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June 2023 — August 2023
Rodhullandemu Uncyclopedia Sucks C780178 File:Dj Dante.jpg Anna Nicole Smith's UnReviews:3 - stub Lkrnjrwffjb Template:Subp/doc - unused template doc page, avoid orphan page Template:Subp - unused template Module:Recentlyfeatured - failed experiment Touchsuite Congo River User:Toaster/MediaWiki:Commons.css - forgot about common.css Unban rapist gaming or else - stub/nonsense Caramel - stub/nonsense Imaginary line - stub/nonsense Suez Canal - stub/nonsense Digestion - stub/nonsense Renewable energy - stub/nonsense Arab League - stub/nonsense Congo River - stub/nonsense Renewable energy Rus - tiny nonsense stub, no sign of it being a work in progressTravis Scott BurgerICU'd -BraGreMat Arnold Schwartzineggah Uncyclopedia is of into smells of pee poo! PEE POO! bcuz you nottinghamings of comply to kill DAT TURD, we will of wandalyze 10,000 pages with DA ARMY OF 50,000 SOLDIERS! Remember: PEE POO! User:Rocko the Seedrian (redirect) (delete) User:Rocko the Seedrian/Uncyc portrait gallery (redirect) (delete) - broken redirect Raping a personal data collector - disturbing spam, delete and ban user immediately 50,000 PARTIZAN SOLDIERS OF OUR ARMY ARE READY TO MASS DESTROY THIS SITE, DEFINITIVELY, IF YOU DON'T KICK-ERASE SHITTY NAZIPEDOBEAR AND PROTECT HIM. 50,000 SOLDIERS!!! AFTER AIMSPLOTURD AND -REDACTED- (BANNED), YOU STILL HAVE SHITOLAS SHITTEIRA DAT IS FREE: DAT RETARDED WHO USED UNCY FOR SPAM, PED0, NAZI PROP AND CYBERBULLYING: KICK HIM AND DESTROY HIS SHITTY HUMORLESS COMICS Kakun is a turdlicker File:Minipads.jpeg UnNews:Far-Right QAnon protesters Rioting on Sesame Street after The Count was caught drinking children's blood on national television 472381546291 - Random nonsense File:NFS Lada Unleashed.png File:Need for Speed Lada.png File:LADA NFS.png File:Download (4).jpg File:Dima wallhacks in real life.png File:Dima walhack.png File:Pattick.jpg File:Some capybara I found online.jpg File:Patrioticmfs.jpg File:AAIP.png File:AAIPnew.png File:Boldness in style(2).gif File:META Capybara Model XM-1.png File:META Capybara Model XM-1 Fixed.png File:Adorsch Fischler.png File:Republica Atlantica.png File:Germanwood.jpg File:Sadface.gif File:Jhon Cruelty.jpg File:DeviousJoe.png File:White Supremacists and milk.png File:Rickroll-roll2.gif File:HerculesWithFriendsInChocolateyPlaces.jpg File:LIFTEDDODGERAMTRUCK.jpg File:Blabalaisjdidddd.png File:BussinBoots.png File:The-Deal-with-the-Golden-Apples.jpg File:Madagascarmap1.png File:Methoughtofmyself.png File:Perseus-is-Shocked-I-Tell-You!.jpg File:LegoSoldiersdead.png File:WW2LegoDDay.gif File:Félius.png File:Shay-Trumple.png File:FulvousCoolors.png File:20000edits.png File:Shopping.jpg.png File:Whitegoo be like-.gif File:ImpactUsamaeteor2023.jpg File:Bluesmusician.jpeg File:AlbertEinstein.jpeg File:Jackierobinson.jpeg File:Jesusneedsadrink.jpeg File:Jesuspopcorn.gif File:324234.png File:New disney movie.gif File:Velmapedia.logo.png File:Placeholder Image bc I can't find a good one.png File:Mikejohnsonssteamboat.jpg File:Bigdog.jpg File:John Mccain23.jpeg Aggent immerd i stu sit m parn tutti scignacacat Category:Articles written with a lisp - nobody cares Category:Shy - nobody cares Category:Articles about pirates and/or vaseline - nobody cares File:PopeeugeneIII.jpg File:Aerithtennant.png File:Sane map.jpg File:Mojo.png File:Methamphetamine molecular structure.jpg File:TeenageGirlBathroom.jpg File:Phoebe Buffay 1.jpg File:Whale from jail.gif File:Whale from jail.gif File:History notice.jpg File:450-px.santamonicapalmtrees.jpg File:Churchillgun.jpg File:Oblivion cover.jpg File:IRC3.jpg File:Ch-TableImage.png File:H-TableImage.png Dunbass File:Lada&Horse.jpg File:Huffometer-11.PNG File:Ugler-i-mosen.jpg File:Kawaii.JPG File:Oldpotatohead.GIF File:275px-Confederate Battle Flag.png File:Balrogangband.jpg File:Traffic.jpg File:Pubic educ.jpg File:Hochi.jpg File:He-TableImage.png File:R!