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Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/October 31

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These people are really getting into the spirit of the season

October 31: International Dress Like an Idiot Day

  • 1517 - The Protestant Reformation begins. After spending all week on his robot costume, Martin Luther goes to the local church but they won't give him candy. He plays a trick on them spreading his theses all over the church door.
  • 1897 - The City of London's Best Halloween Costume prize is awarded to Oscar Wilde for his clever Oscar Wilde costume.
  • 1969 - Women discover that instead of putting time into making an awesome costume they can just take a normal job uniform and slut it up a bit.
  • 1970 - Richard Nixon puts poison and razor blades in children's candy.
  • 2025 - The end is marked by children knocking on your door and asking for treats.