Uncyclopedia:Templating/Page 1024

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'Monotype Corsiva', 'Lucida Calligraphy', 'Lucida Blackletter', serif

Your comprehensive guide to Templates on Uncyclopedia.


Example.jpg This is an exemplary template.
(Food for thought – chew carefully.)
The input is Template:Template.



Congratulations! You have reached the End of the Internet! Where would you like to go? East? West? North? South? Outside?
Now, go away, because I'm afraid that this article could asplode at any second and this template is no moon.
Note: This article is Bob Barker-approved. Really, it is.

“I've already reached the End of the Internet! Sadly, I had only got DSL a year before I reached it.”

~ Richard M. Stallman on The End of the Internet

Sign the EOTI guestbook!


Sign the EOTI Guestbook below this line[edit source]

Symbol wtf vote.svg WTF?  ® SIR CODPIECE Call of Duty
talk  9:12, 18 September 2015
Symbol apathy vote.svg Meh. ~Formerly Annoying Crap 11:11, 17 September 2015

piss (talk) 17:43, 16 January 2019 (UTC)

Symbol apathy vote.svg Meh. User:GlacierPark19/sig I really need a life. January 19th, 2021

This is The End, my only friend, The End...
End | End of History | End of Time | End of the Internet | End of the World | End of the Universe | The End
Apocalypse | Doomsday | Extinction | The Big Crunch | Post Apocalypse | The End of Uncyclopedia