User:Kirby of Doom/Using a Template
“In Soviet Russia, using a template somethings YOU!!”
“If I didn't know any better, using a template [Insert location/bad humor here]”
“George W. Bush doesn't care about using a template”
[Insert reason why the page isn't called [Insert alternative title here] here]
"Damn straight yo! Using a template is in da hizzouse!"
~ Charles Dickens
"[Insert overused joke about murder by sex directed at the article subject]"
~ [Insert CEO name here]
[Insert introduction text here] [insert title in lowercase here] [Insert uninventive cliché about invention here] [Insert sentence explaining the subject's relationship with Oprah, Hitler, and Jesus here] [Insert anachronism here] [Insert subject's geographic origins with reference to windswept steppes here]
History of Templates
[Insert in-joke that only your school gets here]
[Insert reference to the subject's sexual orientation here] [Insert kitten huffing joke here] [Insert sentence filled with other references to kittens here] [Insert not-so-subtle allusion to masturbation and God here] [Insert explanation why God hates the article subject here, unless the subject is God, in which case insert explanation why God hates this article here] [Insert non sequitur here]
A priest, a rabbi and a minister all walk into a bar. Ouch!
Want to hear a dirty joke? Four white horses fell in the mud... then they all had sex. Fuck shit damn crap bitch! Even Oscar Wilde wouldn't have sex with Your Mom! TEST
[Insert ill-conceived joke by [ Insert name of editor here ] that seemed really funny at the time here]
Teh tmpelte wz frsit crated by [[1]] in 12348854950 B.C.A.D.E. so dat he cud rite hiz speacchis in 2 minits. So den evrywun new dat hiz speches wre soooooooooo grate so den tehy waned too now how he didit. Den tey al wnet BBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck dis shit.
[Insert censored section here]
[Insert reference to Mini-true, China and Google here]
[Insert reference to Big Brother and the Ministry of Truth here] [Insert another censored section here just for good measure]
[Insert yet another section that is here only to make it look like it's very censored while having nothing at all to do with the actual article, except to show how a censored section looks like, and because there needs to be a certain amount of text here just so you can form a new meaning out of a existing text]
[Help me, I'm beeing imprisoned in this censorship and can do nothing about it!]
[Insert another section header here]
"[Insert idiotic slander here]"
~ [Insert random politician or celebrity name here]
- a) Euroipods reference
- b) sentence saying that Euroipods sucks
[Insert sentence flooded with links to every single featured article you remember here]
[Admins: insert anti-list template here]
- [Insert Michael Richards joke here]
- [Insert random person here (for a list of mandatory random people, see above)]
- [Insert random person here]
- [Insert nonexistent person here]
- [Insert link to someone's user page here]
- [Insert link to a redirect to someone's user page here]
- [Insert broken link here]
- [Insert link to a recently deleted page here]
- [Insert random person here]
- [Insert random animal here]
- [Insert "Chuck Norris" here]
[Insert something insulting all these people here] [Insert comparison between them and the subject of this article]
[Insert comment on George W. Bush's intelligence here]
[Insert gigantic ASCII drawing here]
[Insert yet another section header here]

[Insert alternate meaning of the article's title here] [Don't insert reason why you didn't blend together these meanings here]
[Insert "Contrary to popular belief" here] [Insert TFAODP-worthy content here] [Insert direct opposite of the truth here]
[Insert unfunny one-liner here]
[Insert Captain Beefheart here]
[Insert long and tedious paragraph that pretends to be encyclopedic, but breaks the established tone and deviates from the subject almost immediately after beginning because of the author having ADD or simply because of their inability to write content that looks encyclopedic, or even Uncyclopedic, despite their best efforts, which have been recognized by awarding the author with UGoTM here]
[Insert link to nobody cares here]
[Insert Zeeky Boogy Doog here]
[Insert pitiful attempt at conclusion here]
[Insert sentence that blatantly contradicts the rest of the article here]
[Insert "P.S." here] [Insert more pointless drivel here]
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="" width="400" height="326"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="FlashVars" value="playerMode=embedded" /></object>
[Insert controversial header here]
[Insert very unstable views of the controversy here]
[Insert gay joke left by vandal that doesn't remotely follow the article's tone here]
[Insert mandatory two-word section header here]
- [Insert link to article fetched via Special:Randompage here]
- [Insert link to Special:Randompage here]
- [Insert link to Special:Randompage disguised as a genuine link to an article that actually has something to do with the topic here]
- [Insert link to an "[Insert title here]" skin for the main page here]
[Insert a pun here]
[Insert a completely unrelated pun here]
[Insert Chuck Norris Reference here]
[Insert Grue reference here]
[Insert crossover reference to Danny Phantom and the Ghostbusters here]
[Insert another mandatory two-word section header here]
- [Insert external link to porn here]
- [Insert external link to site where you stole all this stuff from here]
[Insert vandalism here]
[Insert SPAM here]
[Insert SPAM here]
[Insert SPAM here]
[Insert SPAM here]
[insert image here] |
[insert featured article template titled here] | [insert link to featured version here] |
[insert gushy remark here]— [insert plea for votewhoring here] [insert link here].
[insert image here] [insert fecal-themed pun on "cream of the crop" here] [insert explanation for this template here]
Preceded by: [Insert previous person with this position here] |
[Insert the person's position here] [Insert the time that this person had this position] |
Succeeded by: [Insert next person with this position here] |
[Insert some relevent in-universe templates here]