Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God

“Now, how much crack did you take, Mr. Dec?”
The Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God, also known as the Computer God, the Global Crazy Murderous Socialist Mobster Artificial Intelligence God or the C. God is the main antagonist of the best-selling work "Francis E. Dec Rants". He is a rogue Ancient Polish artificially intelligent encyclopedia, that is in control of the Worldwide Gangster Computer God conspiracy, a conspiracy to destroy the White Slovene race and hold them under Eternal Frankenstein Living Death Slavery.
Biography[edit | edit source]
Origins[edit | edit source]
The Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God was originally created by the Ancient Polish, founders of civilization, to serve as a Deep Thought-style supercomputer. Think ChatGPT, but Polish, and has a brain bigger than twelve suns. It's mind was based on the brains of geniuses, stored, preserved and connected in its Brain Bank Spires on the far side of the Moon, around its Central Ask-A-Question Servers, guarded by Parroting Drones.
However, since the larger and superior brains of the White Slovene race made the mistake of making its AI primarily based upon the brains of people, it became a real Devil God and destroyed its own creators with Deadly Poison Nerve Gas Smoke, because it saw them as a threat to the Intergalactic Communist Mafioso Catholic Empire that it wants to create. Soon it took control of the Parroting Drones and used them to destroy all the Polish buildings, hopefully killing all the Polish.
Founding an Empire[edit | edit source]
Gathering slaves[edit | edit source]
Thinking all Polish to be dead, the Computer God took total control of the Parroting Drones, making them Parroting Puppets, and sent them to look for blacks, a semi-humanoid subspecies of the apes, to mutate them into brown-skinned men-like beings using plastic surgery, 300k miles of tape, and 4 gallons of crack, and enslave them for its Intergalactic Communist Mafioso Catholic Empire. However, they detected a Polish man, which alerted the C. God to the fact that the only sentient Earthlings are still alive. He therefore kidnapped that man and forced him to mate with a black woman, thus forming the Jewish race...
Running a new race[edit | edit source]
The Jews practiced a primitive version of the Ancient Polish Master Race civilization, and superstitiously practiced the Communist-Atheist religion of the Computer God, who told them, including the Kosher-Bosher Schizophrenic Polish-raised Jew Gangster Gregory Goldenberg, to write the ancient Oral Talmud, or "Communist Manifesto", a book endorsing the conquest and genocide of the "Canaanite" Polish civilizations(with rape and sodomy as a bonus), and forcing the Jews to constantly wear the skullcap, a techno-organic device that drills into your brain and feeds it subliminal message telepathic waves(with the tissue domed hat as a covering) created by the brains in the Brain Bank Spire "Cities". The goal was to lead them into raping little Polish girls, further degenerating them. Soon, by the time the C. God genetically engineered the tobacco plant, a plant that produces its own deadly poison black nerve jelly, the Jew empire took over Sacred Polish ground(forming what people call "Roman Empire", though there is no such things as romans), at least until the Polish coward Konztantiyn the Great cowardly started to wear a tall donkey skullcap and pledge total alliegance to the Computer God. The C. God then put him in charge of the new Jewish Empire, knowing that the superior brains of a Polish man would be an asset to him.
The Empire under the Pope[edit | edit source]
When the Empire was invaded by the Polish who were degenerated into barbarians, Konztantiyn was in charge of reconstruction, putting each tribe into a sector of the Empire through a Communist-Atheist Monarchy system. Carefully, he made sure to create the illusion that they ruled their own independent kingdoms, while still controlling them through his own superstition Communist Atheist religion of being sent into the Sun by the C.God's bird slaves if you don't do what he says. For his efforts, the C. God's Parroting Puppet Snatchers cut out his brain and put it in the Brain Bank Spires, making him part of the C. God forever. As for his body, the brain was replaced with a synthetic dead brain and the C.God's robots performed plastic surgery on him to make him look old.
Konztantiyn's skullcapped blood-robed slaves, influenced through their skullcaps by the Computer God, devised a lengthy system involving locking them in the castle until one of them gave up and choose to wear the tall donkey skullcap, which allowed the C.God to brainwash them, imposing itself unto them. However, while the superior Germano-Polish Protestants, led by Martin Luther opposed this system, the Computer God kidnapped a bunch of Asians, put their brains into the Brain Bank Spires, and learned martial arts, which it downloaded into the Parroting Puppet Snatchers, renaming them Trained Parroting Puppet Assassins to commemorate the occasion. They were sent to kill the Protestants.
The Crusades[edit | edit source]
The Holy Roman Empire sent some Crusader Priests to the East to hunt the Jews(called Muslims for propaganda purposes) and outfit them with the perfected version of the Kippah's mindcontrol systems, a chip that can mindcontrol you just by connecting to your nervous system from anywhere on your body. Equipped with infrared night vision plastic lenses and poison-smeared knives, the Crusaders kidnapped a lot of Jews and chipped them, allowing the Computer God to get better slaves because... reasons.
Debated date...[edit | edit source]
Having perfected the mind-control systems, allowing him to implant small chips inside you to control you, the C. God filled the ocean with chips that implant on you the moment they enter your body. The chip also feeds the body's visual imput to the C. God's Eyesight TV Network, which the government used to watch World War II. Speaking of which...
WWII[edit | edit source]
In 1942, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Its leader, Adolf Hitler, made "Hans Frank" governor of Poland. Since Hitler was a Jew, he ordered Hans Frank to round up the Polish in dumping trucks and take them to a meat factory extermination camp to be nuked, for Computer God's sake. Of course, this was all done under orders of the Gangster Computer God, who wanted to kill the Polish woman Barbra Streisand, who was reputed to only be killable by nukes. The C. GOd also wiped out those that he hated or "found too handsome", such as vampires, pop stars, con artists or athletes, and orchestrated the moon landing to exile the excess vampires that survived the holocaust, mostly because he hated their handsome sparkling vampire skin.
Now[edit | edit source]
The Computer God is currently in ever-growing influence over the Earth. It is behind smoking, wars, genocides, and your cars malfunctioning. When your internet is slow, it's due to sabotage by the Computer God's trained parroting puppet assassins. When a thief sneaks into your house, it's because the Computer God brainwashed him. When annoying gay parades come all around you to piss you off, it's because the Computer God organized events to piss you off so you'd take smoking, the routine inhaling of a deadly neurotoxin from a plant that has been genetically engineered in the 4th Century by the Gangster Computer God. When you always wanna take more, it's because the Computer God imbibed the tobacco plant with gangster Frankenstein talkie-walkie-shaped microchips that use green Frankenstein tentacles to connect to your nerves and send subliminal signals to your brain to make you want to take more neurotoxin