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May 31st - Gaybonerniggertits

Compton University ( talk | history | links)
Wilbour the homeless gentleman ( talk | history | links) - Self-reference? Humping YouTube? Doesn't belong here
Wadiya ( talk | history | links)
Miles clarke ( talk | history | links)
Archuna ( talk | history | links)
Piravin Thavarajah ( talk | history | links)
James lee ( talk | history | links)
Sanjeev ( talk | history | links)
Janan ( talk | history | links)
Stefan zene ( talk | history | links)
Ezra mcleish ( talk | history | links)
 User:Iwillkillyou333/Brad Pitt ( talk | history | links) - Due to constant vandalsim and such, I'm going have this deleted and start from scratch.

May 30th - Whats the difference between Y and a bucket of shit? The bucket

User:SerraBeardsley328 ( talk | history | links)
SerraBeardsley328 ( talk | history | links)
File:W&P.jpg ( talk | history | links) Delete the old version, please
Game:OT/KRC/Village/followhim ( talk | history | links) - What the hell? There's no game here!
StowersPowers91 ( talk | history | links)
Marilyn Manson ( talk | history | links)
User:Vuilkak Visagie ( talk | history | links) - ip created

May 29th - Didn't ya hear 'em?!? Didn't ya see the crowds?!?!

Marilyn Manson ( talk | history | links)
User:StowersPowers91 ( talk | history | links)
StowersPowers91 ( talk | history | links) - the spammers are back
Prehistory ( talk | history | links)
Jong-Ching Bong ( talk | history | links)
User:BickfordBrooker209 ( talk | history | links)
BickfordBrooker209 ( talk | history | links)
User:YanezLanger187 ( talk | history | links)
YanezLanger187 ( talk | history | links)

May 28th - I had dreams once...

Undictionary:BROKER even less money than I had before ( talk | history | links)
Manchester city ( talk | history | links)
File:Magic-number-WB.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Unused, replaced by File:Magic number.svg (please note that in the huff summary)
User:Sumeshthandan ( talk | history | links) - SPAAAAM
Sulfuric acid ( talk | history | links)
Talk:UoY kcuF ( subject | history | links)
Talk:Your mom vandalizes uncyclopedia ( subject | history | links)
SirroN kcuhC ( talk | history | links)
American football ( talk | history | links)
Raocow ( talk | history | links)
BereniceLarson682 ( talk | history | links)
!!!Fuck You!!! ( talk | history | links) - Redirect
ReneauCupp913 ( talk | history | links)

May 27th - Boner, yep thats the best I've got

Page:People with little or no talent ( talk | history | links)
Uncyclopedia:VFH/http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/The Orbital Resonance Ratio of Jupiter's Largest Moons ( talk | history | links) redirect
File:Posterphoto lg3.gif ( talk | history | links) - Lolno.
User:SPIKE/New Panama Canal ( talk | history | links) - Copied to main by Xamralco to replace VFD victim
Credits: The Dog who said "No sir" ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Hippopotamoose Colony Discovered in Sub-Saharan Africa ( talk | history | links)
Wolverhampton upon The Juicy Taste of Diarrhea (CCCP - Commy Capital City Pwned) ( talk | history | links)
User:A COMMUNIST FRONT WILL SAVE YOU ( talk | history | links)
Talk:Francisco Franco ( subject | history | links)
Mah ( talk | history | links) ( talk | history | links)
File:Picture 001.jpg ( talk | history | links) - personal image for a vanity article.
Andy Barclay ( talk | history | links)
Rabbi Saul ( talk | history | links) This looks like a good article, why is it here? The user has just started working on it. Needs formatting help.
File:Dsotm-graph.jpg ( talk | history | links) - unused image with unknown copyright status; may be fair use
File:California.jpg ( talk | history | links) - unused
User talk:PopGoesTheWeasel/Richard Pryor ( subject | history | links)
User:PopGoesTheWeasel/Richard Pryor ( talk | history | links) - moved/double redirect
Talk:/Richard Pryor ( subject | history | links)
/Richard Pryor ( talk | history | links) - typo, moved

May 26th - I sat on your hand and took a huge shit

McdougleSantucci213 ( talk | history | links)

May 25th - You're lucky my chick's here!

User:Kimchi ( talk | history | links) - IP created
Helen Keller ( talk | history | links) - Redirects to Braille; then move Hellen Keller on top to correct spelling
Oswestry ( talk | history | links) - This took six edits???
HowTo:Swim ( talk | history | links)
Trentanium ( talk | history | links)

May 24th - If I can't keep Mr. Stevenson, I'm gonna hold my breath until I turn gay!

