
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
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This page contains no actual writing what so ever, consisting solely of various templates. Furthermore, he has stolen template code and precious bodily fluids created by the best and wisest of Uncyclopedians and wasted valuable time, bandwidth and cheese. Also half of this page was stolen from User:Babbler

Please congratulate him on his good deeds.

For those obsessed with the so-called experts, Torqueing also has a userpage on the English Wikipedia.
To date, this user has written most/all of the following articles:

As you can see, most are candidates for speedy deletion.

The rest are not that important.

Please examine these articles to confirm your first suppositions about this user.

This article is dumb.
This article is complete trash, probably written by someone with SEHS. I hate it, and so do you. Please see the relevant discussion on the talk page.

Bloink1 solid.png
This page has too many templates.
And I'm not helping. Please eliminate a couple.
United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and may nut you, you slag.
(British Uncyclopedians)