User:Mr-ex777/My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/non-brony friendly truth

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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic
GTA San Andreas Pony Logo.jpg

Their logo

What is was supposed to be A Cartoon for 6 year old girls
What it became The epitome of pure faggotry, furfag bait, and cancer of the internet
The One Who Made It Lauren Faust, Mr. Hands' ghost
Length 2010-as long as faggotry exists
Number of episodes Infinity
Will you be called insane? Yes, if you're 18-60 years old above.
Watchers Bronies, horse fuckers, and pedophiles

“and no, that wasn't a meme, not a subculture, it's just a bloated, comical example of what happens when extreme faggotry won over humanity.”

~ Uncyclopedia on This so called meme and subculture

My little pony:Friendship is magic is a cartoon which is purportedly intended for an audience of 6 year old girls, but due to reasons which will become clear, it has become the single most primordial and pure form of faggotry that netkind has ever experienced. In fact, the creator of the show, Lauren Faust, sold her soul to a horse fucker known as Mr. hands even before she created the show. And thus, any 18- year old men who saw the show instead saw a very addictive horse mating dance, and became the hell-spawn known as bronies. This article will discuss the finer and inner aspects of this pure faggotry and so reader discretion is advised. thou had been warned.

Origins[edit | edit source]

What FIM is supposed to attract
What FIM actually attracted

Before october, 10, 2010, the internet was a very straight place. people play their own games, remix their own music, posted their own favourite art onto deviantART and created normal fan fiction. The trolls trolled for justice and and the furries will not reveal themselves to the public due to their sheer faggotry. Even the most perverted of furries only drew foxes, wolves, and dragons, the most arrogant of video game fanboys are manly and not faggots, and the most unfunny of comedians are trolled to death. But in the fateful day, A women known as lauren faust sold her soul to the spirit of the legendary horse fucker Mr.hands, (DO NOT look for it on google)which is the predicted 73rd demon of the ars goetia. And so, under the control of mr.hands, she rebooted the long dead show for 6 year old girls and depressed lesbians known as my little pony, named the reboot my little pony: friendship is magic, and imbued it with the magic of Mr. hands. Due to the magic of Mr. hands, it was cursed with a demonic spell which men over the age of 18 will see a addictive horse mating dance and became addicted to the show like drugs. And thus, all hell breaks loose; faggotry is released to the world, turning even the straightest of Basement-dwellers and Weeaboos into a blight of mankind. This all started as a harmless omen which appeared in the board of 4Chan's /co/ board. Soon this once harmless omen spreaded into every single board of 4chan. Even the great lord of all boards, /b/, was not spared from the wrath of faggotry. Then this faggotry spreaded from 4chan into the internet like wildfire, and basement dwellers from all over the world became a part of the legion of horror inside the cancerous tumor all over the internet. The only way to free these horsefuckers is death.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Mr. hands[edit | edit source]

No, i will not show him to you.

He is actually the main character of my little pony: friendship is magic, despite not actually seen in the show. He motivates the ponies to fuck each other and have lesbian sex. He made lauren faust create this show. All of the ponies are his bitch. He is the one who makes the horse mating dance visible inside the show, and as a result all bronies worship him, and desire to kamikaze themselves in his way. Anyway, his ghost motivated the brony craze...

Twilight Sparkle[edit | edit source]

A Lord's servant who is horny and like hot lesbian secks. She is Mr. Hand's alpha of his harem of horses. She only exists to Fullfill Mr. Hand's sexual fantasies. Overall a boring Mary-Sue.

Applejack[edit | edit source]

A hillbilly who likes to stick apples in her anus and let Mr. hands eat it. She also let's other ponies eat her anus-apple. Actually she this tranny has a penis, so She he is a raging homosexual.

Rainbow Dash[edit | edit source]

Tomboy pony who is a hero (Not to be confused with An Hero.)She is the most active one who always wants Mr. Hand's cock. She is also a futa and fucks other ponies.

Rarity[edit | edit source]

A vain unicorn who loves to make horse dildoes for the ponies and Mr. hands. For some reason her horse dildoes have magical powers that can cause orgasms on ponies and demons also enjoy the feel.

Pinkie Pie[edit | edit source]

least of the Mr. hand's harem, but the one who is most horny. As a result she uses rarity's dildoes to fuck herself.

Fluttershy[edit | edit source]

Very loveshy and does not want to talk. Mr. hands raped her like 500 times over the show. and she always said; "And i found myself face to face... with a fire pony!!!" while getting raped.