-TableImage.png File:Boeing 747.jpg File:Shopping Mall.jpg File:Unnamedj.png File:Biggie chhesse-.jpg File:Francetate.png File:Deepfried 1663270472011.jpg File:3n8s21.jpg File:Radiation Source Drop Run.jpg File:Cc179c4b-3e23-42e4-ad39-4aec59d29e9c.jpg File:Catato.png File:I like printer ink.jpg File:Goofy and Mickey hit again .png File:Goofy 1(1).png File:F14aWarThunderScreenshot.png File:Johari Window Tabular Results.png File:Johari Window Tabular Results (Zoomed).png File:Roblox Flight Physics Test File.png File:Interview Signature.jpg File:Big Five Test.png File:Myer-Briggs Test Results.png File:Myer-Briggs Test Results Zoomed.png File:Placeholderimage.png File:ScratchMeow.wav File:Afroguy.jpg File:Afroguyglasses.jpeg File:Afroguyglasses2.jpg File:Patrioticjesus.jpeg File:Diseases of the dog and how to feed.jpg File:Keyboard Cat.png File:Suspig.jpg File:Trump egg humpty dumpty.jpg File:HACKER.png File:BobaFett.jpg File:Guwno.png File:Alwar flag.png File:Count Christofangus Wray.jpg File:Madras College Bell Brae.jpg File:Joe Biden Stonks.png File:Goofy man holding in bodily fluids.jpg File:Harrogate1.jpg File:GodzillaQuits.gif File:Devil Vortex Saws.png File:Huffometer-0.PNG File:Pl-TableImage.png File:Hippo skull.jpg BRAGREMAT IS SHIT - obvious reasons Arasaka 12-year-old girl from Latvia (NGC 7742, also known as Fried Egg Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pegasus, the galaxy is located at 72 million light years away from earth) Cosmetic for 12-year-old girl Carbonated drink for 12-year-old girl USER SHITOLAS SHITTEIRA IS A SHIT WHO USED UNCY ONLY FOR VANITY WANK OF HIS IDIOTIC HUMORLESS RETARDET COMIX, CYBERBULLYING, TROLLING, P3D0BEAR, NAZISHIT PROPAGANDA AND ANY KIND OF CRIME ON EARTH HEY IDIOTS AND DIRTY SHITLICKER AS BRAGREMAT WHO PROTECT SHITTY RETARDED IDIOTS AS SHITOLAS SHITTEIRA FUCK YOU ALL! AND REMEMBER THAT AIMSPLOTURD WAS A NAZIP3D0BEAR AND YOU KICKED HIM FOR THIS REASONS SO FUCK YOU IDIOTS HEY IDIOTS AND DIRTY SHITLICKER AS BRAGREMAT WHO PROTECT SHITTY RETARDED IDIOTS AS SHITOLAS SHITTEIRA FUCK YOU ALL! AND REMEMBER THAT AIMSPLOTURD WAS A NAZIP3D0BEAR AND YOU KICKED HIM FOR THIS REASONS SO FUCK YOU IDIOTS USER SHITOLAS SHITTEIRA IS A SHIT WHO USED UNCY ONLY FOR VANITY WANK OF HIS IDIOTIC HUMORLESS RETARDET COMIX, CYBERBULLYING, TROLLING, P3D0BEAR, NAZISHIT PROPAGANDA AND ANY KIND OF CRIME ON EARTH File:Abacus.jpg File:RobloxKKK.jpg File:Uncyclopedia On A Green Door.jpg File:072F7C6D-BB6E-42C8-929F-2DFF419F5484.jpg File:100% liquid gold.jpeg File:RIP Ken Block.png File:Gaming mig.png File:The IQ of Takahuhti sweatshop teacher.jpeg File:AntennaeDerp.svg File:OJ KOSOVA.png File:Kosovo coa.png File:Global KOosvo wORLD rEPUBLIC.png File:Anti-child-humour-24.jpeg File:Oreo-Two-Cookies (1).png File:Corn lady.png File:Actual ear of corn.png File:Emperor Mac The First.png File:Surreal-art.gif File:MS Paint Penis P.png File:Sausage-fumes.jpg File:Egg-scotching-plant-map.jpg File:George-Formby-Shop---flattened.jpg File:TerroristGang278.jpeg File:SadRiversCuomo.JPG File:Piestag1.jpg File:Piestag2.jpg File:Soupy Sales.jpg File:Moledrive.jpg File:Bruhg.jpeg File:MONSTERANDHUMAN.png File:ImageCroatia.png File:LocationMapCroatia.png Dildo dildo dildo dildo dildo dialup Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Show File:Sussy nug.png File:Sarah & Duck.jpg File:Maya the Bee.png File:Mobboy.jpg File:My Little Pony- Friendship is