User talk:Orion Blastar/Archive1

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Benson's Offer[edit source]

Benson offers you membership into the league. do you accept? Benson 23:37, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

I am not worthy, because Benson is better than me. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 21:38, 1 October 2006 (UTC)

Fans[edit source]

Compliments[edit source]

Oh lover, you're such a cute little shit-butt. -- Herman User:|

I think you should have posted that one under the stalker category. --Orion Blastar

Hey, although I lambasted the article (I am relatively certain that lambasted is not only the word I'm looking for, it's also a real word) on The Punisher, I will compliment you on the quality of the writing. Good Prose. I merely felt that the truthful emphasis didn't click. Then again, I'm evil. Otherwise, Kudos to you... Your writing style doesn't suck, and that's something Uncyclopedia desperately needs. TD Complain here MUN (Insert Funny Quote Here)

Well thanks, I try very hard to write a good quality article. I asked for help on The Punisher on the peer review but only one or two people gave me feedback. I'd improve it more if I had more help and suggestions to make it funnier. Yet what I got instead was a vote to delete it, rather than a rewrite or help making it funnier. Some of my other articles got help and contributions in writing them, and are a lot funnier as a result. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 19:56, 14 March 2006 (UTC)

Complaints[edit source]

Enemies[edit source]

Groupies[edit source]

Stalkers[edit source]

Head On! Apply directly to the forehead. Head -decoration:underline;">Orion Blastar]] (talk) 21:30, 1 October 2006 (UTC)
Hmmm, guess I'll just have to watch the commercial a few more times until I get it right. – Preceding unsigned comment added by Mrthejazz (talk • contribs)
You do that and then get back to me. Just try not to get addicted to the stuff, it can cause mild brainwashing from watching the commercial too much. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 20:35, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

Parole Officers[edit source]

Prosperity Wicca[edit source]


I'm not opposed to the changes you made to Prosperity Wicca; the adding of headers and the "See Also" section is great; however, U sure we want all the horizontal lines? --Curious Larry 02:53, 20 Oct 2005 (UTC)

Sure I am sure. The voices told me to add the horizontal lines. Orion Blastar 17:52, 20 Oct 2005 (UTC)

Thank YOU for your positive comments concerning my positive comments. The voices in my head are telling me to...well, never mind that. Anyway, if the voices in YOUR head are debating whether you should pull the trigger or get a bigger clip, well, just say NO! Later, dude. Buwahah, you like my Uber-Loki article, your my first official fanboy! Gwahahahaha! Jack Cain 04:17, 20 Oct 2005 (UTC)

Not really your fanboy, I do what the voices in my head tell me to do. Jesus and Loki/Loke are not really that different anyway when you think about it. Neither of them are really evil either, they just want to change things for the better, but have different methods of doing that. Orion Blastar 17:54, 20 Oct 2005 (UTC)

Funny[edit source]

I replied to your message. I'm sorry it took so long. Please write back. --T. (talk) 19:56, 25 January 2006 (UTC)

GIF Police[edit source]

Serious Zone: The following section contains no jokes. Don't expect any laughs... unless you laugh at disclaimers. We don't judge.

Greetings, Orion Blastar/Archive1.

I have noticed that you uploaded an image in the GIF format, a format that has been known to induce much controversy over the Web due to patent restrictions.

Even though the patents covering the GIF compression have now expired, usage of this format is discouraged. There exists a better alternative, the PNG format, which has never been covered by any patent issues and is generally considered technologically superior to the outdated GIF format, which is almost 20 years old.

  • PNG supports all features of GIF except animation, but offers additional features. If you upload a 256-color PNG, identical in quality to a GIF, and decide to replace it with a true color 24-bit or 32-bit PNG later, you won't have to edit all pages the * As alpha transparency usually looks better than indexed color transparency, providing blending and anti-aliasing, using alpha-transparency PNG images urges users to upgrade their browser. Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 7, which support alpha transparency, are considered technologically superior and less vulnerable compared to Internet Explorer 6 and below. Therefore, PNG images with alpha transparency assist in moving users to more secure and standards-compliant browsers.

