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The Business and Economics Portal

Star Wars empire currency.jpg

Money is the means by which anthropologically weaker people exert power over the strong. It has mysterious origins; however, modern economic structures have originated chiefly out of the West, as the East's values have strayed towards Collectivism. Money is seen as the symbol of status and showing you have affluence through consumption is the goal of modern life in the Free World.

The medium has always been thought of as a system of control. It isn't– it's a system of self-enforced enslavement as most people are too lazy to be bothered doing anything else. The activity of acquiring money such as employment is the main goal in life after adolescence as personal fulfillment dwindles and the pressure of society increases. Here money is pivotal in gauging personal success. Money was once dominated by men, who were seen as providers; however, women and children are increasingly taking part in the acquisition of money. (Full article...)


Selected Article

Hi, I'm Vince, and I'm here to introduce you to the ShamWow!®!

ShamWow!® is guaranteed to knock your socks off! It's like fucking magic!
Archive Article credit: Modusoperandi (more…)

Business News

Getting bombarded with advertising everywhere you go can be quite tiresome, and can cause massive headaches.

AMERICA, USA The approach of Christmas, the Christian holiday honoring shopping at Wal Mart and building impressive Neon displays in your backyard (though some claim it's about the birth of Christ--clearly they have no idea what Christmas is really about) has brought about a violent wave of advertisements in all aspects of the media. Of course, getting bothered by this new wave of advertisements can be easily avoided by downloading the latest version of Norton Antivirus easy to install and complete with pop-ups detailing unimportant "updates" that pop up in your browser almost as often as spam!

But the new wave of advertising isn't just being seen on the internet (the internet where you can now download FREE PORN faster than ever at www.CUNTCUNTYCUNTCUNTCUNT.com /malware/94949399330404/FUCK /95949949393003/spyware=enabled /.html.php!!!!!!).

Advertisements are surfacing everywhere in American culture, from product placement in television programs (such as Grey's Anatomy--new episode this Thursday! Don't miss it!)……

Archive Article credit: THE (more...)

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