Holocaust Simulator

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Holocaust Simulator is a camp simulation game about Auschwitz II-Birkenau. It was released on Febuary 17, 2009 for Windows XP. "KoolKonzentrationslagerGames Studios" released the game, but it did not pick up until mid 2011. In Holocaust Simulator, You start off in the very beginning as the President of a German gas company, IG Farben, in 1925, where Hitler tells you his plans to "exterminate the Jews." After building the camp (takes about 3 hours, also serves as a tutorial)you then switch over to Fritz Hartjenstein in 1940 to start bringing the Jews to summer camp. Obviously, you are trying to gas the Jews. Every "Lagerhäftling"(Happy Camper) you let have a "shower", you get more "HitlerBux".

“I have more HitlerBux than anyone on the fuhrerboard!”

~ Communist Obama on Holocaust Simulator

“How much longer until these penis-lengthining pills work?”

~ You on Meds

“This game is more fun than Holocaust Tycoon, you should try it.”

~ Average Holocaust Simulator Enjoyer

Traits[edit | edit source]

(Inspectors can have any of these traits, for some reason the traits are 1 per letter)

Guard and Prisoner Traits[edit | edit source]

  • Asshole - general jerk, no bitches
  • Bitch - will have sex for money
  • Cocaine Addict - needs crack. Self explanation
  • Dung Flinger - KILL THEM ALL
  • Ear - snitch bitch
  • Gay - hot and steamy gay sex for 22 hours straight
  • Homophobic - will kill all the gays
  • Individual - will not ask for help with anything, won't help with anything
  • JammerHammer - we don't know. The trait says nothing. It does nothing???
  • Kuu-Kuu-Krazy - fuckjikckckg madmen
  • LSD Addict - lucy in the skyyy with diamonds (up her ass)...
  • Mocker - dead within 48 hours
  • N word (I only have 1 N word pass left) - big black oily man. We only know about this trait because all of the Easter Egg units have this trait
  • Openly Gay - Dead within 32 hours (Unless they start having sex for free)
  • Penis Sucker - self explanation
  • Quick - fast af ngl
  • Retard - self explanation
  • Semen Lover - another self explanation
  • Titties - is a 10 even if male
  • Un-happy - depressed fucker
  • Victorious - always wins fights
  • Weirdo - dead within 24 hours
  • XPerianced - been to another camp
  • Yokel - hillbilly, likes country music, dead within 12 hours
  • ZZZzzzzzzzz - while writing thus I fell asleep I MEAN WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?

Guard Only Traits[edit | edit source]

  • Brutal - kills without mercy
  • Happy - what, you thought a prisoner could be happy?
  • Dum - Damn. A lot of these are self explanatory
  • Bribeable - provably should kill these guys...
  • Dogshit - bad at everything

Prisoner Types[edit | edit source]

Normal Prisoners[edit | edit source]

  • Jew - your basic prisoners, make sure to separate males from females (once you shave their heads they all look the same)
  • Pole - like Jews, but all of them are alcoholics and only have a few braincells. DO NOT PUT THEM WITH THE JEWS THEY HATE THEM
  • Homosexual - will probably fuck each other, will make all other prisoners gay along with them. Some guards will have the trait, Homophobic and will kill all of them
  • Yugoslav - fights only other Yugoslavs, just let them kill each other. No need for anybody else to get involved
  • Gyp - somehow smuggle in random ass trinkets, let them sell the trinkets to guards and kill them to get extra HitlerBux

Easter Egg Prisoners[edit | edit source]

  • niggas - big black oily men who will have hot and steamy sex with any other prisoner. Also really good at sports and love kfc and watermelon
  • Commies - will share all of the things they have, but some of them get more than others
  • No other Easter Egg Prisoners have been found (so far!)

Killing Methods[edit | edit source]

Of course, with any good Genocide, you need to kill people. But how? We have over 5 easy ways to get rid if scum! We've ranked them for you down below.

Geschichtsmodus (Story Mode)[edit | edit source]

You start off in the very beginning as the President of a German gas company, IG Farben, in 1925, where Hitler tells you his plans to "exterminate the Jewish." After building the camp, you will become the first camp director in 1940, you become Josef Kramer.. Areas 2-7 are his time as director. Success in Area 2 is essential to win the game. If you hire the wrong guards, you are FUCKED. Speaking of being fucked, after Area 4 is complete, DO NOT SKIP THE CUTSCENE. This cutscene is very important, because The Fuhrer walks in and asks for a woman. "Jedes Mädchen zwischen vierzehn und sechzehn.", he says. He may only have one testicle, but that doesn't mean he has a small penis. When you switch to Hitler for the cutscene, every time you cum, she will gradually get a cum belly. Keep doing this until the cum goes out her mouth, and you will get 10,000 HitlerBux. After Area 7, a new leader comes in. He is Fritz Hartjenstein, and he is not as good. Sometimes placements will be off by a square, etc. Once he is captured, you FINALLY can activate the Jew Revolt. That will be the end of the story, along with credits.

External Links[edit | edit source]