Forum:The meaning of life

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Forums: Index > BHOP > The meaning of life
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5377 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Everybody, I have discovered the meaning of life (or the meaning of organic meatbags, Go play KOTOR if you have no clue where i got that from) so what the heck is the meaning of life, and how did life begin, well i'm only here to answer the first one, but if you want to know the meaning of life, then ask me what the meaning of lifis, if you are not gonna respond, then I can't tell you, I am limited to just a few more words after this so i guess I'll just tell you, wait, why am I stalling, I should stop, Do you want to know, WHAT THE HECK THE MEANING OF LIFE IS, the meaning of life, well, great, I can't tell you, It's a secret, a secret that I'd tell you, but you have to find out for yourself, If you are that desperate to know, post that you would... – Preceding unsigned comment added by Fonebone933 (talk • contribs)

Tip: Generslly, with a bait and swith, you can't just give a concise summary of something, because that is what people are expecting. Try doging the question a bit more. Saberwolf116 14:12, 21 July 2009 (UTC)
I think I have a clue.... —Extrasolar intelligence revealed! By this fish! By the way, if this was in the UnNews, it would be called: UnNews:Wierd fish that can detect radio waves "detected" alien conversation from a nearby planet.Flutter Fan girl 1.jpg Tuwoolookie! | My History | Brute! Nuke explosion.gif 21:48, 21 July 2009
ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS THIS, "42".--Almost Sir Random Crap

THAT IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE THE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING, not to life in general, Life in general, Why we are here you ask? you probably didn't, well why are we here anyways, Well I need a drumroll, do any of you know how to play the Snare? BTW, Be funny and not just stupid, well most people on here are, when I get that drumroll sound link, Then I'll tell you.

See also

--EMC [TALK] 02:39, 25 July 2009 (UTC)

Or even

If you're really desperate. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 00:35, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

The real meaning of life

Is to score as many points as possible before dying. How to score points has been a heated debate that nobody can agree on. Some claim that life is undefined and has no meaning because the universe was a cosmic accident by one of God's assistants, and that the true life and universe only exists after dying and getting away from this one. But since nobody comes back after dying, we won't know. An alternative theory is that the big bang and other things were caused by God's cat stepping on his computer keyboard and causing problems with his universe simulator program, and that God wasn't done writing the code, but didn't want to destroy the universe as it would kill off all alive and everything as we know it. Others argue that the meaning of life varies from person to person and that each person is to give their life meaning by doing good things for others, etc. But really the real and true meaning about life is suffering, as living is suffering and all are meant to suffer in some way. Managing the suffering helps bring meaning to life. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 04:22, 30 July 2009 (UTC)

So the goal is to get laid? I'm basing this off of your first two sentences, but I think I'm pretty spot-on. Sig pic.PNG Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 04:28, 30 July 2009 (UTC)
The winner of life is the one who dies with the most money. /thread - T.L.B. Baloon.gif WotM, UotM, FPrize, AotM, ANotM, PLS, UN:HS, GUN 17:12, Jul 30