User:Jebus/I before E, except after C

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“Neighbours, I cannot reiterate this sufficiently, much less in surfeit, if I say it eighty times: the heirs of the world will never be able to spell proficiently, even with the aid of caffeine, with the reigning educational agencies reinforcing, and decreeing that we monotheistically deify, this weirdest, most unscientific of fallacies. The counterfeit rule is foreign to the way so many words are spelled. The society of the human species, obeisant plebeian and heightened sovereign alike, needs to change its zeitgeist, conscientiously weigh this rule's deficiencies and sound the reveille, thus guaranteeing that someone seizes the reins and unveils a reinvented rule with all due efficiency. That's my dream anyway, and I'm not prone to false oneiromancies.”

~ Keith Mercier on I before E except after C

I before E, except after C is a mnemonic device taught to Accountants as a way of remembering the common order of accounting operations involved in standard tax deductions. The full version is Income before Earnings, except after Credit deductions.

I before E, except after C is also a hard and fast rule of the English language. It is one of the fundamental tenets of Modern English, and may not be violated under any circumstances, on pain of death.

Blatant Disregard[edit | edit source]

The following is a partial list of words that violate this rule.

Also, note that in the Alphabet E comes before I. But there are some other letters in the way, so it's all ok.

A[edit | edit source]

abeigh absenteeism Acanthodei acetylenediurein acetyltropeine acheilia acheilous acheiria acheirous acheirus Achilleid achilleine Acipenseroidei acleidian acleistous Acmaeidae acneiform acraein Acraeinae acrolein acropoleis aculeiform Adeleidae Adigei affeir affreight affreighter affreightment agreeing agreeingly airfreight airfreighter aischrolatreia akenobeite albeit alethopteis Alexandreid allocaffeine allogeneity allotheism allotheist alloxyproteic almeidina alnein alqueire alsweill althaein althein altheine ambrein Ameiuridae Ameiurus Ameiva amenorrheic amidocaffeine Amioidei ampangabeite Amueixa anapeiratic anapneic anapnoeic anapodeictic anaseismic androgyneity animotheism aniseikonia aniseikonic ankylocheilia Anseis anteinitial Antheia anthropomorphotheist anthropotheism antiatheism antiatheist antifideism antiforeign antiforeignism antigonorrheic antihemorrheidal antimallein antipleion antiseismic antitheism antitheist antitheistic antitheistical antitheistically antiturnpikeism apartheid apeiron apneic apocaffeine apocodeine apodeipnon apodeixis apogaeic apogeic araneid Araneida araneidan araneiform Araneiformes Araneiformia aranein Araneina archeion archicleistogamous archicleistogamy Ardeidae areito argentoproteinum aroeira arseniopleite arthrocleisis arthrosteitis Asclepieion aseismatic aseismic aseismicity aseity aselgeia Aspidoganoidei asteism astraeid Astraeidae astraeiform atheism atheist atheistic atheistical atheistically atheisticalness atheize atheizer aureity autoreinfusion autotheism autotheist aweigh azogallein azoprotein

B[edit | edit source]

baccheion bacterioprotein Bakalei balei baleise baltei bantamweight barbeiro bathyseism Batoidei beadleism beeish beeishness befreight beice Beid beige Beijing being beingless beingness beinked beira beisa beloeilite beneighbored benzein Berkeleian Berkeleianism Berycoidei beveil Biedermeier bindheimite bisbeeite bitheism blueing bobsleigh Bodleian boleite boodleism boodleize Boreiad boreism Botein Brachioganoidei brachysclereid bracteiform bradyseism bradyseismal bradyseismic bradyseismical bradyseismism brazilein breastheight brei breislakite breithauptite Bretschneideraceae bromeigon Bromeikon bromeikon bromoprotein Buddleia Budweiser butein byegaein

C[edit | edit source]

Note: Words starting with C don't count because they start with C, DUUUHHHHHHHH!!

   [comment left by reader that cannot be bothered to use the shift key]: 'i' before 'e', except
   after 'c'.. well, what about the words that have 'c' then 'i' and 'e' in that order after it?

