Uncyclopedia:Requested articles/Sports

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  • Search for existing articles on the same subject. If an article exists, but not at the title you expected, you can create a redirect. You may want to use {{Ambiguation}}.
  • Check spelling and capitalization.

Important: Before starting any article, please read the policies and guidelines located at BGBU and HTBFANJS so your article doesn't end up here, here or here. If you will not be able to bring an article to finished quality within a short time, please do not click on the red link on this page, but instead start a draft in your userspace ([[User:My Username/article name]]). After you have finished, please go to Pee Review, and give yourself this nice award.

WARNING! Pretty Pretty Pretty Please put all requests into alphabetical order. It will make things easier for all of us.

American football[edit source]

American football officials[edit source]

American football players[edit source]

American football stadiums[edit source]

American football teams[edit source]

American Football Conference
National Football Conference

Archery[edit source]

Association football (soccer)[edit source]

Association football general[edit source]

Association football lists[edit source]

Association football seasons[edit source]

Association football teams[edit source]

Association football players (individual)[edit source]

Association football coaches[edit source]

Misc[edit source]

Athletics[edit source]

Events[edit source]

Athletes[edit source]

Australian rules football[edit source]

Badminton[edit source]

Baseball[edit source]

Baseball basic terms[edit source]

Baseball coaches[edit source]

Baseball teams[edit source]

American League
National League

Baseball events[edit source]

Baseball officials[edit source]

Baseball players[edit source]

Misc[edit source]

Basketball[edit source]

Basketball basic terms[edit source]

Basketball coaches[edit source]

Basketball teams[edit source]

Eastern Conference
Western Conference

Basketball events[edit source]

Basketball players[edit source]

Basketball referees[edit source]

Bobsleigh[edit source]

Bodybuilding[edit source]

Bodybuilders[edit source]

Bodybuilding equipment[edit source]

Bowling[edit source]

Boxing[edit source]

Bridge[edit source]

Canoe / Kayak[edit source]

Climbing[edit source]

Cricket[edit source]

Cricket players[edit source]

Cue sports[edit source]

Cycling[edit source]

Diving[edit source]

Fencing[edit source]

Field hockey[edit source]

Figure skating[edit source]

Fishing[edit source]

Golf[edit source]

Golfers[edit source]

Gymnastics[edit source]

Horse riding and racing[edit source]

Ice hockey[edit source]

Ice hockey players[edit source]

Lacrosse[edit source]

Martial arts[edit source]

  • Boob fu - a delightful, healthy martial art in which women exercise their right to bare "arms". "Whap!" whoah, what's happening? "Whap!" oh my, do that again "Whap!" Mamma, I surrender... actually, what I'm really requesting is a good animated sequence that depicts how the trained practitioner can pummel her opponent into senseless admiration. ;) Like kickboxing for non foot fetishists.

Mixed Martial Arts[edit source]

Motor sports[edit source]

Auto racers

Orienteering[edit source]

Rollerskating[edit source]

Rowing[edit source]

Rowers[edit source]

Rugby[edit source]

Sailing[edit source]

Shooting[edit source]

Skateboarding[edit source]

Skiing[edit source]

Snowboarding[edit source]

Speed skating[edit source]

Squash[edit source]

Strongman[edit source]

Swimming[edit source]

Table tennis[edit source]

Tennis[edit source]

Track and field[edit source]

Triathlon[edit source]

  • Multisport — Many multi-event sports end in "-thlon" (like biathlon, triathlon, pentathlon, and duathlon), which could perhaps be the title of the actual article. I feel like there's the potential for a really great concept involving an otherall classification of the sports and their crazy names; what comes to mind is a vague image of a Hydra monster with sport events as heads, each one popping up to replace another. I don't have anything further than that. (un wp g cms | 1911 co wolfram yt)

Volleyball[edit source]

Wrestling[edit source]

See also: Wrestlecrap.com, Weird World of Wrestling and Xavier Doom's Slayground

WWF/WWE[edit source]

WCW[edit source]

ECW[edit source]

Mexican luchadore El Santo.

International[edit source]

Other sports[edit source]