Therefore, as a small tribute to the free software and free content movements, I sincerely ask you to convert your image to the open, W3C-approved PNG format and reupload it.

Sikon 09:07, 27 January 2006 (UTC)

Done, look for Image:Scivsnorse.Png to replace Image:Scivsnorse.Gif, now if I can get the older GIF version deleted. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 18:58, 30 January 2006 (UTC)

End of Serious Zone: Prepare for jokes in bad taste. You have been warned.

Who are you?[edit source]

And why should you have an entry on the Bios page? I asked around and most people are unfamiliar with you. I'll delete your bio from the page for now, but if you end up getting popular around here, I'll re-add it, OK? If you have any questions, you can probably find me here. --Boy Toy bitch at me 16:26, 25 February 2006 (UTC)

I know who he is.....Orion's been active for a long while, but then went quiet towards the end of last year. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
Ah, the old case of "Uncyclopedia Hiatus"... Sorry man, I didn't know you once were active to the site. I'll do a little research and if

Thanks![edit source]

Just a note to express my appreciation for your vote for Writer of the Month.  :) And I hope you, Weasel and Claudius can work out some understanding/collaboration over on the Enron article. ~ T. (talk) 20:48, 26 February 2006 (UTC)

Template[edit source]

Here's a template to add to your User Page. --Boy Toy bitch at me 03:22, 27 February 2006 (UTC)

Rank[edit source]

I noticed you edited your sig to remove your rank. I guess that's fine, seeing as it was a made-up rank, but you deserve a real one. By my records, your one year anniversary at Uncyc is Mar 28. You're a veteran here, and you've had a tough year. You've also been speaking out more recently, and managing conflicts with others. I'm impressed.  :) You should be, too.

Keep up the good work, and keep getting yourself out there. You're hereby promoted. Feel free to add the pre-nominal rank of 2nd_Lt to your sig at your leisure.

And you can use this template on your page if you wish.


~ Major Sir Todd Lyons GUN WotM MI UotM NotM MDA VFH AotM Bur. AlBur. CM NS PC 18:52, 21 March 2006 (UTC)

Thank you sir, I am trying my best to improve and get myself noticed here. Maybe I can work my way up to Lord Admiral or something later? ;) You were right! A wikideath isn't as bad as I once thought. Elvis really knows how to put the fun in funeral, and I feel better after a more-or-less total break from the day-to-day drama around here. How, however, I'm craving my soaps again.  :) Thanks for the nice message on my talk page. ~ T. (talk) 14:12, 1 May 2006 (UTC)
Hey no problem. Sometimes we just need to take a break to get away from things for a while. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 17:08, 1 May 2006 (UTC)

The Secret Message[edit source]

You have not found the secret message. There is a secret deep within the soul.

Sir KP GUN 03:42, 14 June 2006 (UTC)

Natalie Portman[edit source]

Hi. I didn't want to tackle the article's talk page outright for fear of being lynched on the spot, but I think it crosses the line from being generally offensive to slander with a disproportionally large number of vagina jokes (?). I think it's a perfect example of ignorance of the BFNJS policy. Am I just too dumb to get it? --Medvedev (scream) 06:23, 21 September 2006 (UTC)

Why are you posting this to me? I didn't contribute to the artlce. I do agree with you to a point, though. I share IP addresses on AT&T's DSL so maybe you thought an anonymous IP was me, my router resets due to connection problems and randomly gets a new IP. I am always writing as Orion Blastar and not some anonymous IP. If that is not the case, maybe you just like talking to random strangers on Uncyclopedia like me, because I am strange due to my mental illnesses? Please address the issue to the admins, or slap a rewrite tag on the article. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 16:01, 21 September 2006 (UTC)
I didn't think it was you, it's just that you're the only living (okay - undead) person whom I would trust with Portman's vagina. Actually, I just wanted to ask you whether or not the article should be rewritten, and if so, how to tag it appropriately. --Medvedev (scream) 16:57, 21 September 2006 (UTC)
Ok, use a template from the Rewrite page and add it on. The Mr. T one does nicely.
is the template to use. Good luck. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 17:29, 21 September 2006 (UTC)
Thanks, it's perfect. ::Much appreciated, you've been a great help. --Medvedev (scream) 20:50, 2 October 2006 (UTC)
That is the Democratic way, have others vote on the article if it should be deleted, rewritten, or kept. Chances are it will either get deleted or rewritten, because it does not fit the Uncyclopedia guidelines for funny. You are most welcome. Getting others involved is a good thing, because this is a community of people like you and me and others. --2nd_Lt Orion Blastar (talk) 21:53, 2 October 2006 (UTC)