D[edit | edit source]

darrein daubreeite debeige decaffeinate decaffeinize dehydrosparteine deice deicer deicidal deicide deictic deictical deictically deidealize Deidesheimer deific deifical deification deificatory deifier deiform deiformity deify deign Deimos deincrustant deindividualization deindividualize deindividuate deindustrialization deindustrialize deink Deino Deinocephalia Deinoceras Deinodon Deinodontidae deinos Deinosauria Deinotherium deinsularize deintellectualization deintellectualize deionize Deipara deiparous Deiphobus deipnodiplomatic deipnophobia deipnosophism deipnosophist deipnosophistic deipotent deiseal deisidaimonia deism deist deistic deistical deistically deisticalness deity deityship demiatheism demiatheist demideify demideity demisovereign dereism dereistic dereistically desoxyribonucleic devoteeism diaphaneity diarrheic diathermaneity Dicaeidae dicodeine dietzeite digitalein dihydrocupreine dilettanteish dilettanteism dinheiro Diomedeidae dioscorein Diphylleia dipleidoscope disseize disseizee disseizin disseizor disseizoress ditheism ditheist ditheistic ditheistical diureide domnei Dowieism Dowieite downweigh downweight downweighted dreiling Dreissensia dreissiger dyeing dyotheism dyspneic

E[edit | edit source]

Echeneidae echeneidid Echeneididae echeneidoid Echeneis ecklein ectocuneiform edeitis edelweiss egotheism egueiite eichbergite Eichhornia eichwaldite eicosane eident eidently eider eidetic eidograph eidolic eidolism eidology eidolology eidolon eidoptometry eidouranion eigenfunction eigenvalue eight eighteen eighteenfold eighteenmo eighteenth eighteenthly eightfoil eightfold eighth eighthly eightieth eightling eightpenny eightscore eightsman eightsome eighty eightyfold eigne Eikonogen eikonology Eileen Eimak eimer Eimeria einkorn Einsteinian Eireannach Eirene eiresione eisegesis eisegetical eisodic eisteddfod eisteddfodic eisteddfodism either Elaeis eleidin empeirema enchytraeid Enchytraeidae endeictic endosteitis endotracheitis energeia engjateigur engysseismology enterocleisis entocuneiform enveil envermeil epeeist Epeira epeiric epeirid Epeiridae epeirogenesis epeirogenetic epeirogenic epeirogeny epeisodion ephebeion epicheirema epicleidian epicleidium epideictic epideictical epideistic epigeic epikeia epopoeia epopoeist ergothioneine erogeneity Erythraeidae erythrolein erythrophleine ethopoeia ethoxycaffeine ethylhydrocupreine Eucleidae Euploeinae extemporaneity extraneity extratheistic Eyeish

F[edit | edit source]

fableist Fahrenheit Faroeish farseeing farseeingness featherweight fei feif feigher feign feigned feignedly feignedness feigner feigning feigningly Feijoa feil feint feis feist feisty fellowheirship femineity fideicommiss fideicommissary fideicommission fideicommissioner fideicommissor fideicommissum fideism fideist fineish Firnismalerei fishweir flavoprotein flyweight foeish footeite foreign foreigneering foreigner foreignership foreignism foreignization foreignize foreignly foreignness foreimagination foreimagine foreimpressed foreimpression foreinclined foreinstruct foreintend foreiron forellenstein foreseeingly foreseize foreweigh forfeit forfeiter forfeits forfeiture foveiform Frankenstein freeing freeish freibergite freieslebenite freight freightage freighter freightless freightment freir freit freity fribbleism frieseite

G[edit | edit source]

gageite Galei galeid Galeidae galeiform gallein Ganoidei gaseity gasterosteid Gasterosteidae gasterosteiform gauleiter gauteite Gegenschein Geheimrat Geikia geikielite gein geira Geisenheimer geisha geison geisotherm geisothermal Geissoloma Geissolomataceae Geissolomataceous Geissorhiza geissospermin geissospermine geitjie geitonogamous geitonogamy genistein gentisein glacier Glathsheim Glathsheimr gleeishly glycoproteid glycoprotein gneiss gneissic gneissitic gneissoid gneissose gneissy Gobioidei Gomeisa gonorrheic grandeeism Gravenstein greige grein greisen guaneide gypseian

