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June 30th - ?pedia Skype: Now with hours of talking about Seppy's dream MMO!

Main PageUncyclopedia ( talk | history | links)
Kittens, Puppies and Ponies ( talk | history | links) - The author request is on the page itself.
Misamthrope ( talk | history | links)
Psilocybin ( talk | history | links)
White gorilla ( talk | history | links)
Charge gun ( talk | history | links)
Naked Sophia ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:UnWorld Cup Update: England players "feared for their lives" over wildly spinning ball. ( talk | history | links) - SPIKE abridged headline
England players "feared for their lives" over wildly spinning ball ( talk | history | links) - Oops, not in UnNews:
Tom Hillier ( talk | history | links) - wikipedia hasn't heard of him
Talk:Rohypnol ( subject | history | links)
Alabama ( talk | history | links)
 ( talk | history | links)
Brian swindle ( talk | history | links)
Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk ( talk | history | links)

June 29th - Watching 3D porn made me give birth to a black kid

UnNews:Jackos doctor may be up for Nobel ( talk | history | links) - Retitled by SPIKE
ISBIUA ( talk | history | links)
Inci sozluk ( talk | history | links) - something about Inciclopedia, I think?
File:ImagesCAAM5MJQ.jpg ( talk | history | links)
Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/UnNews:McDonalds, Walmart, Google, Apple, Facebook, Disney, and Exxon merge, build Deathstar (quick) ( talk | history | links) No longer want to waste anybody's time with this review.
Shane_dawson ( talk | history | links) - I WANT TO WIN AN AWARD FOR QVFDING
That_1_Guy ( talk | history | links) - Seriously, give me a fucking award.
Star jones ( talk | history | links) - TRIPLE KILL! Can I have my award now?
Coventry city ( talk | history | links) - Umm, guise? That award?
Kamen Rider ( talk | history | links) - Fine, don't give me an award. I'm just in it for the justice. Seriously though, this is encyclopedic.
Ekrem Jevrič ( talk | history | links) - I'm trying so hard for it

June 28th - What a header!

The mc secret ( talk | history | links)
Mousehunt ( talk | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)
Bits goa ( talk | history | links)
Holand ( talk | history | links) - There's no such thing.
Dondism ( talk | history | links)
Tulsember ( talk | history | links)
Four Lett Word ( talk | history | links) - unnecessary redirect

June 27th - Drill surprise today!

Gaylord Focker ( talk | history | links)
Talk:Focker ( subject | history | links)
Greg Focker ( talk | history | links)
Gay Focker ( talk | history | links)
Fockers ( talk | history | links)
Church of Satan ( talk | history | links)
Jorge Larrionda ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Wvm strikes again!!!!!!! ( talk | history | links) - Empty UnNews.
David Cameroon ( talk | history | links)

June 26th - Surprise Fire Drill Today!

The Room movie ( talk | history | links) - Blanked by author.
Howto: deny your own existance ( talk | history | links)
Bullfrog ( talk | history | links) - This isn't even worthy of an ICU, IMHO.
Game:Do NOT click any links!/clik ( talk | history | links)
Dougie Howser ( talk | history | links)
Warhammer 40,000 ( talk | history | links)

June 25th - Olipro is so cool, hackin' an' junk

User:Mrthejazz/AAAAAAAAA! 2010 Remix (Hosted by Kanye West) ( talk | history | links)
File:זמני.Gif ( talk | history | links) - duplicate of File:UFOrocket.gif
Fuck Paizuri ( talk | history | links) - I have fans!!
Fuck Charitwo ( talk | history | links)
Godzilla vs. Master Chief ( talk | history | links) - blanked by author
Black House ( talk | history | links)
User: ( talk | history | links) - IPs don't get user pages.
Charlie parker ( talk | history | links)
Solon ( talk | history | links)
The amazingly annoying Atheist ( talk | history | links)
User:Saberwolf116/UnTweets:Odysseus ( talk | history | links) - Moved to mainspace Saberwolf116 14:11, June 25, 2010 (UTC)
Game:Grueslayer/sidequest1/royalkill ( talk | history | links)
Lucy Liu ( talk | history | links)
Secret underground bunker ( talk | history | links)
The Eyes Of A Traitor ( talk | history | links) - Copy of the Wikipedia article with a couple words changed. Author is doing work on it.
Morpeth ( talk | history | links)
Perl6 ( talk | history | links)
Terriosts ( talk | history | links)
Desperation Music ( talk | history | links)
Vevo ( talk | history | links)
Intelligence Quotient Testing for Dummies ( talk | history | links)
Oompa loompas ( talk | history | links)
Black House ( talk | history | links)
The Ant People ( talk | history | links)
Daniel Burridge ( talk | history | links) - Vanity/cyber-bullying.