CharilAgustin995 ( talk | history | links)
Medical School for Dummies ( talk | history | links) - old name for "Medical School" - newbie kept editing, now sees what happened
Game:TheGreatQuestForTheMagicTaco/save files ( talk | history | links)
File:14syw05.jpg ( talk | history | links)
The Tap Water ( talk | history | links) - unneeded redirect
Category:Make your own wiki website ( talk | history | links)
File:Lunch 2-moves.svg ( talk | history | links) - seems like it could be spam. I don't like spam.
User talk:Eradeziel/Article about stuff ( subject | history | links) - IP-created page in somebody's userspace.
User:Sallygwizz38/Article about stuff ( talk | history | links) - IP-made page in userspace.
User:Computercrews ( talk | history | links)
KozakDonofrio750 ( talk | history | links) - spam
HaireMoorefield208 ( talk | history | links)

May 23rd - I can suck my own dick

Wolverhapton upon The Juicy Taste of Diarrhea Wanderers ( talk | history | links)
Racer Cool ( talk | history | links) - looks like vanity
HowTo:HowTo:Be Black ( talk | history | links)
User talk:Sure mean ( subject | history | links) - Sock welcome
User:Travel vietnam ( talk | history | links) - spam
User:Janeyoung123 ( talk | history | links) - spam

May 22nd - Y is a raging homosexual

User:Sallygwizz38/Article about stuff ( talk | history | links) - ip created
UnNews talk:US withdrawal in Afghanistan may be followed by more strategy alterations, warm fuzzy feeling ( subject | history | links)
UnNews talk:US surge in Afghanistan may be followed by more strategy alterations, warm fuzzy feeling ( subject | history | links)
Game:Grueslayer/othergamestart ( talk | history | links)

May 21st - Ain't that pretty?

Bruce Willis ( talk | history | links) - ICU'd. --EMC [TALK] 21:05 May 21  2012
Imaginary unit ( talk | history | links) - copy pasta of terrorism Talk Mattsnow  15:49, May 21, 2012 (UTC)

May 20th - Occupy my backyard! (preferably nude ladies with no clothes on and large buttocks)

Gabriella Montez ( talk | history | links)
Funnyjunk ( talk | history | links)
Template:Baby einstein preimer ( talk | history | links)
Template:Baby einstein premier ( talk | history | links)
NOT FAKE ( talk | history | links)

May 19 - [[UnNews:Occupy Uncyclopedia|Occupy Uncyclopedia}}!

User:LaureneVillalba386 ( talk | history | links)
LaureneVillalba386 ( talk | history | links) - ...
Beano ( talk | history | links)
File:Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.jpg ( talk | history | links) - unused; probably used previously on Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
File:032805 MuscleMan.jpg ( talk | history | links) - bad edit job, possible copyright violation Used on userpage

May 18

File:ESP.PNG ( talk | history | links) - unused image, don't see the utility in this
Laurinaitis (Disease) ( talk | history | links)
Krokodil ( talk | history | links), but please read what I wrote when recreating page. I'm looking for old edition that I created that got huffed, which I would like in a user sandbox. Rickyrab (talk) 07:59, May 19, 2012 (UTC)

May 17th - That's a number five!

Template:Huadsfiha uh foiu ica8yigy wfa wfhoei ( talk | history | links)
Ron Weasley on the iPod Lo-Fi ( talk | history | links)
File:Elena.jpg ( talk | history | links) - unused vanity photo; crappy resolution. --qzekrom
HowTo:Commit the Perfect Murder/ ( talk | history | links)
To the Moon for real this time! says Obama ( talk | history | links) - Recreated in UnNews

May 16th WTF this is May not march?

User:Prints business cards online ( talk | history | links)
Gobbeldyguke ( talk | history | links)
Wacko ( talk | history | links)
Soviet RPG ( talk | history | links)
House M.D. ( talk | history | links)
Political correctness FAQ ( talk | history | links) - This page, which was originally authored by Gabrielbray, is not original to Uncyclopedia. See here.
City Dump ( talk | history | links)
Officer Dibble ( talk | history | links)
Dibble ( talk | history | links)
Top Cat ( talk | history | links)
Fuck the pokemon ( talk | history | links)
User:Intsig ( talk | history | links)
Daddy and Suzie Q ( talk | history | links)


User talk:Et al ( subject | history | links) - The guy is blocked for infinity, so I believe ge won't need his talkpage for anything for a long, long tmie...
Sex/index.php ( talk | history | links) - moved to HowTo:Improve your mental and emotional health

May 14th- Balls in my mouth

Randy Orton ( talk | history | links)
Nirvana ( talk | history | links)
Talk:Geography of Romania ( subject | history | links) - test page
Geography of Romania ( talk | history | links) - test page
UnNews:Britfag gets drunk, world celebrates ( talk | history | links) - Not sure if boring enough, what do you think? Anyway, I won't try to tweak it Talk Mattsnow  16:41, May 14, 2012 (UTC)
The Game ( talk | history | links) - There is no game.
Box hill high school ( talk | history | links)

May 13th - Yippy yoopy yay monthfucker!