H[edit | edit source]

hameil handsomeish Harleian Hartleian Harveian heavyweight hecastotheism hei heiau heifer heiferhood heigh heighday height heighten heightener heii Heikum Heiltsuk heimin Heinesque Heinie heinous heinously heinousness heintzite heir heirdom heiress heiressdom heiresshood heirless heirloom heirship heirskip heitiki helicoprotein helleborein hemaphein hematein Hemileia hemiprotein heneicosane henotheism henotheist henotheistic Heracleidan herein hereinabove hereinafter hereinbefore hereinto herotheism heterogeneity heteronereid heteronereis heteroproteide hexerei hintzeite Hochheimer holoproteide Holostei Holstein holyokeite homogeneity homogeneization homogeneize homoseismal hopeite hordeiform hordein howbeit hulotheism hundredweight Huxleian Hydrocleis hydrocupreine Hygeia Hygeian hygeiolatry hygeist hygeistic hygieist hygrodeik hygrophaneity hylotheism hylotheist hylotheistic hylotheistical hyperdeify hypocleidian hypocleidium hypogeic hypogeiody hypokeimenometry hysterocleisis

I[edit | edit source]

icosteid Icosteidae icosteine ideist idoneity Idoteidae Idotheidae ihleite ileitis illeism illeist inbeing incorporeity indigeneity infraprotein inhomogeneity inidoneity inneity inspreith instantaneity inteind interreign intervein interveinal inveigh inveigher inveigle inveiglement inveigler inveil invein inweight iodocasein ipomoein ipseity iridencleisis isocheim isocheimal isocheimenal isocheimic isocheimonal isocodeine isooleic isoseismal isoseismic isoseismical isoseist issei

J[edit | edit source]

jadeite jejunoileitis joseite

K[edit | edit source]

kadein kaleidophon kaleidophone kaleidoscope kaleidoscopic kaleidoscopical kaleidoscopically kapeika kathenotheism kehoeite Keid keilhauite keita keitloa Kenseikai kerykeion kibei Kleinian Kleistian Kneiffia Kneippism Koreish Koreishite Koschei kotschubeite kreis Kreistag kreistle kreittonite kuei Kulturkreis

L[edit | edit source]

lactoproteid lactoprotein lammergeier langbeinite Lapeirousia laryngotracheitis lassieish lecideiform lecideine lecithoprotein leguleian leguleious lei Leibnitzian Leibnitzianism Leicester leighton Leila leimtype leiocephalous leiocome leiodermatous leiodermia leiomyofibroma leiomyoma leiomyomatous leiomyosarcoma leiophyllous Leiophyllum Leiothrix Leiotrichan Leiotriches Leiotrichi Leiotrichidae Leiotrichinae leiotrichine leiotrichous leiotrichy leiotropic Leipoa Leishmania leishmaniasis Leisten leister leisterer leisurable leisurably leisure leisured leisureful leisureless leisureliness leisurely leisureness leitmotiv Leitneria Leitneriaceae leitneriaceous Leitneriales Lepidoidei Lepidostei Lepisosteidae Lernaeidae lernaeiform letterweight Libytheidae Libytheinae lightweight lineiform linnaeite linoleic linolein lipoprotein livingstoneite Llandeilo logeion loweite Lushei lutein luteinization luteinize lygaeid Lygaeidae lymnaeid Lymnaeidae lymphangeitis

M[edit | edit source]

macrocheilia macroseism macroseismic macroseismograph Madeira Madeiran magpieish makeweight maleic maleinoid malleableize malleableized Malleifera malleiferous malleiform mallein malleinization malleinize malloseismic Mandaeism manei mangabeira manganeisen Manichaeism Manichaeist Mannheimar marbleization marbleize marbleizer marinheiro marseilles mauveine megaseism megaseismic Meibomia Meibomian meile mein meinie meio meiobar meionite meiophylly meiosis meiotaxy meiotic Meissa Meistersinger meith Meithei meizoseismal meizoseismic melopoeia melopoeic melteigite menorrheic menorrhoeic merveileux mesocuneiform mesoseismal Metageitnion metalleity metaprotein microcheilia microcheiria microseism microseismic microseismical microseismograph microseismology microseismometer microseismometrograph microseismometry middleweight midvein milreis Mimpei Minseito miscellaneity misoneism misoneist misoneistic misotheism misotheist misotheistic moleism momentaneity monheimite monocleid monoeidic monogeneity monotheism monotheist monotheistic monotheistical monotheistically monoureide Monroeism Monroeist monseigneur monteith moreish Mouseion movieize mucoprotein mullein multeity multitheism museist mycoprotein mydaleine myoproteid myoprotein myriotheism mythopoeic mythopoeism mythopoeist Myxinoidei Nasiei