June 24th - U mad? U so mad

Grannies all over the country ( talk | history | links)
Popeye's Chicken ( talk | history | links)
Rallysteven ( talk | history | links)
Nachoo novo ( talk | history | links)
Quedgeley ( talk | history | links)
Fuck the Certain Price of Goods ( talk | history | links)
I smell like peepee ( talk | history | links)
Bad English ( talk | history | links)
Psyopus ( talk | history | links)
Ryan degan ( talk | history | links)
Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Howto:Screw in a lightbulb ( talk | history | links)
American Samoa ( talk | history | links)
Julia gillard ( talk | history | links)
Joses Ladia ( talk | history | links)
Monkey nipple acid ( talk | history | links)

June 23rd - I don't know how to edit a wiki. Lol! I'm stupid!

Tyler Bly ( talk | history | links)
Kevin Shouster ( talk | history | links)
Prostitue ( talk | history | links)
The Spanish Channel ( talk | history | links)
Lady Bird Johnson ( talk | history | links)
Banging on the keyboard ( talk | history | links)
Smileyddiction ( talk | history | links)
Insane Men ( talk | history | links) 
Opacity ( talk | history | links) - Bureaucrat created page, deletion not merited.
George the it ( talk | history | links)
Tim Cahill ( talk | history | links) - I swear, this is the first time I've done this in the last week. 
Tim Cahill ( talk | history | links)
Schrödinger's dog ( talk | history | links) - Same as below
GTA - Amish Country ( talk | history | links) - Author request, the author blanked the page
Template:UnMenu ( talk | history | links) - Now superseded by {{UnNewsMenu}} allowing variable background color
User:SPIKE/UnSports ( talk | history | links) - Very early prototype of UnNews Sports Page
User:SPIKE/Sports Page ( talk | history | links) - Specialty index moved to UnNews: space
User:SPIKE/Washington ( talk | history | links)  - likewise
Sir William Wallace ( talk | history | links)
Samuel antonio payne ( talk | history | links)
Werevampninzombiebot ( talk | history | links)

June 22nd - Death to those that oppose TOAST!

Student Body ( talk | history | links)
Speaking clock ( talk | history | links) Has a construction tag, and Chief sees hope in it
Other Universes ( talk | history | links)
George the it ( talk | history | links)
Juicey bitch ( talk | history | links)
Wait some more. ( talk | history | links)
Hi rabbitechno ( talk | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)
Jibbajabba ( talk | history | links)
Ha Hujini ( talk | history | links)
21 grams ( talk | history | links)
Tosh.0 ( talk | history | links) - This was already deleted and is a recreation of the same content that was deleted.
C.O.K. ( talk | history | links) - GAAAAAAAAAAAWD

June 21st - This is an auto-generated witty header. Laugh.

Travis Kreis ( talk | history | links)
The War on Hello Kitty ( talk | history | links)
Nick Mott ( talk | history | links)
Template:UNDER CONSTRUCTION ( talk | history | links)
Grand Theft Auto: Libya ( talk | history | links)
Tosh.0 ( talk | history | links)
UnTunes:Youruntune ( talk | history | links)
Warhammer 40,000 ( talk | history | links)
Offenham ( talk | history | links)
5400 ( talk | history | links)
Evilies ( talk | history | links) - Just plain stupid.
Economy of zimbabwe ( talk | history | links)
Lollywood ( talk | history | links)
Bread Rising ( talk | history | links)
Rayleigh ( talk | history | links)
Daniel Tosh ( talk | history | links)
SEXY ( talk | history | links)
HowTo:Go Supersaiyan ( talk | history | links)
What you don't know about Mario & Luigi ( talk | history | links) ICUd

June 20th - There's gold in them there hills.