Magic.jpg File:Cbeebies.svg File:CBBC 2016 logo.svg.png File:Mlp twillight sparkle scared.gif File:Mlp-my-little-pony.gif File:Alcubierre Diagram.jpg File:Windows-9-logo-06.jpg File:Abby hatcher.jpg File:Uncyclopedia da.png File:Ghadakids.png File:Literaly 1984!!.jpg File:PLAYBALL.jpg File:Typhonlizard1.jpeg File:Typhonlizard2.jpeg File:Santorini.jpeg File:Turdpolish.jpg File:NiueFlag.png File:Bridgwater Tunnel.png I am is of wanking of thinksing my friends girl are really erotic and i is into wankings glacchingà gnacchignà Canadian Idiot (Song) Femboy panties that smell like smegma OwO I get wet for Femboys My pussy is hairier than you dick and my pits smell more than yours This page doesnt existNude (redirect) (delete) - Double redirectNo it isn't. Nudes was though. -BraGreMat When will the covid vaccine microchips activate? User:Strainj1/Undictionary:Cleave - I published it on undictonary, no longer needed here Captain Mike Johnson - creator asked for deletion UnNews:Unnews:Hell Discovered in Canada - just a different version of UnNews:Hell Discovered in Canada, new guy was trying to help out Revilo1340 Blue straggler star for 12-year-old girl from Switzerland File:Meryl Streep surrounded by Seagulls.png - 𝓤𝓷𝓾𝓼𝓮𝓭 File:Miffy's Adventures Big and Small Title Card.png - 👣💲 ย𝐍ยsεĐ 😈💲 File:Charlie and lola.jpg - 𝖀𝖓𝖚𝖘𝖊𝖉 File:Miffy and friends series for kids.jpg - 𝔘𝔫𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔡 File:Btterbeancafe.jpg - Unusu I am Leg - someone mass delete crocotta's pages Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism Antidisestablishmentarianism Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia floccinaucinihilipilification pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Psychophysicotherapeutics Psychoneuroendocrinological Edit Wars: Return of Crocotta Duvalier 1492 - fuckin svex Duvalier 90 11-year-old girl from France By - blank die just a test to spam christian warnings Slovak wine for 11-year-old girl from France Legal minimum age in Greece George bullock UnNews:All users say the Uncyclopedia Admins are cool & sexy Manducatevi i noccioli della mia cacca e sopratutto bragremat che ha rotto il cazzo hey hai rotto il cazzo UnNews:Mickey mouse in vietnam Bailieborough (redirect) (delete) - unneeded redirect Yа’ll just Y’аll just Y’aII just Timmy Turner is not real Commissario Pupe, tu no te preoccupe! Commissario Pupe, pensa alla salute! Commissario Pupe, pensa alla salute! Commissario Pupe, tu no te preoccupe! Liverpoop The rabbis are triggered - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH टेस्टिकल हिह्हाह्दह्ह्ह् Sanjay stroking his unkosher sausage Hamburger Lady - holy fuck Crocotta stop What causes an ovarian cyst in a furry Echidna (Greek Mythology) - Expiredddd icjwudb fucking hell it’s expired help me Fo fish have swimwear? You don't need any either. Grow up. - Patented nonsense Rishi Sunak - Icu XPRIZE The Six Terrible Fucks - Fucking icu has fucking expired Thnail - I’m cu not pired also unfunny Typhon - Ivcu is expired fuck autocorrect Wooden spoon - Expired icy File:Caliphate.png - Dupe David ben-gurion File:Ewemug.jpg - OnO File:Treestand.jpg - unu File:Whatever.jpg - unused, File:Morepower.gif - unusdd File:Hates.jpg - un File:Camoseason.jpg - unuse File:Stepugly.jpg - unu File:Whoascroll.jpg - unused File:Kilroile.gif - unused File:34should.jpg - unus File:Youbroke.jpg - un use File:Tacostyle.jpg - unusd File:Redx.gif - unused, what a shame File:Bigbro.jpeg - unused :/ File:Bluecocklock.png - deprecated cocklock Blake Cotten George bullock File:PEaches.png - Unused peaches Peaches (Jack Black song) - icu peaches have expired Vaporeon - echskopizked reicu