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Counter-Strike retail box This user is addicted to Counter-strike, and would like to blow your face off with an AK-47. id2
This user plays guitar, because it attracts more groupies, and gets more solos than the bass.
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
Clown chili peppers.jpg
This user fears the clowns.
Clown chili peppers.jpg
Gefahrensymbol F.png
This user is a bit of a pyromaniac.
Gefahrensymbol F.png
This user is elite.
This user is a Ninja, with dominion over everything totally sweet.
bu-N This user is a native speaker of Bullet and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.

Spatula the Spoon XIV
Spatula the Spoon XIV in his early years
Kingdom Euthanasia
Phylum Stormtrooper
Class Lolsroyce Driver
Order Orange Order
Genus Random
Species Bat Fuck Insane
Binomial Name Mister White Rubber with Some Letters in it
Primary Armament Handgun
Secondary Armament Air Guitar
Power Plant Chernobyl
What Time is It? 13:37
Heal Points: Nobody cares
Strength: infinite
Intel: No thanks, I left it the past week
Weight 35 Hulk Hogans
Length 12
Special Attack Suicide
Conservation Status Salt

“Spatula r00lz!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Spatula

“Hail to you, my Lord”

~ Adolf Hitler on Spatula

“My preciouss!!”

~ Gollum on The Ring


~ Smeagol on Spatula

The Rise of the Empire[edit | edit source]

Spatula, also known as The Burger King, was born on the gay country of Mushroom Kingdom, under the tyranic orders of Princess Peach, a sadical monarch who wanted to rule them all.

At the age of 2 he traveled in time to another time, and help the Vatican Boys Punishment Squad to fight against evil, but they sadly became superhuman and joined a capitalist country of Disneyland. Since then, The Burger King, now known as Spatula, started to create a machine to burn CD's with protection, like Star Wars videogames. But one day, Benedict XVI, came to his house and started to eat all the stuff in the house, including a real-sized statute of his idol, Mr. T, which made him a big damage that powned him 616 lives.

Now he lives in the Empire of Antarctica with his funny friends and Bill and Ted, and because they were fictitional, Spatula get high and renamed his country to Rastanesia.

Live and Death[edit | edit source]

He died yesterday and tomorrow. It's also known that his age is between 0 and infinite.

Terrorist Acts[edit | edit source]