N[edit | edit source]

necropoleis nei neif neigh neighbor neighbored neighborer neighboress neighborhood neighboring neighborless neighborlike neighborliness neighborly neighborship neighborstained neighbourless neighbourlike neighbourship neigher Neil Neillia neiper Neisseria Neisserieae neist neither neoteinia neoteinic Nereid Nereidae nereidiform Nereidiformia Nereis nereite netheist Niersteiner Nietzscheism nisei nolleity Nomeidae nomineeism nomotheism nonbeing noncaffeine noncleistogamic nondeist nonforeign nonforfeitable nonforfeiting nonforfeiture nonhomogeneity nonmonotheistic nonpareil nonproteid nonprotein nonreigning nonreimbursement nonreinforcement nonreinstatement nonseizure nonsovereign nontheistic noodleism Notogaeic noumeite nuclei nucleiferous nucleiform nuclein nucleinase nucleoprotein

0[edit | edit source]

obeisance obeisant obeisantly obeism ogreish ogreishly ogreism oleic oleiferous olein Olympieion omneity Oneida oneiric oneirocrit oneirocritic oneirocritical oneirocritically oneirocriticism oneirocritics oneirodynia oneirologist oneirology oneiromancer oneiromancy oneiroscopic oneiroscopist oneiroscopy oneirotic oneism onomatopoeia onomatopoeial onomatopoeian onomatopoeic onomatopoeical onomatopoeically opeidoscope ophicleide ophicleidean ophicleidist opisthoporeia Orangeism Orangeist oreillet Oresteia Orpheist orseille orseilline orthogneiss orthopneic ortstein oscheitis ossein Osteichthyes ostein osteitic osteitis ostreicultural ostreiculture ostreiculturist Ostreidae ostreiform Otaheitan otocleisis Ottweilian outreign outweigh outweight overfreight overheight overheighten overheinous overleisured overveil overweigh overweight overweightage owyheeite oxreim

P[edit | edit source]

