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This user is running into problems with their page. Please hold onto your pants.

Welcome![edit | edit source]

Hi, welcome to my user page, umm, there's not much here... But have fun! (Or whatever)


User Boxes![edit | edit source]

(For no reason, i'm bored)
Gah... why wont you stay in a straight line?

This user is left-handed.
In Latin, they would be sinister.
(list of left-handed Uncyclopedians)
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user likes llamas, and rides them on a daily basis.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user walks down the
left hand path
Thus, they would be considered evil by the Catholic Church.
(List of left hand path Uncyclopedians)
This user's IQ is over 8968672627689765432345678.
This user is a fish,
or at least thinks so.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
See? Look at them. They really like the llamas.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user is a grue, and while you were reading this, has eaten you. Start over?
This user is POOR,
has never passed GO,
and never collected $200.
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
High voltage warning.svg
No user serviceable parts inside.
High voltage warning.svg
This user is from Camelot, and eats ham and jam and spamalot!
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
No, seriously. That's them there, on the llama.
← See?
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user has a crapload of userboxes. To see more of them, go to This page does not exist.
I collect userboxes as if they were trading cards, hoping that they may be collectors items worth something in the future.
Uncyclopedia-paint.png This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
Potatohead aqua.png
This user wants This page does not exist featured.
Potatohead aqua.png
This space for rent.
Lube available.
Call 1-800-666-6666.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Stop scrolling down, and admire the llama. It's much more interesting than the actual userpage, trust me.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Temp This is a template userbox, to create userboxes from. Anyone with it on his/her page is clearly just looking for an excuse to have more Userboxes.
This user likes random colored userboxes.
This user can see what you don't!
This user is on fire. You can help uncyclopedia by throwing water on their head
Towel migration.jpg
This user knows the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
Towel migration.jpg
Cheeze.jpg This user believes participation in the consumption of cheese is an exquisite pastime.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
What, you don't believe me? Fine, see for yourself. Don't blame me when you die from lack of llama.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
This user gots a shovel.
Yes they does.
This user has no featured articles. They are a failure. Feel free to point and laugh.
This user has written 1 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.
Fortune cookie.png
This user is being held hostage in a Chinese fortune cookie factory! If your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt. Help!
Fortune cookie.png
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG
Whoa! You made it! Good job!
Have some llama love!!
Then go away.
Llama Rocking Chair.JPG

Seizures[edit | edit source]

Down here...

DISCLAIMER[edit | edit source]

I'm not responisble for your looking down and what not. The orignial source is here, i just downloaded and GIF'd it.

E-shrooms.gif And yes I realize the GIF sucks, i'm too lazy to fix it.

Contributions[edit | edit source]

Well I haven't done much, but most of the stuff I have is here:

Pages Created[edit | edit source]

Pages Contributed to[edit | edit source]

"This page was sporked from a: This page was sporked from a: This..." etc.
"^^^It smells better already!!" on top.
  • Green: Added a plain blue photo, with a caption of
"What the fuck is this shit doing here???" 

and title

"Most definitly not green"
"8675309 in binary is 00001000000001100000011100000101000000110000000000001001 (This is not to be confused with the ASCII version of 8675309, which
is 00111000001101100011011100110101001100110011000000111001)"

and contributed to the location of as an IP adress.

Other[edit | edit source]

Don't Read this[edit | edit source]

So apart from that warning message, how are you?

Okay, not that I actually care.

In fact, are you feeling... sick in any way?


No, just wondering.


How's the weather?

Okay, well it's pretty snowy over here.


So I hear that that alot of people that read this page die.

Oh i'm sure that you'll be fine.

No, no, that message is just a joke.

I know, but i'm just trying to be funny.

Well i'm sorry.

Apart from that, how are you doing?

Yeah, yeah...

Oh thats interesting.

Nope, how about you?

Oh for fuck's sake die aleady.

--KaleXD 02:29, December 26, 2009 (UTC) Don't edit this, unless 1. You're a mod, 2. You enjoy being shot up the ass with a .50 caliber. :)