User:Mak G Nigga/Sandbox

This article has been awarded the Real Nigga Seal of Approval
“They wouldn't let me join... ”
“They Gangbanged me.”
“I pity the foo who don't like The Super Negro Power Force 5.”
“They stole my car then trew a wild party in my predomanantly white neighborhood.”
In the year 2025 after the end of World War IV there was a nuclear bomb that went off turning most of Earth's inhabitants in to Zombies and shit but being the great heroes they are 5 great warriors teamed up to become 1 unstopable kick ass weed smoking syrup drinking rap producing motherfucking force....The Super Negro Power Force 5.
Members[edit | edit source]
As always there has never been a single replacement member because all of these men are invincible.
- Rasta Jesus
- The leader of The Super Negro Power Force 5 and explosives expert.
- Sam "Motherfucking Motherfucker" Jackson
- The second in command of The Super Negro Power Force 5 and expert of being a Bad Motherfucker.
- Snoop Dogg
- As a gang member Snoop is very good with guns and talks like a G.
- Dr. Dre
- Because Snoop wouldn't join unless Dre joined (Dre produced the groups theme song).
- Lil Wayne
- Wayne only got to join because Rasta Jesus is, in fact, Lil Wayne's father.
Battle of Zombie Forge[edit | edit source]
As their first mission as the Super Negro Power Force they had to eliminate all of the zombies and shit that had been strewn over the earth by the nuke. As they entered the Canyon of Bad Motherfuckers where all bad motherfuckers come to die they had a feeling they were going to be ambushed, just as suspected they were ambushed by zombies. The battle went on for a whole 156 days with not a single person or zombie stopping to eat. This is the fact that makes the members of the Super Negro Power Force a force to recon with.
Reserve Members[edit | edit source]
Just as with all major superpowered hero groups they have a list of people unless someone gets sick or has to go do something.
- Mr.T
- Terry Crews
- Dolemite
- Blackula
- Black Jesus
- Shaft
- Wesley Snipes
- Mike Tyson
- Biggie Smalls
- 2Pac
- Barack Obama
- O.J. Simpson
- Chris Rock
- Black Dynamite
The Rage of George Bush[edit | edit source]
As time went on, the team became more famous and bitches wanted to have sex with them because they were black and so damn cool. This enraged George Bush as he remembers the time when white people were cool before rap music. He decided that it was up to him to save the white honkeys from being lame forever and so he built a supersuit to help him beat the Super Negro Power Force. This was the start of the red campaign.
The Super Negro Power Force and The Red Campaign[edit | edit source]
This was the first time in history that the Super Negro Power Force had ever been challenged by anyone so basically it was the 5 original members and the 14 reserve members against the United States of America and it's allies. The Red Campaign was the largest battle gathering of middle aged white men in the history of the world with a count of 2,968,998,456 white men. The 19 black men stood no tanks or weapons, just their bare hands and rippling abs the act was so gangsta and black it made every white man piss his sad, ungrateful, white pants. The war went on for 2 years, 159 days, 2 hours, and 15 minutes by the end all of the white men were dead. The only injury for the super negro power force is when Rasta Jesus accidentally dropped hot weed ashes and burnedSnoop Dogg. It is known as the bloodiest battle in history even more than WW∞.
SNPF5 Discography[edit | edit source]
other than being black and awesome the Super Negro Power Force 5 formed a rap group called SNPF5. And has a shitload of bangin ass nigger music.
'Super Black -1905 (went number 1 on gangsta ass music charts)