Palaeic palaeichthyan Palaeichthyes palaeichthyic Palamedeidae paleichthyologic paleichthyologist paleichthyology paleiform palmitoleic palmiveined pandeism pandeist pandeistic pandeistical pandeistically paneity panentheism panentheist panentheistic panentheistical panentheistically panosteitis Pantheian pantheic pantheism pantheist pantheistic pantheistical pantheistically paperweight paracasein paracaseinate Paradiseidae Paradiseinae paragneiss parahopeite paraleipsis paranucleic paranuclein paranucleinic Pareiasauri Pareiasauria pareiasaurian Pareiasaurus Pareioplitae parosteitis Parseeism pathopoeia peignoir peine peirameter peirastic peirastically peisage peise peiser Peitho peixere peneseismic penniveined pennyweight penroseite peopleize pereion pereiopod pereira pereirine periosteitis peripeteia Perseid perseite perseitol perseity personeity petreity Pfeifferella phaeism Phariseeism pharmacopeia pharmacopeial pharmacopeian pharmacopoeia pharmacopoeial pharmacopoeian pharmacopoeist Pheidole phenolphthalein phenolsulphonephthalein Phersephoneia philoneism philoprogeneity philotheism philotheist philotheistic phoneidoscope phoneidoscopic phonodeik phosphoglycoprotein phosphoprotein phryganeid Phryganeidae phthalein phthaleinometer phycophaein physitheism physitheistic pileiform piperideine Placoganoidei Placoidei plancheite plastein Plataleidae plataleiform Plataleinae plataleine plateiasmus platycheiria plebeian plebeiance plebeianize plebeianly plebeianness plebeity Pleiades pleiobar pleiochromia pleiochromic pleiomastia pleiomazia pleiomerous pleiomery pleion Pleione pleionian pleiophyllous pleiophylly pleiotaxis pleiotropic pleiotropically pleiotropism Pleistocene Pleistocenic pleistoseist Plouteneion pluteiform pococuranteism poltergeist polyeidic polyeidism polyideic polyideism polypnoeic polysemeia polytheism polytheist polytheistic polytheistical polytheistically polytheize Pompeian Pompeii poodleish popeism Poseidon Poseidonian postdisseizin postdisseizor postgonorrheic postmeiotic predeication preidea preidentification preidentify preignition preilluminate preillumination preillustrate preillustration preimage preimaginary preimagination preimagine preimbibe preimbue preimitate preimitation preimitative preimmigration preimpair preimpairment preimpart preimperial preimport preimportance preimportant preimportantly preimportation preimposal preimpose preimposition preimpress preimpression preimpressive preimprove preimprovement preinaugural preinaugurate preincarnate preincentive preinclination preincline preinclude preinclusion preincorporate preincorporation preincrease preindebted preindebtedness preindemnification preindemnify preindemnity preindependence preindependent preindependently preindesignate preindicant preindicate preindication preindispose preindisposition preinduce preinducement preinduction preinductive preindulge preindulgence preindulgent preindustrial preindustry preinfect preinfection preinfer preinference preinflection preinflectional preinflict preinfluence preinform preinformation preinhabit preinhabitant preinhabitation preinhere preinherit preinheritance preinitial preinitiate preinitiation preinjure preinjurious preinjury preinquisition preinscribe preinscription preinsert preinsertion preinsinuate preinsinuating preinsinuatingly preinsinuation preinsinuative preinspect preinspection preinspector preinspire preinstall preinstallation preinstill preinstillation preinstruct preinstruction preinstructional preinstructive preinsula preinsular preinsulate preinsulation preinsult preinsurance preinsure preintellectual preintelligence preintelligent preintelligently preintend preintention preintercede preintercession preinterchange preintercourse preinterest preinterfere preinterference preinterpret preinterpretation preinterpretative preinterview preintone preinvent preinvention preinventive preinventory preinvest preinvestigate preinvestigation preinvestigator preinvestment preinvitation preinvite preinvocation preinvolve preinvolvement preiotization preiotize preirrigation preirrigational preissuance preissue prespontaneity preweigh proatheist proatheistic prochein proforeign prokeimenon prosopopoeia prosopopoeial proteic Proteida Proteidae proteide proteidean proteidogenous proteiform protein proteinaceous proteinase proteinic proteinochromogen proteinous proteinuria pseudonuclein psychotheism pukateine purreic pylorocleisis pyorrheic Pyrameis pyrenodeine

Q[edit | edit source]

quei queintise quisqueite

R[edit | edit source]