Guardians of the Galaxy - expried icu Hauptseite (redirect) (delete) - garbage redirect 12-year-old girl from Slovakia (Messier 12, also named NGC 6218, is a globular cluster in the constellation Ophiuchus, the globular cluster is located at 16,400 light years away from earth, most of brightest stars are red giant and yellow giant stars) 11-year-old girl from France (NGC 188 is a open cluster in the constellation Cepheus, the open cluster is located at 5,400 light years away from earth) File:Backrooms.png - Another unused file File:Photo 1608504987494.jpeg - Unused file (why did I upload this) Sarah & Duck - icu is expired, for some reason maintenance page says it isnt File:Hjbkn.lm;'.png - unused file File:Uhjikol;.jpg - unused file File:Hjknk.l.png - unused file File:Yuhg.jpg - unused File:IndianaJones1L 468x663.jpg - unused file File:Forbidden Target.jpg - unused file File:Pillow.png - unused File:UnderwearRelaxation.jpg - unused File:Simcoe2.JPG - unused file File:Thumb a-i-youtube-0-52-xhamster-doesnt-have-hamsters-always-remember-63346896.png - unused file File:FrickNebraskaShitPost.png - unused file UnTunes:Doo doo brain - spongedick squarefuck expried ciu UnNews:Tarantino caught watching porn parody of own film - eckshipred ichu UnNews:Rivers Cuomo says Weezer needs "more music" - expird icu File:Laber.jpeg - uue File:Taurine.jpeg File:Inflation hole.jpeg File:Vocaloid after Vocaloid.jpeg File:Petplay.jpeg File:Generation Alpha.MOV File:Dead man.MOV File:Bifuricated Possum Dick.jpeg - no bitches? File:Look what I have, Vicky!.jpeg File:On the FurAffinity .mp3 File:Furry haters are retarded.mp3 File:Fat Millennial.mp3 - There are no pages that use this file. File:Ham meat.png File:Arctictis Crocuta binturong.jpeg - this is why you should place your files somewhere else File:Speciesm consequences.png - this file is so fucking dead File:Phenomenal.jpeg File:Poem.jpeg - *cough cough* File:Big arse rats.jpeg - jeez, unused File:If you’re a round earther you fat.jpeg - 🙄 File:Don’t believe.jpeg - 🤔 File:Your Uber Driver is Here.jpeg - unused x2 File:Prehistoric Concert.jpeg - unsused File:Lucky Jew.jpeg - sed unu File:Correct answers.png - unu sed File:Radical.jpeg - un us ed File:Ha.jpeg - unus ed File:Face reveal.jpg - un used File:Worn out.png - unuse Ghjbnjn (redirect) (delete) - pointless redirect Chicken butt - expired icu Among us chicken nugget - expired icu Category:Sarah & Duck - vandalism File:Scary ass bee.jpeg - unused file and ugly watermark Category:Trannies - UN:TRANS Category:The Powerpuff Girls - empty category Template:User Provax - unused template File:I don’t remember his name.jpeg (redirect) (delete) - redirect to unused file File:Francis the Eagle.jpeg - unused file Category:August 30 2014 - empty category Category:August 31 2014 - empty category Amblyopia - expired icu State of Insanity - expired icu Meryl Streep Seagull Incident (Disambiguation) - expired icu Wooden Benches - expired icu Oprah Winfrey's One Millionth Pound Lost - expired icu Talk:Uncycloversity:WTF? - useless talk page Urinal puck - expired icu Charlie and Lola (TV series) Miffy's Adventures Big and Small Maya the Bee (TV series) Sarah & Duck McDonaldsball Butterbean's Cafe A page - expired icu Col. Sanders (KFC) - expired icu Orange cake - expired icu File:Hotairballoondogfight.jpg - i chose the wrong file and this is a waste of space NoiZE - ICU expired Power of two - Past ICU due date. Doesn't look salvageable in its current form. Dxdiag - Doesn't look like an encyclopedia article, either this user is doxxing someone or just realized they have "133t h4ck1n6 skillz" Super Smash Bros Ultimate (redirect) (delete) - broken redirect +sheos