ICANN ( talk | history | links)
Bleach the white theory ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Judge bans suggestive signage, next stop, Supreme Court? ( talk | history | links) - Renamed headline
UnNews:Suicide bombers threaten strike action ( talk | history | links) - Almost exact copy of this.
Template:Serbian ( talk | history | links) - Completely useless.
UnNews:Main Page. ( talk | history | links)

June 19th - Where have all the cowboys gone!?

Acts of Union ( talk | history | links)
Tony Schiavone ( talk | history | links)
Mole ( talk | history | links)
Big mess ( talk | history | links)
Dermatological ( talk | history | links)
How to:make chuck norris cry ( talk | history | links)
Fanboy and ChumChum ( talk | history | links)
Template:Metatemplate ( talk | history | links)
Template:Spam ( talk | history | links)
HowTo:Avoid Justice as a Supervillain. ( talk | history | links) - Redundant copy of this redirect.
Silver ( talk | history | links)
Windows 2010/Windows Live Web Browser ( talk | history | links)
File talk:Foxkeh.png ( subject | history | links)
User:Azatoth ( talk | history | links) - Userpage created by an idiot.
Peter Lilley ( talk | history | links)
Atlanta Thrashers ( talk | history | links)
Atlanta Thrashers, Nashville Predators, whatever ( talk | history | links)
Stop drop and roll ( talk | history | links)
File:DSC00054.JPG ( talk | history | links) - unused
File:Bloxwich resident.jpg ( talk | history | links) - unused
Fanboy and ChumChum ( talk | history | links) it's back again. - It's already on the list. is it really, sherlock?
Game:Grueslayer/ch2/leaveoffice_nd_withwastenote ( talk | history | links)

June 18th - Tony Hayward: I don't know what the fuck you're talking about; I don't know shit about my company

Ibrahim Ali ( talk | history | links)
Midmarital wanking ( talk | history | links)
Game:Grueslayer/ch4/train/stay/gun ( talk | history | links)
Game:Grueslayer/PvP/secretagents/cabinatdreida ( talk | history | links)
File:Shoogle.gif ( talk | history | links) - No thanks. moved as thumbnail to the Masturbation article
               How is that relevant? The reason I put it here had nothing to do with it being unused or not. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 23:38, 18 June 2010
Group Sex ( talk | history | links)
Ambush ( talk | history | links)
LORD MANAB ( talk | history | links) - Advertising a blog/cyber-bullying means that Construction tag is invalid.
File:Lisakudrow.jpg ( talk | history | links) - WTF?
Borglasnak ( talk | history | links)
Talk:Cancer ( subject | history | links) - spam
Eli chambers ( talk | history | links)
Heaton ( talk | history | links)

June 17th - You: "You hear that joke they don't tell gay people?" Stranger: "no" You: "exactly"

UnNews:Working-class to be banned from getting behind wheel in attempt to cut drink-driving ( talk | history | links) -- Crap title (my article)
UnNews:Working-class to be banned from driving in attempt to cut drink-driving‎ ( talk | history | links) -- Crap title (my article)
Lucadilly ( talk | history | links) - Where's the humour?
City of Lukington ( talk | history | links)
Lucadon Parks ( talk | history | links)
User:Sog1970/ HowTo:Avoid Justice as a Supervillain. ( talk | history | links) - Double redirect. Also, moved to mainspace
Studio.h ( talk | history | links)
Uncyclopedia talk:Foreign Office/+English/Find an Asian wife! ( subject | history | links) - talk page redirect
Jobsworth ( talk | history | links) - Too stubby stub.
Tom Wilkinson ( talk | history | links) - This doesn't seem to be about the actor.
Nuuk ( talk | history | links) - Obvious copy paste.
What Constitutes an Emergency ( talk | history | links)
Yellow river ( talk | history | links)
Los Angeles burrito ( talk | history | links)
San francisco burrito ( talk | history | links)
User talk: ( subject | history | links)

June 16th - Fucking Twitter; how does it work?!