Samsung[edit source]

i will insert my 2 cents in Samsung means to come in time. in the meantime, i was thinking: we don't have a page called Samsung (we do have Hyundai otoh). how about if we moved this to Samsung and made it a section thereof? a feeble introduction to Samsung would suffice 'cos Samsung means to come would really be the main entree. the other way is to create a redirect in Samsung to this page. but someone might like to "seriously" write about samsung - after all it contributes in a big way to south korea's economic orgasm. -- mowgli 06:50, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

on second thought, a redirect maybe just fine. anyone who wants to create Samsung, in future, can easily break the redirect. -- mowgli 07:01, 10 October 2006 (UTC)
Sounds good, make it so. Well I seee you already did, good work. I'll remove the Samsung link in Samsung means to come so people don't click on it and redirect to the same page. --:Uncyclopedia:Admin Rank|Off Des Orion Blastar (talk) 12:07, 10 October 2006 (UTC)

White And Nerdy[edit source]


Cool! Thanks for fixing my page. I couldn't be bothered adding every symptom so I figured I'd leave it for someone else to do.

And thanks for leaving my favourite bits alone.

) Wish it were always this way. ~ T. (talk) 01:48, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
Ditto. And about questioning your heterosexuality - any time. --Medvedev (scream) 06:08, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
Well thanks you two. It is hard for me with my mental illnesses to be social and positive, but I am doing my best. Thanks Todd for my rank back, or thanks to Hinoa if he did it. Thanks for the comment Medvedev, as well. Those things mean more to me than any rank or award anyway. --Off Des Orion Blastar (talk) 13:31, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
Thanks Todd for talking to me about Hinoa, he restored my rank and then some. Medvedev, I am a geek and nerd so yes in high school I was accused of being gay by jocks and burnouts, etc. I was into computer science, math, natural science instead of cars, sports, etc. I am married to a very good woman, and I have a son, and I am a full-time father because I have been out of work since 2002. I have a Christ-like complex and I try to be like Jesus, and some even have accused Jesus of being gay. I suffer from schizo-affective disorder which strikes less than 2% of the population, we are a small minority like gay people which mostly nobody cares about. I guess I won that schizo-affective lottery? I'd rather have won Powerball with a $200 Million Jackpot instead. :) Anyway I learned in college the subject modern business management that teaches diversity as a good thing and not to discriminate against people, and I graduated in June 2006. When someone posted an angry message on the forum here that Oscar Wilde is gay, I recall posting "so what" and other messages showing that it was not a problem. I try to judge people by their character and actions and behaviors rather than by race, religion, color, national origin, gender, disability, and yes even sexual orientation. I figure let the first one without sin cast the first stone, and judge not least we be judged more harshly. I admit I am a sinner and my mental illness causes me to sin, so I ask for forgiveness several times a day. I try not to judge too harshly, but I have a judging personality type, INTJ. I let Jesus be the final judge on things and people. --Lt. Orion Blastar (talk) 17:44, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
orion, if only i could cast 2/3/4 votes for you instead of one. i'm convinced about your "mental illness" bit. i had thought it was just an alibi of sorts. regardless, i thought i'd let you know that i voted for hindeylite in vote UotM only 'cos i had (edit) imagined that you too would have (edit) voted for him had you not already voted for yourself. i hope you will excuse/appreciate/understand this presumptuousness of mine. but, at the end of the day, nothing matters; only samsung does! i trust you'll understand. and, oh! i too am my a father and for the special personal touch (o how complete this post is, eh?) here's a pic. of my older (have 2 sons) and niece (and a younger bro.) during holi -
yours fondly, (not gheyly! please do not misconstrue! please do not misunderstand!) -- mowgli 18:51, 11 October 2006 (UTC)
