rotten Tomatoes
A Jackie Chan fan (named Dong) justifies his name by starting a film reviews website in 1998
yet completely missing the film Rush Hour and preferring to review his friends & neighbors, becoming a
major internet phenomenon (Giant Douche).
- Rating: NT-170 (No tomatoe and other vegetible admitted)
Genre: Black and white
Directed by: Teh Dong
Written by: Roger Ebert, Michael Bay
In Theaters: Aug 19, 1998
Box Office: approx. $5,000,000 per %1
Runtime: 24 yrs 2 mch
Studio: WWW Pictures
- Rating: NT-170 (No tomatoe and other vegetible admitted)
So you just saw this movie and somehow arrived to Rotten Tomatoes. You now face 2 options:
- Forget the random number you just saw and try to get the movie on your own
- Use Rotten Tomatoes' genius mathematical brains and continue to read the reviews
Martha Stewart
J. Jon Travolta
John Seigenthaler Sr.
Kurt Cobain |
November 20, 2009: RT not settling for TV
The fourth film adaptation of Rotten Tomatoes, Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes, based on the legend of Evil Pizza, will be released in 2011. Free chipotle a-la mushroom ketchup will be served at the premiere. More...
January 1, 1999: RT is revealing its score-calculating method for the first time
Apparently all the movies are first divided into movies with at least 1 available review and movies with 0 available reviews. So, since division by 0 is undefined in binary mathematics, the only movies worth a mention are the ones with at least 1 available review. More...
c. 429 BC: First RT ever goes to Oedipus
Mr. Oedipus is presented the first RT in history during the parent possessing scene in Sophocles' Oedipus the King. More...

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