User talk: ( subject | history | links) - IP created a talk page for itself.
Harvey Birdman ( talk | history | links)
Just about any redirect by this guy
Jabulani ( talk | history | links)
FUCK U IN THE ASS WITH A SMURF ( talk | history | links)
Design Patterns ( talk | history | links) - Copied from here, apparently.
Optijesus Prime ( talk | history | links)
Francis shum ( talk | history | links)
User:Multiliteralist/Suxes ( talk | history | links) mained

June 15th - If you were a shape, what shape would you be?

William Turner ( talk | history | links) 
U fags are gay ( talk | history | links)
Emo Philips/b/tards ( talk | history | links)
Autokill ( talk | history | links)
Set a grue on opponent ( talk | history | links)
Um......CHAMP ( talk | history | links)
Game:Zork/codemastervsherc ( talk | history | links)
Game:Zork/codemastervsultimatebattle ( talk | history | links)
Rabbit-Proof Fence (film) ( talk | history | links)
User talk:Hiatus Hernia/Saki ( subject | history | links)

June 14th - Fire up the Quattro

User:Mrthejazz/Unreliable Narrator ( talk | history | links) unneeded redirect.
User:Mrthejazz/I am better than fish ( talk | history | links) ditto.
User:Mrthejazz/Hello there! I'm a kite, and I will ruin your day! ( talk | history | links) ditto.
User:Mrthejazz/Howto: Staple toast to a wall ( talk | history | links) ditto.
File talk:Gas Chamber.jpg ( subject | history | links) Disregard that, I suck cocks. Dammit, third time this week. 
Nolem ( talk | history | links)
Super Mario Sunshine ( talk | history | links)
Screw that! Where's my Magnum? ( talk | history | links)
Whatever you say ( talk | history | links)
"Hey baby, can I buy you a drink?" ( talk | history | links)
"I'm lonely, but I ain't that lonely" ( talk | history | links)
Leave with a bad-ass attitude ( talk | history | links)
There's a Chowder marathon on TV that I can't miss ( talk | history | links)
Screw that narrator, I'm too lazy. ( talk | history | links)
I don't need her, I'm a one-man army! ( talk | history | links)
I run away ( talk | history | links)
I'm going to Arby's since zombies won't be there. ( talk | history | links)
McDonald's is so far away, I'll just eat my toe.‎ ( talk | history | links)
I use kung-fu to kick their asses ( talk | history | links)
I watch The Misadventures of Flapjack instead ( talk | history | links)
Gather food and water ( talk | history | links)
I use my words like momma told me to ( talk | history | links)
Help her, she might be hot ( talk | history | links)
Find weapons ( talk | history | links)
User:Soton4life ( talk | history | links) - Not created by user.
Haw Flakes ( talk | history | links)
That time my ship was nearly sunken by some eldritch squid-headed horror during my sojourn in the Pacific Ocean ( talk | history | links)
To Serve Man ( talk | history | links)
User:Multiliteralist/Sex and Violence! ( talk | history | links) movt
User:Black_flamingo11/salamander ( talk | history | links) - moved to mainspace
User:Black flamingo11/vending machine ( talk | history | links) - moved to mainspace
LPT ( talk | history | links)
Vuvuzela ( talk | history | links)
Paint ball ( talk | history | links)
Nintendo Rehab facility ( talk | history | links)
Canadian BACON ( talk | history | links)
Jacob Duplan ( talk | history | links)
Key Nation ( talk | history | links)
Key Nation ( talk | history | links)
Hey_you ( talk | history | links) - I realise it's from 2006, but it seems kinda like Illogico-cruft.
Dragon_tales ( talk | history | links) - I am such a QVFD pimp.

June 13th - "Roger Roger, what's our Vector Victor?"