Well I created Orion Blastar based on a Traveller RPG character I created in the 1980's who was a merchant turned space pirate in the future. they applied for patents, etc. I wrote something about that on my user page, which has a kernel of truth of my employment history with the names changed to avoid lawsuits. I cannot hide my mental illness because I write too much and sometimes my mental illnesses do the talking for me and people pick up on it quick and attack me over it. I got into many heated debates and flamewars over it, and sometimes still do. I am trying to focus my energy into humor, and tried to write funny stuff on forums and other parts of the Internet before Uncyclopedia. I even faked my death as a cyberdeath in Nov 2004 when a lot of people harassed me and told me to go kill myself, so I did a cyberdeath instead. It upset a lot of people, but it was the only way I could get suicidal thoughts out of my mind and live to tell about it. I used to make fun of right-wingers, but everybody does that and it gets boring, so after 9-11 I decided to make fun of left-wingers instead because they are so much more emotional and in mass numbers on the Internet so there are more targets to make fun of. Most of the harassment and abuse I got in my past 30 years or so were from left-wingers anyway. Moderates and right-wingers supported me through difficult times. I lost a lot of people I thought where my friends when I got schizoaffective disorder from too much stress at work (plus I think I was poisoned with mercury and eye drops in my soda and drinking water from scheming coworkers and managers that made me even more mentally and physically ill). I never could afford a decent digital camera, or I'd post pictures of my family. I used to have pictures, but some of my abusers and harassers stole my pictures to create fake profiles on me and web sites that libeled me, while I got those deleted, I know they are still out there somewhere. send me an email and I might mail the pictures to you, as I don't want them public for privacy reasons. Oh by the way, if he were running, you can vote for Godzilla if you want or anyone else for that matter. :) I never try to influence voters and I want them to decide for themselves. But then hindeylite voted for me, so I might as well vote for him, if they allow me to vote twice like you did. I do like that you are advertising for me for UoTM, and nominated me, and thanks for voting for me as well. It is good talking to people this way without the negatism. Thanks. --Lt. Orion :Vaisakhi|Vaisakhi, which is the hindu new year as per the solar calendar and both fall in spring. it's like makar sankranti, you are right, in the sense that makar sanskranti is also a festival of seasons (winter solstice). like Songkran, Vaisakhi is very popular (and it coincides with Holi in spring: thus the carry over of the water sports tradition in thai culture -- makes sense now).
i knew you'd have voted for hindelyite after his gesture but you had already exhausted your vote -- which is why i cancelled out my vote.. Schizoaffective disorder is like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder together, two mental illnesses in one, but with a two week cycle at times. There is the Americans with Disabilities Act, but most employers ignore it and make up stuff about the mentally ill to get rid of them, after trying to overwork them and cause enough stress to force them to quit so they don't have to pay unemployment on them. Mike Meredith, my friend, suffered for that as well and later killed himself over it and other things in his life. Michael Crawford suffered that too but went into business for himself as a consultant and overcame it and moved to Canada. I guess Canada does not treat the mentally ill like they do in the USA. Thanks for your support, it is better than any anti-psychotic medicine that I can take. --Lt. Orion Blastar (talk) 17:36, 12 October 2006 (UTC)
i thought "bipolar" disorder was a PC term for "schizophrenia" but obviously i'm wrong. i had thought "bipolar" disorders were characterized by manic & depressive epsodes OR depressive & "normal" states, i.e. transient depression of a sort. when i used "bipolar" in my post above to refer to acquaintances who were afflicted with it, i meant "schizophrenia" (my bro. was a victim of clinical depression ten years ago - to further clarify - and not schizophrenia). incidentally, the acquaintances i speak of underwent ECT which is banned but still practised here (for a good reason - what do you do with a compulsive wrist-slasher brought to the nursing home, bleeding and in chains -- 21:46, 25 February 2008 (UTC)-- 21:46, 25 February 2008 (UTC)-- 21:46, 25 February 2008 (UTC)