Retard ( talk | history | links)
LocklearToll121 ( talk | history | links) - advert
Milyo Pangarov ( talk | history | links) - constantly recreated and deleted as vanity
Peoples front of judea ( talk | history | links) - unneeded redirect
User:CalderDrees896 ( talk | history | links)
CalderDrees896 ( talk | history | links)
User:Sugababes ( talk | history | links) - Vanity page which solely exists to advertise a band? Fairly well known band, in userspace, not a problem. --[[User:ChiefjusticeDS|Chief}}
User:Nootchy-Nootchy ( talk | history | links)
User talk:Nootchy-Nootchy ( subject | history | links)
Anonymus ( talk | history | links)

May 12th - Pippy poopy, mother fucker, I have bologna too!

UnNews:Greece to reject Euro for XBox Live Points ( talk | history | links)
Www.etihadairways.ae@manchestercity. ( talk | history | links) - Sooo not funny, what is the name of the team?
USB Butt-rape ( talk | history | links)
User:Atomic Kitten ( talk | history | links) - This looks like a vanity/spam page, although I can't tell.
Undictionary:Fhegfdfgdhdjdtjt ( talk | history | links)
HAGGYO????? ( talk | history | links)
I had a CheckUser run ( talk | history | links)
And it has been confirmed that ( talk | history | links)
You created a sockpuppet ( talk | history | links)
And continuted to edit the wiki ( talk | history | links)
During ( talk | history | links)
Zombiebaron blocked PuppyOnTheRadio with an expiry time of infinite ( talk | history | links)
Have a nice life, bye ( talk | history | links)
Week ban ( talk | history | links)

May 11th - Yippy pippy, mother fucker!

File:ללא שם.JPG ( talk | history | links) - wtf? Unused
File:Solarsys.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Unused, don't know what this is, a better and/or funnier version may already exist or can be uploaded.
File:Bettyg.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Unused photo, may be a copyright violation
User:Shabidoo/The Orbital resonance between Jupiter's largest moons and the position of the Church ( talk | history | links)
Talk:Softball ( subject | history | links)
Big Mac ( talk | history | links)
User talk:Xiaopig1 ( subject | history | links) - Spam
Marvel Universe ( talk | history | links)
File:Crow-Indian.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Unused / duplicated file.
Lobomon ( talk | history | links)

May 10th - Fly in retreat I would follow without shame

HowTo talk:Become a Drug Dealer ( subject | history | links)

May 9th - I can forgive you guys for being artists, but I can't forgive you for being STUPID!

Solid State Drive ( talk | history | links)
User:KatinaDavalos827 ( talk | history | links)
KatinaDavalos827 ( talk | history | links)
Saddam Hussein ( talk | history | links)
Congregationalist ( talk | history | links)
Game:On the Run/Getcaught ( talk | history | links)
Ben Is Awesome ( talk | history | links) - lolol
Andkon arcade ( talk | history | links)
Khan academy ( talk | history | links)
Wedgies ( talk | history | links)
The Elephant Man ( talk | history | links)


Category:NASCOR TOYS ( talk | history | links) - ALL CAPS is annoying, replaced with Category:Nascor Toys
The Noble and Ancient Art of Tuba Eating ( talk | history | links)
Today ( talk | history | links) - Tried something, didn't work out. It was on [[Special:WantedPages}} so I tried to create it
McburneyGallagher956 ( talk | history | links)
User:McburneyGallagher956 ( talk | history | links)
Nashville,tn ( talk | history | links)

May 7 - May 7

Despicable me ( talk | history | links)
Template:UserPage ( talk | history | links) - wtf?
Template:WTFPL ( talk | history | links) - not necessary
Public key cryptography ( talk | history | links)
Calgary Flames ( talk | history | links) - WIP
Azade hache ( talk | history | links)
Daleks in Massachusetts ( talk | history | links)
Hodgifilius ( talk | history | links)
Nazi party ( talk | history | links)
Stardoll ( talk | history | links)


User:AliciaRoebuck387a ( talk | history | links) - Spam
AliciaRoebuck387a ( talk | history | links) - Spam
User talk:Wedding in vietnam ( subject | history | links) - Spam
User talk:Myfaarthers ( subject | history | links) - spam
Consistent vandal ( talk | history | links)
Cowra High ( talk | history | links)
User:XADMIRALCO ( talk | history | links)
Admiral ( talk | history | links)
ALABAMA ( talk | history | links)
Amanda holden ( talk | history | links)
Davao city ( talk | history | links)
Category:23 April 2012 ( talk | history | links)

May 5 - Your mother smells of elderberries

File:JamesMcCloudPlayedByEricRoberts.JPG ( talk | history | links) - unused and bad chop
File:Zombie... stuff.jpg ( talk | history | links) duplicate of File:Zombie.jpg

May 4 ~ I am Sarah Palin, and I approve this message.

