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100000000 users are currently banned after defacing this page.
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please read About Uncyclopedia, the Beginner's Guide,
and How To Be Funny And Not Just Stupid

Licensed under absolutely nothing. Have a fucking field day. Abuse this for your own sick pleasures. No license.png

47Monkey Party
logo here please.
Political ideology Anger, and death to Heathens.
Color(s) Black.

Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey.

The physical manifestation of 47Monkey. In reality he is quasi-sentient grouping of immensely heated gases, and nano machines. He is powered by Midori.

Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. Monkey. meh

Stop hand nuvola alternate.svg
I was blocked from Uncyclopedia, and all I got was this lousy template!
47Monkey has been blocked from Uncyclopedia for misconduct. May their sad fate serve as a warning to others. Make Uncyclopedia better, not worse. Stop the cycle of violins.


Time - Calendar - Second - Minute - Hour - Tomorrow - Today - Yesterday - Day - Weekday - Weekend - Month - Year - Decade - The Past - The Present - The Future

Months of the Year: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Days of the Week: Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday