User:Some user/archive3

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But Why Me?[edit | edit source]

You have been cited in Uncyclopedian Bios.
Apparently you are "notable". Don't ask me why; I think you're lame.

I do too.

New Sig[edit | edit source]

-- c • > • cunwapquc? Just add {{User:Some user/sig}} to your nickname box in preferences.

  • ACK! Did you do that from scratch? Thanks (!) - that's snort-out-the-nose funny, M, and I put it on my main user page just now, but for discussions I'm probably going to want something a bit less...attention-getting! Let me think about it for a bit. --Some user 02:46, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
Attention getting? What? HUH?! I barely noticed it on your user page. I stole the cat and the nose part of the face but the animation is all mine.

If you need a good laugh briefly skim over the page Skippy_the_Kangaroo and then go to the discussion page... click on the link and follow the directions in bold. -- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  03:23, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

I saw that! Goth kangaroos are always a problem, especially when they won't turn down the volume on their @#%$!! Sisters of Mercy and Skinny Puppy albums. But re: the sig, seeing David Gerard's name on this page reminded me of my earlier vow that I'm not going to use a fancy /sig template until David starts using one. Besides, I still can't decide if Sir Some User CUN VFH actually looks/sounds funny, or just dumb...? --Some user 17:51, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
This will never happen - David Gerard 01:18, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Since when is Skinny Puppy goth? Or has industrial been assimilated by the goths? Anyway, I think, Æsir Some User CUN VFH would work. You get the Æ symbol along with the very common and overused sir. Then if anyone knows what an Æsir is/are you look extra cool. -- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  04:31, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Norse God? Me? I'm practically Jewish! And sorry about the genre mixup... Back when I was in school, nobody differentiated between "goth," "industrial," "punk," or anything else, they just called it "non-Lynyrd Skynyrd shit." All we really had back then was Siouxsie, the Cure, Bauhaus, and Joy Division... Also, I had to walk 5 miles to school in deep snow with no shoes on. (And then I heard "God's Gift Maggot," and my life changed forever...) --Some user 15:57, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
I made the image link to your userpage now :) --officer designate Club symbol.png Lugiatm Club symbol.png MUN NS CM ZM WH 11:57, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Thanks, Lugiatm! I was wondering how you did that... But here's what I've decided: I'm only going to use the fancy sig when there's a really good reason, and while I can't really come up with a scenario (yet) in which there might be such a reason, I'm sure there will be one eventually. In general, though, I'm going to adhere to my Do As David Does Always (DADDA) philosophy, and if he's never going to do it, then I won't either. (I guess that also means I'll be nominating more articles on the VFH page, too!) I sincerely appreciate the effort Mahroww and you have made on my behalf, though, so out of respect for that, count on seeing the full /sig posted around here somewhere, at some point. --Some user 15:57, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Already taken care of (if by full, you mean the one I did!). See the VHP and the ensuing joke if you haven't already. Æsir is the conglomeration of Norse gods...I think that makes them Jewish. I really don't know much about it otherwise. heh...the reason you didn't hear industrial is because you hung around people, they that listened to Lynyrd Skynyrd. Which is ironic. Check out the link to the CUN that did for you in your alternate sig above.
You keep forgetting to sign things, M! I'm sort of half-Jewish, depending on how my mom feels about her parents on any given day. If someone asks me what religion I am, I usually just say I'm "ignorant" - that always shuts 'em up! And believe me, I tried to avoid the Lynyrd Skynyrd people as much as I could... Post-punk itself didn't even exist until I was already a college student. So where were we, anyway? I'm starting to get confused... Maybe it's time for another archive... Ehhh, anyways, don't hesitate to change the Polar bear caption to whatever you want; it's your image, so I doubt anybody would get too upset, other than a couple of vote changes. Who knows, you might get some "against" votes changed to "for" votes.  c • > • cunwapquc? 20:20, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Actually, I like your caption. I was just using you as an outlet to indirectly make fun of the people that can't read or just don't get it. Personally I don't think it's frontpage material. Although, there have been some pretty bad featured pics so maybe it is. Also, since I think I forgot thanks for the Pope Template. I want to do a series of pics and articles so it'll be a while before they are finished and implemented. Lastly, great job on the Tourette's portion of Sir Alec. Awesome. Not to mention I do not have to go back and detail it. Which brings me to I faced a coy duke with tall guns. Is that an actual Oscar Wilde quote? If I can't figure it out will you tell me? Not that I have become obsessed with it or anything -- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  22:44, 5 February 2006 (UTC)-- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  22:44, 5 February 2006 (UTC)-- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  22:44, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

Popes[edit | edit source]

Hey, I wrote an article about theocracy. Let me know what you think, be brutal if you want to. Also, I need to make Hypocracy a conpanion piece. I wanted to be lazy and link to hypocrisy but it was kinda stupid. As for the popes...I have lots of good pics in mind but not much content. I suppose it wouldn't matter much because of the lack of info on most of the early ones anyway. It'd be easy just to "confuse" their name with someone else. Pope peter: peter pan, peter piper, etc. Pope Linus: Linus from peanuts...etc etc. I know crap about catholic popes too so it ought to make for absurd humor. -- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  22:25, 3 February 2006 (UTC) <--- I have to change the annoying animated .gif as well. It either has to get a lot more annoying or a lot less.