File:Annotations of an autopsy.jpg ( talk | history | links) - Unused
Timothy Williams ( talk | history | links)
Groudon ( talk | history | links)
Only for a True Uncyclopedia Fan ( talk | history | links) I put an ICU thingy on it instead. Yeah, I suck. Sorry!
Avatar/The Moovie I saw at the Weekend. ( talk | history | links)
American Preservation Society ( talk | history | links) - Sorry about that! I accidentally hit the QVFD button. 
Let It Bleed... Explicit Sexual Content Version ( talk | history | links)
Russia Soviet ( talk | history | links)
Intentional community ( talk | history | links)
HowTo:Be a Douchebagsir ( talk | history | links)
Whip Matthews ( talk | history | links)
Chinese Empire.‎ ( talk | history | links)
Vuvuzela ( talk | history | links) - either delete it, or explain the joke to me...
Intentional community ( talk | history | links)

June 12th - "We have clearance Clarence"

Very unstable NOOO! ( talk | history | links)
VUN ( talk | history | links)
VNG ( talk | history | links)
Very unstable nooo! ( talk | history | links)
Very Northern Germany ( talk | history | links)
Vagina non grata ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Grues become extinct in the wild ( talk | history | links)
Jardinains ( talk | history | links)
HANNAH MONTANA‎ ( talk | history | links)
Rubberduckzilla ( talk | history | links) - I don't think this is delete on-sight and the person says they're not finished. Wouldn't a construction tag work better? --HELPME
The Cake is a lie ( talk | history | links) - redirect to Portal (game)
The White-Out Invasion ( talk | history | links) - vanity
Ashton Under Hill ( talk | history | links)
Pages that don't fucking exist ( talk | history | links) - wtf
Battlefield Earth ( talk | history | links)
Tamil ( talk | history | links)
Blue waffle ( talk | history | links)
Pokemon (show) ( talk | history | links)

June 11th - "I have a full obese donkey tied to my back instead of a regular 'arse'."

Religious facts ( talk | history | links)
List of chocolate bars in Canada ( talk | history | links)
William Murderface ( talk | history | links)
Skwisgaar Skwigelf ( talk | history | links)
Toki Wartooth ( talk | history | links)
Pickles The Drummer ( talk | history | links) - null
Mark infanger ( talk | history | links)
Eric Stanley ( talk | history | links)
Wapadoodle ( talk | history | links)
HHHHHHHH ( talk | history | links)
Amzon ( talk | history | links)
Dan hawkins ( talk | history | links)

June 10th - I rock out to the sound of your mom getting ass-pounded

Poké Ball ( talk | history | links)
User:SPIKE/Korea ( talk | history | links) proposed substitute for page on VFD; now copied to mainspace
Zula ( talk | history | links)
Oasis.com ( talk | history | links)
Rubber soul ( talk | history | links)
Assasins creed 2 ( talk | history | links)
Ryan sams ( talk | history | links)
John von Neumann ( talk | history | links)
John von Neumann ( talk | history | links)
Superjunior ( talk | history | links)
Omanyte ( talk | history | links)
Squeekers ( talk | history | links)
The Jared ( talk | history | links)
Bite ( talk | history | links)

June 9th - "How much are your cheesy breasts?" - Ethine's mother

Newzeland ( talk | history | links)
End of w ( talk | history | links)
User:Bonner/Bank ( talk | history | links) - Creator request. Unused page.
Blue-eyes White Dragon ( talk | history | links)
Assassin's creed 2 ( talk | history | links)
Kero Emil ( talk | history | links)
Kero freshie ( talk | history | links)
Kiri m ( talk | history | links)
Abanoub Awad ( talk | history | links)
Nashville Predators ( talk | history | links)
Puyo Puyo ( talk | history | links)
Top ten deadly things on planet earth ( talk | history | links)
Bourbon ( talk | history | links) - Author's request.

June 8th - This hurricane season will be the 1st on record where it rains oil & fire

Fisher Price ( talk | history | links) - I tried what it said, and it wasn't pleasant.
 Lame joke is stupid.
Miss teen south carolina ( talk | history | links)
Peterborough Petes ( talk | history | links)
User: ( talk | history | links) - IPs don't get pages!!
Chelsea Handler ( talk | history | links)
Cục đất học ( talk | history | links)
Wikipidia‎ ( talk | history | links) - And they can't even spell right. How insulting.
Do you want a hug? ( talk | history | links) - What a fag.
Reservoir Bitches ( talk | history | links) - Vandalism
Fanboy_and_Chum_Chum ( talk | history | links) - mindless flaming and he asked somebody to finish the page on the page itself.