raveinelike redeify redisseise redisseisin redisseisor redisseize redisseizin redisseizor refeign reforfeit reforfeiture refugeeism reheighten reichsgulden Reichsland Reichslander reichsmark reichspfennig reichstaler reidentification reidentify reif reification reify reign reignite reignition reignore reillume reilluminate reillumination reillumine reillustrate reillustration reim reimage reimagination reimagine reimbark reimbarkation reimbibe reimbody reimbursable reimburse reimbursement reimburser reimbush reimbushment reimkennar reimmerge reimmerse reimmersion reimmigrant reimmigration reimpact reimpark reimpart reimpatriate reimpatriation reimpel reimplant reimplantation reimply reimport reimportation reimportune reimpose reimposition reimposure reimpregnate reimpress reimpression reimprint reimprison reimprisonment reimprove reimprovement reimpulse rein reina reinability reinaugurate reinauguration reincapable reincarnadine reincarnate reincarnation reincarnationism reincarnationist reincense reincentive reincidence reincidency reincite reinclination reincline reinclude reinclusion reincorporate reincorporation reincrease reincrudate reincrudation reinculcate reincur reindebted reindebtedness reindeer reindependence reindicate reindication reindict reindictment reindifferent reindorse reinduce reinducement reindue reindulge reindulgence reinette reinfect reinfection reinfectious reinfer reinfest reinfestation reinflame reinflate reinflation reinflict reinfliction reinfluence reinforce reinforcement reinforcer reinform reinfuse reinfusion reingraft reingratiate reingress reinhabit reinhabitation reinherit reinitiate reinitiation reinject reinjure reinless reinoculate reinoculation reinquire reinquiry reins reinsane reinsanity reinscribe reinsert reinsertion reinsist reinsman reinspect reinspection reinspector reinsphere reinspiration reinspire reinspirit reinstall reinstallation reinstallment reinstalment reinstate reinstatement reinstation reinstator reinstauration reinstil reinstill reinstitute reinstitution reinstruct reinstruction reinsult reinsurance reinsure reinsurer reintegrate reintegration reintend reinter reintercede reintercession reinterchange reinterest reinterfere reinterference reinterment reinterpret reinterpretation reinterrogate reinterrogation reinterrupt reinterruption reintervene reintervention reinterview reinthrone reintimate reintimation reintitule reintrench reintroduce reintroduction reintrude reintrusion reintuition reintuitive reinvade reinvasion reinvent reinvention reinventor reinversion reinvert reinvest reinvestigate reinvestigation reinvestiture reinvestment reinvigorate reinvigoration reinvitation reinvite reinvoice reinvolve Reinwardtia reirrigate reirrigation reis reisolation reissuable reissue reissuement reissuer reit reitbok reitbuck reitemize reiter reiterable reiterance reiterant reiterate reiterated reiteratedly reiteratedness reiteration reiterative reiteratively reiver rereign reseise reseiser reseize reseizer reseizure resorcinolphthalein reveil reveille reweigh reweigher reweight rheic Rheidae Rheiformes rhein rheinic Rhomboganoidei rhythmopoeia ribonucleic ricinoleic ricinolein Ricinulei rinneite romeite roseine Rowleian Rudesheimer Rugbeian

S[edit | edit source]

Sabaeism saccharineish Sadduceeism Sadduceeist Saeima Salmonoidei sangei sansei Satureia scarabaei scarabaeid Scarabaeidae scarabaeidoid scarabaeiform Scarabaeinae schalmei schalstein Schleichera schneider Schneiderian schreiner schreinerize schriesheimite schweizer schweizerkase sciotheism science sclereid Scleroparei scleroprotein scopoleine screich screigh scribbleism Scyllaeidae seborrheic seeing seeingly seeingness seiche Seid Seidel seidel Seidlitz seigneur seigneurage seigneuress seigneurial seigneury seignior seigniorage seignioral seignioralty seigniorial seigniority seigniorship seigniory seignorage seignoral seignorial seignorize seignory seilenoi seilenos seine seiner seirospore seirosporic seise seism seismal seismatical seismetic seismic seismically seismicity seismism seismochronograph seismogram seismograph seismographer seismographic seismographical seismography seismologic seismological seismologically seismologist seismologue seismology seismometer seismometric seismometrical seismometrograph seismometry seismomicrophone seismoscope seismoscopic seismotectonic seismotherapy seismotic seit seity Seiurus Seiyuhonto Seiyukai seizable seize seizer seizin seizing seizor seizure Selachoidei semeia semeiography semeiologic semeiological semeiologist semeiology semeion semeiotic semeiotical semeiotics semiatheist semideific semideification semideistical semideity semidiaphaneity semiforeign semisightseeing semisovereignty semispontaneity sensei serpentcleide sheik sheikdom sheikhlike sheikhly sheiklike sheikly Sheila Shimei shoeing shoeingsmith shtreimel sialosemeiology Siluroidei simultaneity singeing singeingly Sirenoidei skeif skeigh skeily skein skeiner skeipp sleigh sleigher sleighing sleight sleightful sleighty snowshoeing sobeit solaneine Soleidae soleiform soleil sovereign sovereigness sovereignly sovereignness sovereignship sovereignty sparteine speiskobalt speiss spiegeleisen splenocleisis spontaneity Squaloidei Squatinoidei steid steigh Stein stein Steinberger steinbok Steinerian steinful steinkirk Steironema sternocleidomastoid stingareeing streite Stromateidae subsovereign subvein subweight Sufeism sulfoleic sulfonephthalein sulfophthalein sulforicinoleic sulpholeic sulphonephthalein sulphonphthalein sulphophthalein sulphoproteid sulphoricinoleic sulphureity superdeity supersovereign supersovereignty surfeit surfeiter surveillance surveillant sutteeism swingeing Sydneian symbolofideism syneidesis