SPIKE[edit | edit source]

Twilight sparkle's confidant. but in reality Mr. Hands hates him because he is a faggot homosexual and he is not a horse. Twilight sparkle made his cock 3 feet long at the end of season 2.

Celestia[edit | edit source]

Also known as lauren faust. She sold her soul to Mr. hands, which caused her to turn into a pony with horsecock.

Luna[edit | edit source]

A voice actor who sold her soul to Mr. hands and became into a emo pony who wants to cut herself.

Derpy hooves[edit | edit source]

A pony who still cannot have sex. Always raped by others.

Scotaloo[edit | edit source]

Lauren faust made this pony just to show what will happen to anti-bronies, hence the name "Scotaloo abuse", a favourite fetish of all bronies.

The rest[edit | edit source]

The rest are either latent homosexuals, fans of the show, or are random basement dwellers lauren faust had seen.

Why does this seemingly innocent cartoon show turn into a raw, untamed form of AIDS and Faggotry?[edit | edit source]

The worst form of faggotry before ponies.
The highest form of faggotry after MLP has released into the world.

There is no definte reason why does this once girly show, viewed by lesbians and 6 year old girls turned into such a raw, hard and untamed form of faggotry. But there are a few spectaculated reasons; The first and most obvious one is The furry fandom. The furry fandom is the most primal form of faggotry of the worst kind, and when they see a cartoon show about neon girly animals, they obviously want to spread it to other furries. Then a normal person comes contact into these animal-fuckers and they turn into furries as well. This once-normal person then ran to 4Chan and turned more people ino furries. then the 4channers spreaded it to the internet, and soon 70% of once-innocent netizens soon become the terror known as "bronies" or the furfags in denial, and all fans of the show. Secondly, scientists spectaculate that this form of faggotry comes from the spirit of Mr. hands himself. Mr. hand's demonic powers can make him control people and turn them into horse fuckers, Make people have an urge to fuck horses, and anyone who sold his soul to him will gain fame out from innocent people, as long as they sacrifice horse cock to him. (A horse dildo is fine too.) Another reason is 4Chan themselves. Some spectaculate that the first brony on 4Chan was not a furfag, but instead a very straight person who found it cute and funny. But 4Chan is ridden of many closet furfags and when they saw this, they started to spam this craze like fire, turning other 4channers to bronies who don't think they are furries (In fact, they are.) And soon this has gone to the meme cycle of 4chan > knowyourmeme > Reddit > All the internet. and thus using this cycle, It quickly turns into a primordial, raw and untamed form of faggotry as we previously say it. No matter how the reason is, we are sure that this show is the purest form of faggotry to exist, more so than everything else.

What should you do if your Friend likes this show[edit | edit source]

  • Let a real horse get loose and see if he stays and have a boner. if he does, call the horse to fuck him. Then see if his anus a splodes after 2 days, or if he get some sexually transmitted diesease of horses. Then if he does, bring him to research so the scientists can create cures for pet horses. If not, the horse will kill him anyway.
  • show them the clip of Mr. hands, then watch him to shriek in terror.
  • If you know how to draw, draw him some pony guro or futa ponies blowing each other. Make sure to make them look like a real horse.
  • Hack into, DeviantART and equestria daily so he won't be able to masturbate to ponies.
  • Pass a law where it becomes punishable for masturbating to this show.
  • Do what you do against furfags.

What you can do to help[edit | edit source]

Well, You DO NOT want to become the next one.
  • The first thing of all, DO NOT WATCH THE SHOW. DO NOT. Anyone who had watched the show soon found themselves exposed to the horse mating dace and they got addicted to it and turn into bronies. You shall not fall in their pitfalls.
  • Attack Brony hideouts. Famous brony hideouts include DeviantART, Equestria daily, Fimfiction, Memebase, and any other low-leveled meme site. The best method to do this is to use a bot. Name a few spambots with pokemon names and start rampaging. Exploit security holes on their hideouts. Finally, if you want to do it straight, post Mr. hands.
  • If you know how to draw, draw some disgusting rule 34. make them as disgusting as possible, and if possible involve Goatse, Meatspin, Tubgirl, and 2 Girls 1 cup. Then post it to brony hideouts. This should make their head A SPLODE.
  • Avoid contact with bronies and Lauren Faust. If you come into contact with them, You are in danger in becoming a brony. Prolonged contact is a pitfall.
Preceded by:
Embarrassing Teenage Fads
2010 - now
Succeeded by:

See Also[edit | edit source]