I kissed a tranny ( talk | history | links)
Barnstaple ( talk | history | links) - Blanked by creator.
Luois xiv ( talk | history | links)
Meowing sound ( talk | history | links)
Gough Whitlam ( talk | history | links)
Ultramarines ( talk | history | links)
Oscar ford ( talk | history | links)
Awsom-O 3000 ( talk | history | links)
NOT SAFE FOR WORK!! ( talk | history | links)
Hi-5 ( talk | history | links)
Soiled ( talk | history | links)
Ryan Duhon ( talk | history | links)==June 6th - McDonald's honey mustard. I'm thinking PARTY!!==
Fat Children ( talk | history | links)
Most fearsome creatures ( talk | history | links)
Do nothing ( talk | history | links)
Coco puffs ( talk | history | links)
Grand Theft Auto: Philippines Stories ( talk | history | links)- Carbon copy and blatant rip off of Grand Theft Auto: Philippines
Pichilemu ( talk | history | links)
 This has a current ICU on it... NOT QVFDABLE!!
Game talk:Game Online/Japan ( subject | history | links)
UnNews:Baseball's Integrity Killed ( talk | history | links) - Basically a less good version of UnNews:Baseball's integrity dies, created by the very same IP.
EHtheism ( talk | history | links) - Was redirected or something.
The Bird ( talk | history | links)
North Virginia ( talk | history | links)
South virginia ( talk | history | links)
Jon Getahun ( talk | history | links)
Tommy Emmanuel ( talk | history | links)
Nigahiga ( talk | history | links) - fuck you.
Monkey Fetish ( talk | history | links)

June 5th - Hi. I add stuff to QVFD that should just be ICU'd.

Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/I am completely drunk off my ass, have autism, and with to create a page ( talk | history | links) - Not a valid pee review request.
NOYNOY AQUINO ( talk | history | links)
Mr. robato ( talk | history | links) - Dumb redirect.
Noynoy aquino ( talk | history | links)
Al Jobo ( talk | history | links)
Jon lajoie ( talk | history | links)
Jon lajoie ( talk | history | links)
Edward Elric ( talk | history | links)

June 4th - I do know everything about fish, ya know

Pichilemu ( talk | history | links)
Template:Landmine‎ ( talk | history | links)
User_talk:Electrified_mocha_chinchilla/PLS ( subject | history | links) Just the talk page, which I accidentally created because I'm stupid.
User:Multiliteralist/Howtodestroy ( talk | history | links) moved

June 3rd - PARTY HARD!

Los osos ( talk | history | links) - towncruft i think. suck either way
CET Kerala ( talk | history | links)

June 2nd - Matfen's and Dexter's birthdays are on the third - Tell them you love 'em

Sword Soccer ( talk | history | links)
Game:Game ( talk | history | links)
James Yi ( talk | history | links) - vanity
Allie mansfield ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Silly bandz in plot to assassinate Robin Williams. ( talk | history | links)
CASTLEWELLAN ( talk | history | links)
Rozz Williams ( talk | history | links)
Sir Spamalot ( talk | history | links)
Richard Worth (Tawdry NZ ( talk | history | links)
MONDO LUCHA! (professional wrestling) ( talk | history | links)
Stitch ( talk | history | links)
UnNews:Kirtland ohio ( talk | history | links)
Spongefag Gaypants ( talk | history | links)

June 1st - Hangover day

Joseph kittinger ( talk | history | links)
Starfleet Commander Universe ( talk | history | links)
How to: get your own article at QVFD ( talk | history | links)
Gus Chiggins plantation ( talk | history | links)
700 Club ( talk | history | links)
The Penguins of Madagascar ( talk | history | links)
Why?:Life sucks ( talk | history | links)
Scott Brennan ( talk | history | links)
WHAT ( talk | history | links)
Game:The adventures of a Grue ( talk | history | links)
Blarrg ( talk | history | links)
Grace Sears ( talk | history | links)
Crazy Clown Airlines ( talk | history | links)

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