T[edit | edit source]

tableity tachyseism Taipei tamein tangeite tannocaffeic tapeinocephalic tapeinocephalism tapeinocephaly Tarpeia Tarpeian tcheirek Teian teicher teiglech Teiidae teil teind teindable teinder teinland teinoscope teioid Teiresias Telei Teleia teleianthous teleiosis Teleostei teleseism teleseismic teleseismology terreplein tetraiodophenolphthalein tetratheism tetratheite theiform Theileria theine theinism their theirn theirs theirselves theirsens theism theist theistic theistical theistically theologeion therein thereinafter thereinbefore thereinto theriotheism thermopleion thermopolypneic thioneine tholeiite Thoracostei thortveitite thousandweight thuggeeism thymolphthalein thymolsulphonephthalein thymonucleic thyreoprotein thyroprotein tineid Tineidae Tineina tineine tiptoeing tiptoeingly tracheid tracheidal tracheitis transleithan treeify treeiness treillage Triodontoidei trioleic triolein triricinolein Triteleia tritheism tritheist tritheistic tritheistical tritheite Tritogeneia trocheeize trochleiform trolleite tropeic tropeine trusteeism trypaneid Trypaneidae tuberculoprotein tueiron turtleize Tuyuneiri twaddleize tweil

V[edit | edit source]

Vanaheim vei veigle veil veiled veiledly veiledness veiler veiling veilless veillike veilmaker veilmaking Veiltail veily vein veinage veinal veinbanding veined veiner veinery veininess veining veinless veinlet veinous veinstone veinstuff veinule veinulet veinwise veinwork veiny velleity vermeil vicereine viertelein villein villeinage villeiness villeinhold vineity vlei voreis

W[edit | edit source]

Wachenheimer Waldheimia waldmeister Waldsteinia Wei weibyeite weichselwood Weierstrassian Weigela weigelite weigh weighable weighage weighbar weighbauk weighbridge weighbridgeman weighed weigher weighership weighhouse weighin weighing weighman weighment weighshaft weight weightchaser weighted weightedly weightedness weightily weightiness weighting weightless weightlessly weightlessness weightometer weighty weinbergerite Weinmannia weinschenkite weir weirangle weird weirdful weirdish weirdless weirdlessness weirdlike weirdliness weirdly weirdness weirdsome weirdward weirdwoman weiring weisbachite weiselbergite weism Weismannian Weismannism weissite Weissnichtwo Weitspekan welterweight whein wherein whereinsoever whereinto whitevein wifeism wilkeite Windesheimer wiseacreish wiseacreishness wiseacreism wiseheimer wisenheimer witherweight wocheinite

X[edit | edit source]

xanthein xanthoproteic xanthoprotein xanthoproteinic xylindein

Y[edit | edit source]

yajeine Yankeeism Yankeeist Yankeeize Yenisei Yeniseian Yorkshireism youthheid

Z[edit | edit source]

Zechstein Zeidae zein zeism zeist Zeitgeist zemeism Zeoidei zoogloeic zootheism zootheist zootheistic Zuleika

Glorious Efforts of Chairman Mao to enforce I before E, except after C[edit | edit source]

Chairman Mao has bravely enforced the rule of I before E, except after C. As you can see from the above list, most words violating the rule have been eraticated due to the efforts of Chairman Mao, and are no longer featured as articles in the People's Republic of Uncyclopedia. Chairman Mao has gloriously protected us from these words, which are capitalists, Nationalists, and popes. Some of these words still survive, and are believed to be on Taiwan. They should not be approached.

Other Exceptions[edit | edit source]

  • Weekends
  • Holidays
  • All throughout May

See Also[edit | edit source]
