User:I like ham49

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7h15 4r71cl3 1s l33t. j00 4r3 n07 a h4x0r3r, s0 j00 c4n n4w7 3d17 7h15 4r71cl3. STFU n00b! LOL

Welcome! Cheese Tits!![edit | edit source]


“I been south-bound on this street for ten muthafuckin' years strong nigga! Sellin' crack to my hos in the back, youknowwhatimsayin?”

~ --ɪ ʟιкԑ ᴴᴬᴹ¡ №49Ԅ.... 23:23, November 18, 2009 (UTC)

well i did have a pretty good page that i added but some willy toutcher deleted it here is my work in progress:

“I smell cheese!”

“I get a serious case of Cheese tits from my bra”

~ A really fat chick

“Oh my god, i got with this girl last night her serious case of cheese tits neally made me sick”

theres more but i cant have that.. pfft you guys suck dicks

Welcome to the Mad House

ok here is some stuff i've beem working on for "HowTo: properly cut up that man in your basement"---its finnished check it out!


...and that's a cat.


yes another drink..... yes...

the writer of this article is a freakin Psycopath!!.
you better get the hell out of here!
before he mails you back to your mum in peices!!

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus

HowTo:Cook A Fetus


Child drawing.jpg
the witer of tis aticl is a 2yr old.
plese help fix all the speeling mistkaes!


i like ham49 has given you a sausage.
You have obviously have a fettish.... weirdo..



Ever been Fucked by a Zebra?

This script art a part of

The UnScripts Project

Your personal Shakspearian folio of humor, love, woe and other silly emotions.

The act of whetting

Main Paige | Marlowe of the Month | Requests | The Scripts Collection

I like ham49 is part of

The UnScripts Project

Your personal Shakspearian folio of humor, love, woe and other silly emotions

The HoBO and his spirit guide[edit | edit source]

Charracters: Russell the Hobo - Phillip the Dog - The Spirit Guide -

Plot:[edit | edit source]

The story begins inside a old rusted trash bin where Russell a middle aged homless man is having some quiet alone time away rom the hussel bussel of the streets. he lays apon his back looking into the sky, next to him is his best dog and only friend Phillip.

Russell:ahh, this is the life.. isn't it phill?.......Phill...? (the dog remmains still and noreplyant)..yeah your right this sucks

René Magritte Controversy apple.png 

Contrary to what you believe your taste in music is just awful, the bands you listen to are self centred cavemen who dress up like pansies, their musical talent stretches little more then a chimpanzee banging on a drum.

The music you spend your time listening to under your hello kitty blankets in the corner of your dark dingy room while cuddling you gay little cd cover drouling over the peodofile looking lead singer is disgusting and annoying the lyrics have the insight and emotional depth of a potato just.. appalling any old teenager with a pen and a arrogant attitude could right more meaningfull lyrics, the lead singer had no brain to start with or lost all use of it due to his intense drug use one things for sure he touches little children at night.

you should take a gun, put it in your mouth… and blow your fucking brains out. You are the most worthless piece of shit that God has ever created. You make retards look like Pulitzer Prize winners.

But seriously are you a god dam 14-year-old girl? I’d like someone to hit you with a baseball bat, This world has gotten more fucking stupid by the minute, and I have a feeling that's not going away for quite sometime. How in the holy fuck did all of this happen? how can anybody lets these people produce an album? how could anybody be stupid enough to buy it, is it all some evil joke? please just do us a favour and if you EVER have offspring you decide it'll be good for the world to create two evil spawns lurking the Earth to carry on the Douchebag Legacy please put a bick in a pillow case and bash their brains out. I don't have kids, but if I did I wouldn't let them listen to this human waste, and if they did I would most likely lock them in the basement untill they starve.

just listening to a few secounds of any number of their crappy songs with the awfull singing and incredably bad melody the annoyingly simple musical structure makes me want to tear my eyes out with a screw driver. I am starting a partition so Congress will pass a law that bands that completely disfigure and distory good musics reputation be shot so the world will be a better place.

Just for you information the music I listen to is far superior and complex then yours meaning I am more musically intellectual you are just another dumb idol majority like this 'music' your existance is nothing and no matter what you say or think this fact will always be true, dont try to argue your a idiot it is almost like arguing with a child, the child just doesn’t know any better.

Your musical taste is awful!

The End