Uncyclopedia:Hall of Shame/Electrified mocha chinchilla
Features: 38
Inanimate Sponge, Really Big Tree, Grue's Clues, HowTo:Write A Thesis Statement, Adolf Hitler, Letter to the Isle, Preflight procedures, Commercial, Maginot Line, Godzilla vs. Urethra, Holocaust denial denial, Why?:Destroy the Rainforest, Alien v. Predator, United Nations Charter, Virginia Tech Massacre (with Ljlego), Poetry, Give a shit, Uncyclopedia Madness, Officers and Espionage, Jesus' foreskin, Morning wood, Gay whales in Darfur, HowTo:Tell who is posting as an admin on the Uncyc Facebook page, The Grand Canyon, Anderson Cooper, 5 Things Cracked Stole From Uncyclopedia, Muammar Gaddafi, UnNews:Justin Bieber eats a sandwich, UnNews:Teenager admits to having fun; D.E.A. moves to classify 'fun' as a Schedule I drug, Archaeology, Thunderstorm of 1976, UnNews:U.N. warns Syria to halt violence or face further warnings, The Maori Show (with Mhaille), Dr. N. Toleránt's Informative Letter: An Informative Letter, Offended, Confederate States Air Force, Gym, Untitled Airlines (with Aimsplode and Dr. Skullthumper), Vaping