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Uncyclopedia:Anniversaries/October 16

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"My cultural legacy will outlive all of you quote-fabricating shitfuckers, eat greasy pimpled dicks you worm-brained junk oglers." — Oscar Wilde

October 16: Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde Appreciation Day

  • 1854 - Oscar Wilde is born, the World rejoices this event.
  • 1914 - The first National Making Up Oscar Wilde Quotes Championship is held in Southamptonshire on Boxbridge, England.
  • 1963 - A statue of Wilde is erected in his birthplace: Dublin, Ireland. It is inscribed with passages from his most well-known work, The Happy Prince and Other Stories, and becomes a site of pilgrimage for struggling young homosexual playwrights around the world.
  • 2007 - Online garbage fire Uncyclopedia hopes referencing Oscar Wilde rubs off on the quality of its shitty articles, fails horribly.