I like it! This is excellent work, M - great illustration, length is perfect, and well-written - the deliberate confoozledness is very well done. No need for brutality, either - if I had any criticisms at all, it would only be that you've saved your best joke lines for the end... The picture sells it, but maybe it just needs one easy-to-get gag "up top" to close the deal, so to speak, and you're totally there. (A lot of people use made-up quotes for that, of course - I try not to personally, but that's just because I like to be different.) Btw, I don't think you need a proofreader, but if you want me to go over it, just ask - I used to do that professionally, and maybe Tompkins (see below), despite being a very rude person, would even give me a good reference. Also, I love the new /sig! (Eventually I'll just have to give in and make one for myself, I suppose...) --Some user 23:30, 3 February 2006 (UTC)

I forgot to add the {{wikipedia}} thingymajig so I have to edit it anyway. I'll think of something to add in the beginning. I was thinking it needed something also. I don't really like the quotes though. They're too easy...or is that cheesy? Anyway, I have an idea for a sig for you. Consider it a gift for the proofread. I think it's always good to have a non-biased opinion, it helps keep your ego minimized and your work from sucking. -- – Mahroww a.k.a. Artemis Toro Heiney  01:07, 4 February 2006 (UTC)

Noob Hunt[edit | edit source]

Well, actually it was my first time, i wanted to see if their was anyone worth nominating. Maybe next month we can go together. It's lots o' fun! HOMESTAR ME!!! TURTLE ME!!! t o m p k i n s  blah. ﺞوﻦ וףה ՃՄ ண்ஸ ފއހ วอฏม +տ trade websites 22:44, 2 February 2006 (UTC)

They should make the log of new user accounts added available, shouldn't they? It would certainly make things a lot easier - you could even run a bot to correlate multi-day bans with new account adds, to get... oh, never mind. --Some user 04:15, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
You lost me after the "-" damn those things. Anyway yeah they should make users that have joined in the past month or whatever it is. It wouldn't be that hard, or just a list of all members ordered in terms of when they joined. It'd help for more than just NotM, but also like sockpuppet votes and things like that. Ah, well, I'd mention, but most of the admins tend to not listen to me. HOMESTAR ME!!! TURTLE ME!!! t o m p k i n s  blah. ﺞوﻦ וףה ՃՄ ண்ஸ ފއހ วอฏม +տ trade websites 21:36, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
That was a reference to my claim in Talk:Veil of Smoke and Mirrors, as well as Wikiphrenia#Causes, that punitive bans produce sock puppets, as opposed to the other way around - which is to say that people running multiple accounts never get caught, and even if they did they'd just get banned again anyway - at which point they'd simply start all over again, only smarter the next time. --Some user 23:30, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
Not in my experience - David Gerard 14:58, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
But if it's true that they never get caught, then how can you have any experience with it? Or are you saying they do get caught, and we never hear about what happens? (This could be crucial to my next wikiwhatever article.) --Some user 17:05, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
See discussion on the dump re: clues to the clueless. Usually people get kicked off Wikipedia for being (or turning into from merely clue-poor) irredeemable fuckheads. Then they keep coming back, because they're addicted and jonesing and obsessed. So they try stealthing their way back on, but they keep getting caught for acting like a fuckhead again. They assume this must be conspiracy (because they are clueless) and besides they'd never catch themselves out so no-one else can be smart enough either, right? Or, to synopsise: clueless fuckheads have a noted tendency to keep acting like clueless fuckheads and act surprised when they are (a) caught (b) still unwelcome - David Gerard 01:18, 5 February 2006 (UTC)

Noob List[edit | edit source]

Like the idea of a n00b list....will suggest it at the next available cabal. Also, I'm considering starting a Sockpuppet of the Month award, perhaps as the resident expert you can come up with some ideas? :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

Mhaille, I hope you're kidding. Please tell me you're kidding. By the way, how do you pronounce "Mhaille"? I've been reading it as "ma-HAIL," but this has always bothered me for some reason. (And did you get a chance to see my version of Moogawooga?) --Some user 23:30, 3 February 2006 (UTC)
Wikipedia has Special:Log/newusers, so presumably it'll be in MediaWiki 1.6 - David Gerard 15:11, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
I thought "Socko of the Month" would be a great idea.....although in all probability the "reward" of a complimentary ban would put a few people off.... :) Back to the drawing board. Its pronounced "Mal-lee", btw. But I'm not bothered how people pronounce it, the most important thing is that they rememeber it. :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
Which syllable has the emphasis, in other words is it Mal-lee as in "Malley," or "ma'LEE"? And it's hard not to remember it, with that huge Union Jack in there. Regardless... Back on this page I was sort of about to say something on that whole subject, but it's something I shouldn't be saying "out here," and I thought the better of it. Maybe if I ever get around to visiting the IRC cabal someday we can discuss it there. But IMHO this site won't benefit from witch-hunting, especially if the punishment for being a witch is just going to be more banning. But I dunno, maybe David's right, and bans really do work... I've sort of decided not to worry about it anymore. (There's a lot of other stuff going on now that's much more important anyway!) --Some user 18:04, 4 February 2006 (UTC)
Keeping up teh funny always earns one points, as does trying not to act like a dick. I'd hope that was simple enough for anyone we'd actually want on the site ... - David Gerard 01:18, 5 February 2006 (UTC)
Closer to Malley, which is one of the anglosized versions of the name. Just so you know. :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

Neuroipods[edit | edit source]

Now was that completely necessary? I think so..... :) Nice work. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)