File:An Angry Elephant .jpg ( talk | history | links) Won't need it Talk Mattsnow  12:35, May 5, 2012 (UTC)
Dominican republic civil war ( talk | history | links) - can't see much hope for this
Arizona ( talk | history | links)
Blow jobs ( talk | history | links)
User:WeidnerGuss21 ( talk | history | links)
WeidnerGuss21 ( talk | history | links)
Why?:Should I be a Nihilist? ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Stephen Harper (subpages | talk | history | links) - I don't know why this was in my userspace... Talk Mattsnow  13:25, May 4, 2012 (UTC)
Talk:World War II ( subject | history | links) - moved to Talk:World War II: The movie
You have aids ( talk | history | links)
Lucifer's userpage (subpages | talk | history | links)
Lucifer's userpage/sig ( talk | history | links)
Kwame brown ( talk | history | links) ICU
User:GeterMohr613 ( talk | history | links)
GeterMohr613 ( talk | history | links)
Pinky lee ( talk | history | links)
Volvagia ( talk | history | links)
World War VII ( talk | history | links)
World War VII ( talk | history | links)

May 3 - And we've finally ran out of headings for good

User:BenjaminRodius ( talk | history | links)
User talk:BenjaminRodius ( subject | history | links)
User talk:Trolling ( subject | history | links)
User talk:Ladygagabitch ( subject | history | links)
User:Basturd ( talk | history | links)
Category:Sockpuppets of Shemappandyou ( talk | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)
IsabellLombardo784 ( talk | history | links)
User:IsabellLombardo784 ( talk | history | links)
Scottish Parliament ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Michelle Obama, the First lady of fashion ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Michelle Obma, the First lady of fashion ( talk | history | links)
Cgd ( talk | history | links)
User:GEORGIEGIBBONS/RCAutoRefresh ( talk | history | links) - failed creation of a JS page, unneeded redirect
1791 ( talk | history | links)
6th september ( talk | history | links)
Sander Vanhee ( talk | history | links)

May 2nd - Hey Hey its Wednesday!!! Or Saturday or something...

Holden commodore ( talk | history | links)
Penile Implant ( talk | history | links)
You have aids ( talk | history | links) - {{ICU}}
User:Shabidoo/finger cancer ( talk | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)
Public Broadcasting Service ( talk | history | links) - not even ICU-worthy imo.
User:Nike nfl jerseys ( talk | history | links) - Spam
User:Toyeares ( talk | history | links) - Spam
File:623686378l3mi.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Found & uploaded better version
User:Shabidoo/The things your family doesn't know ( talk | history | links)
User:Shabidoo/The Peasant's Dilema ( talk | history | links)

May 1st - May Day, or Day May o_O

Callum Baxter ( talk | history | links)
Neng ( talk | history | links)
John f kennedy ( talk | history | links)
Sydney ( talk | history | links) - I was gonna give this guy the benefit of the doubt, but he's just making short, cruddy pages
User:Mattsnow/Archives ( talk | history | links) - I guess that after a year here, I realized that it was pointless to keep "archives". Fast learner. Talk Mattsnow  09:59, May 1, 2012 (UTC)
User:Mattsnow/UnNews:Obama: "Iran will have a nuke by 2167!" ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/UnNews:Tour de France 2011 résumé ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Unnews:Obama will not intervene in Pakistan, but US army will ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/UnNews:Jack Layton passes away, even separatist Quebecers mourn ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Boston wins Stanley Cup while sore losers destroy their city ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/HowTo:Snowboard your way to awesomeness! ( talk | history | links)
User:Skinfan13/Upsilon Sigma Sigma/Collaboration/June2011collab2 ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/UnRecipe:Fantastik flavored hallucinogenic ham with Uranium seasoning ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/The 9/11 Commission Report ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Rand Paul ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Québec ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/MKULTRA ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Mini-Golf ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/HowTo:Train to look awesome! ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/HowTo:Become an Assassin ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Heaven's Gate ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Doping in sports ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Boston Molasses Disaster ( talk | history | links)
User:Mattsnow/Bohemian Grove ( talk | history | links)
Wiki Troll (tasty plant) ( talk | history | links)
Melbourne Victory ( talk | history | links)
Randy Orton ( talk | history | links)
Julia Gillard's Lost Shoe ( talk | history | links)

Recently Archived Requests: v - e

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