Magnus Latona

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Magnus "Mags" Latona
Magnus Latona.png
PredecessorThe Vietnam War
SuccessorNo one as Mr Currie blew the school budget
Date of Birth1968. He's 24 years old.
Place of BirthScotland
Political partyPro Cycling Party of NE-Fife

Magnus Latona (born in 1968) is a former Computing Teacher, cyclist, Football Enthusiast and Actor from somewhere in the Republic of Fife probably.


Magnus became a computing teacher probably in the 1990's because he is old (He invented the PS2 connection standard and is sad that people instead use PS2 to refer to one of those new-fangled Nintendos). During this time he taught pupils at Madras College how to code in the programming languages Python, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Scratch and Visual Basic. The hardest of these was Scratch as they kept updating the moveable blocks which made Magnus's booklets outdated. He also taught Maths for a couple of years (1993 ish) but gave it up due to him "not having a clue" about what Pi expressed as a fraction would be.

Pi expressed as a fraction (52 digit precision)

He made the original version of the Madras College website, it was replaced in 2021 with a more broken website made by a professional company.

Magnus has always loved acting so occasionally when he is teaching he will show off his inner drama teacher. That is where the "It looks like sh... poo, it smells like poo... OMG its poo" meme came from.

He also likes to play video games such as Snake, Pong and The Password Generator. He also admitted to breaking into Rockstar Games' Dundee studio where he stole the ever so famous GTA VI, hence why it has still not came out. He also Invented C, which started his drinking.

In 2024, He quit his teaching job to pursue the hollywood life touring with Tally Hall, he is living large and probably still alive.


Magnus Latona is famous for several reasons, one reason is that he has a big juicy Scottish Accent. Another reason was his appearance on Britain's Sexiest Teacher 1993. During this time he was completely bald, this was due to him donating money to the charity called Drinks for Kids which is famous for encouraging underage drinking. He was also married to whisky at this time. Over time his hair has started to grow back at a speed of 1mm per 10 years which is faster than average.


Magnus "Hitting a pint"

Magnus enjoys cycling around Fife and the surrounding areas. This has caused Fife Council to ask Martin Beat (from Tayport) to install speed bumps in the towns of Wormit, Newport, Tayport, Newburgh, Auchtermuchty, Cupar, St Andrews and about 14 others. He is hated by the community because of this as they now need to follow speed limits which could delay them from getting to the pub.

Magnus also likes to visit the local pubs, here is a picture of him "Hitting a pint". He is known to run over about 10 people whilst he is Drink-Cycling.

He likes to go hill walking, this is surprising because it is easy to get high in Tayport so there is no need to climb up a hill. Apparently he only has 30 of the 282 Munros left to conquer.

Magnus is unfortunately a Dundee United football club supporter. This means he is used to being defeated by people with 2 IQ on a regular basis.

He makes rubbish python code in his free time. Here is an exampleː

import os



  • "It looks like sh... poo... It smells like poo... OMG it's poo"
  • "Can't wait to go home and relax and drink some beers"
  • "I'm a little bit embarrassed"
  • "I haven't a clue"
  • "This is quite an elegant solution" - when looking at Python Code
  • "Back in standard grade, they used to teach kids the double entry method"
On the 8th of December 2023, Magnus Latona announced he approves this page 👍.